Fried Chicken vs. Paulo

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"Ken, kung papipiliin ka between signature shoes and Pau, bakit fried chicken?" Justin asked.

"Masarap ang fried chicken. Favorite ko iyon." Ken proudly grins, looking at the ever silent Paulo at the corner, playing with his guitar.

"Sure ka? Ayaw mo talaga kay Pau?" Justin then raised a brow.

Ken scowled. "Sinabi ko bang ayaw ko?"

Justin cracks a chuckle. "Hindi mo siya pinili so... akin na lang."

Annoyed, Ken huffs. "You wish!"

"Akin na lang. Mas mahalaga pala ang fried chicken mo kaysa sa kaniya eh." The younger even sticks his tongue out.

"Watch me." He stood up and stomped towards Paulo. "Pau..."

The clueless Paulo looks up. "Hmmm?"

Without even saying a word, Ken crouches to peck on the other guy's lips. It earned a pale pink dusts on the beautiful man's cheeks. "B-Bakit?"

Ken smiles heartily, fixing Paulo's fringes. "Wala. Sige na. Tuloy mo na ang ginagawa mo. Doon lang ako."

He then walked away, whistling while looking mischievously at Justin's bored face who looks so done with him. "Ano ka ngayon, Bujah?"

Justin smirked. "Yabang! Iwan ka sana niya bukas. Hmp!"

Ken made a face. "Ako lang ang ewan na hindi niya kayang iwan."

The younger laughs. "Sige. Ipaglaban mo."

Ken just smirk before humming a happy song while Justin only huffs in his seat.

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