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TW: medj makalat :D

K: *peels banana*

P: *humming a new composed melody*

K: *opens his mouth* *was about to take a bite*

P: *smacked down K's head (un)intentionally*

K: *gagged* *pulls out the poor fruit from his mouth* *glares at the long-haired man in a messy bun*

P: Oooppsss! Sorry.

K: WTF is wrong with you? *wiping his mouth*

P: It's fun, right? *smirk*

K: *shots dagger stares at P*

P: And now you're mad. That's what you did last night. Have a taste of your own medicine, lovey.

K: *deep crimson face* Heop!

P: *laughs heartily* *walks away with his black coffee* *swaying his hips gracefully* *pats himself for the job well done*

K: *in his deep baritone voice* Bumalik ka rito, Pau! Ayoko ng saging!

P: *nasamid* *started running for his life*

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