Rough Draft

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Ken arrived home after fetching Lemon from school. He found Paulo in the kitchen while eating and he has still in his corporate attire but he's really hungry...

[At the car...]

Lemon: Should we tell him, Papa?

Ken: No. Better not.

Lemon: But why?

Ken: Because he's stressed. Tumawag ako kanina kung anong gusto niyang ulam for dinner and his voice sounds so exhausted. I don't think it's a good idea.

Lemon: I know, Papa but I wanted to tell him anyway. I can't when he will hear it tomorrow sa ibang tao. He'll be fetching me tomorrow. I can't keep it hidden. Papa, help me.

Ken: I gotchu, baby.

Lemon: You're not competing with me this time. I'm happy.

Ken: *chucks* No need, baby. Ako naman lagi ang nananalo against you.

Lemon: Only when you daya-daya me. Duh! I always win Daddy over you.

Ken: *pouted* Taray nito. Kuhang-kuha mo ang Daddy mo. Tch!

Ken in his mind: Okay na rin. At least akin siya sa gabi. Gagi, ang hirap ng may kaagaw. It's Mahalimaw's fault again.

[At home...]

Ken: Love, ang savage ng anak mo.

Paulo: *eating blueberry pie* *pretended he's fine but his eyes really shows his weary*

Paulo: Bakit?

Ken: Pinaghalong ikaw at ako. Walang duda, Lemon is really ours.

Paulo: *suspicious*

Paulo: What did she do this time?

Ken: Okay. Before you get mad... don't. Ang ganda mo para magalit. Pangalawa, she's not involved in any physical fights again. Gladly, she's not the second time. Pangatlo, mahal kita. Pang-apat, mahal na mahal pa rin kita.

Paulo: *not buying it*

Paulo: Where's Lemon?

Lemon: *sheepishly showed up from Ken's back*

Lemon: I'm here, Daddy. Good afternoon.

Paulo: *face soften* Heyyyy... come here. Give me a hug.

Lemon: *happily landed on Paulo's arms*

Ken: Love, ako? 'Di mo want ng yakap ko? Magtatampo na ba ako?

Ken: Grabe, kanina pa ako rito nakikipag-usap sa'yo at kanina pa rin naghihintay ng halik o yakap, tapos wala? Mahal naman...

Paulo: Drama niya, 'no? *whispers to Lemon*

Lemon: *giggles*

Paulo: *hoisted Lemon up* *walks towards the pouting Ken* *kisses his pout away*

Paulo: Tampo naman ito agad. Love you, mahal.

Ken: Okay na ako. Isa pa, mahal. *but didn't wait anymore since he moved to cover Lemon's eyes and claims Paulo's moist lips tenderly*

Paulo: Harot nito.

Ken: Sssshhh! Don't say bad words. Naririnig ka no'ng bata.

Paulo: *rolled his eyes* *tugging Ken's arms as they both sat on the couch with Lemon on his lap*

Paulo: Okay... tell me what happened? *lays his head on Ken's shoulder*

Ken: Uhm... kasi—

Lemon: I'm sorry again, Daddy. I was just speaking out for myself. You told me to speak if nasa katwiran ako. I don't want po kasi na pinagtatawanan ang family ko and even me. I don't care naman sa sasabihin ng iba but they're too much na po kasi eh.

Paulo: What did they say?

Lemon: Marky says he's better than me while he speaks ill towards our family. He's a boy din daw kaya mas nakakalamang siya kasi mas nauna raw po ang boy mabuo kaysa sa girls.

Paulo: You know it doesn't work that way, right?

Lemon: Yeah. You told me I am not gonna listen sa sasabihin ng iba because I am myself's competition so if I wanted to make me better, dapat mas hihigitan ko pa ang mga naabot ng self ko.

Ken: You're learning my girl.

Lemon: Thanks, Papa.

Paulo: Go on... what did you do? Iyong totoo? Smacking again his face with a book? Lemon...

Lemon: I didn't do anything po. I just said something. I remember when you're writing, I asked you why you have so many scratches on the papers then you told me it's a rough draft.

Lemon: He said something po kasi like he's better than me because he's a boy and he's made first aside from his perfect family.

Paulo: So what exactly did you tell Marky, huh?

Ken: *started chuckling*

Paulo: Stop laughing, mahal.

Ken: Yah, sorry.

Lemon: *giggles* I told him that he is made first because he's a rough draft and I was made after him because I am the final product. So I'm better than him.


Ken: Of course, you are. You are matalino, matured, mahal na mahal pa namin. Saan ka pa?

Lemon: Yeah! That's what I'm telling him.

Paulo: *nearly dies out from laughing*

Paulo: Lemon, how come you come up with those things? You're only 9. My golly! I don't want to deal with a genius when I'm older. Please... don't.

Ken: *laughing* I told you. She's a combination of you and me.

Paulo: You're a brilliant one. I dunno what to say. I just... it just blow me away.

Lemon: Aren't you mad at me?

Paulo: Nope. I'm just amused. It's fine, baby. Just don't go smacking faces again, okay? That's illegal.

Paulo: *naaalala ang ginawa niya kay Maldie* *mas natawa*

Lemon: Thank you, Daddy.

Ken: She's a little anxious on the way here. Baka raw pagalitan mo na naman.

Paulo: Hmmm... I'm too tired to get mad for real. I just wanted to have the both of you around me.

Ken: *heart is clenching at the amount of love for his man*

Ken: *hugging two of the most important people in his life*

Ken: Mahal na mahal ko kayo.

Lemon: I love you both so, so much. Thank you for everything and for giving me a family.

Paulo: *smiling* This is a happy family, isn't it?

Lemon: Yup. My teacher says that a happy family is full of love and we are. We're so in loooooove.

Lemon: *hugs the both of them*

Ken: *looks at Paulo lovingly*

Paulo: *smiling as he reached for Ken's hands and tangled them together*

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