Episode 2: The Open Arms

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Me and Bigby went backstage. There was stuff in the lockers but we didn't take any of it. We went around the corner to see the woman in front of a mirror in a white dress. "Excuse us?" Bigby said.
"I've never seen you here before." The woman told us.
"Never had a reason to come here." Bigby said.
"You're trying to place me." The woman said. "They used to call me The Little Mermaid. My name is Nerissa."
"Well Nerissa, we have a few questions." I told her.
"I don't have answers. I'm sorry." She said. Bigby asked her about 207. Nerissa just said they can't talk about work. "I can't. These lips are sealed." She said. I put the book next to her. "Lily's client and Room 207, where are they?" I asked.
"Uhh..." I think Nerissa wanted to help, but she couldn't. "Uhh...Sheriffs, would you two like to set up an 'appointment' with me?" She asked.
"Uhh...okay...sure." Bigby said. "What would we need to do?" Nerissa grabbed a book and started to write in it. "I need 150. It's not good to be short." Nerissa told us.
"All i have is $58." I told her.
"I'll pay her." Bigby said. He reached in his pocket and pulled out $150. Lucky he pocketed Tweedle Dee's money. Nerissa took it and left the room. She came back with a key to room 204 at The Open Arms. "Not 207?" Bigby asked.
"You'll think of something." She said. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

Me and Bigby went to The Open Arms. Bigby ringed the bell. Neither of us were expecting Beauty to answer. "Bigby! Y/n!" She said.
"Beauty, this where you-"
"I work the front desk." Beauty told us, interrupting me. "Thanks for not telling Beast."
"You're welcome." I said.
"We're here to investigate the murder of Holly's sister, Lily. We have a lead. Room 207." Bigby told her. Beauty sighed and left the front desk. "If I'm seen with you, you'll be better off." Beauty told us.

We went upstairs. "Beauty, we have a key, and we can say Nerissa is coming soon." I told Beauty.
"But it's not to the room we need to be in." Bigby said. He went to 207. "We need in here."
"Bigby, Y/n, i could lose my job." Beauty said.
"Beauty, you have to let us in there. Lily is dead. We need to get in here." Bigby said again. She sighed and went to unlock it, but it wasn't working. "Beauty!" We heard from behind us.
I turned around. "Beast?" Beauty and Bigby turned around too. "Bigby? Y/n? What-what's going on?!" He exclaimed.
"No sweetie, it's not what you think!" Beauty said, trying to calm the situation down.
"How could you do this to me? I protected you! I cared about you! I loved you!" Beauty cried. Hie eyes turned red and he grew horns. "You're cheating on me! WITH THEM! Or is it just Bigby?"
"Beast! We're investigating a murder scene-"
"STOP LYING TO ME!" Beast yelled, cutting Bigby off. "She's my WIFE! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
"Beast, calm the hell down!" I yelled. Beauty held Beast back, trying again to calm things down. Beast wanted a fight. He charged at Bigby and held him against the door. "I guess i finally see you for who you truly are!" Beast yelled.
"I don't want to hurt you, so just calm down and-"
"Just talk to your wife Beast, please!" I pleaded. Beast went to punch Bigby. He missed. Bigby fought back, defending himself. Bigby threw Beast against the wall. Me and Beauty tried restraining Beast from Bigby. "Beast, you shouldn't be kicking our asses! You gotta calm down!" I yelled. He got free from us and punched me in the mouth. I went down. "Beast!" Beauty yelled. She kneeled next to me. Bigby's wolf hair grew on him and his teeth and claws grew. Beast tried choking Bigby, but Bigby clawed at his eyes. Beast screamed in pain. I kicked at Beast's foot, putting him on the ground. Bigby got on top of him. "He's down!" I told Bigby. Beast smashed a bottle on Bigby's head. "You ruined everything!" Beast yelled at us as he got back up. Bigby quickly jumped to his feet and charged at Beast. "Holy shit!" Bigby said. He walked in.
"Shit, Bigby..." Beast said. Beast and I walked in. "What is this?" Beast asked. It was a bloody bed covered in flowers. Beauty tried to come in, but Beast and I stopped her. She came past us and saw the bed. She covered her eyes. "When did this happen?" Beauty asked.
"Last night." Bigby said.
"I was on shift last night."
"On shift?" Beast questioned.
"She works front desk. She isn't a prostitute, Beast." I told him.
"Beast, make sure nobody comes in." Bigby said.
"I'll come too. Explain everything and to help keep watch." I said.

"So that's what she's been doing? Why didn't you guys tell me on the elevator?" Beast asked after I told him everything.
"She asked us not to. She never said not to lie, all I did was follow Bigby. And we didn't know she picked up extra work here." I told him. Then Bigby stormed down, Beauty behind him. "What? What's happening?" I asked.
"Crane's the killer! And he was using a black market Snow glamour to fuck Lily as Snow!" He told us.
"What? Ichabod Crane?" Beast asked.
"I suppose that actually makes sense when I think about it." I said. "We have to tell Snow. She might be at the funeral."
"Lily's funeral?" Beast asked. "Gren mentioned it at The Trip Trap. They were heading out just now."
"We have to go. Come on, Y/n." Bigby told me. I nodded.

The Wolf Among Us w/Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now