Chapter 2

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~Chapter 2~

It's been a few days since Trigona had taken her fathers original spot in the Gladiatorial ring. The Cybertronian that was originally in that spot was not that happy about being taken out of the top three but he tolerated it. Trigona has been having a blast. She's been training with Megatronous for those few days. It was like a dream come true for her.

She was currently in the training room, doing all sorts of punches and kicks to a punching bag. Megatronous was behind her, observing what she was doing and making sure her form was right. When she was finished, she was panting and bent over. Megatronous walked over and patted her back.

"Those were some really good moves." Trigona nodded in thanks to her mentor and walked over to the wall of the training room and grabbed her bottle of energon and took a few swigs.

"I've been training for my first battle this weekend and I didn't want to look out of shape." Her mentor nodded in understanding and began to leave the room until his trainee stopped him.

"Megatronous. Can... Can I ask you something?" He stopped and turned back towards her and motioned her to continue.

"I... I was just wondering if you could show me some of your old fighting moves. When I was younger, they always inspired me to work hard and I've tried to copy them but I would always fail. Even to this day, I still can't do them." Trigona looked the floor slightly embarrassed about asking him for something that he might not even know how to do anymore.

Megatronous chuckled and walked up to his trainee and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Of course. But how about we do that tomorrow? You look tired." His trainee smiled at him and nodded with a confident look. Trigona grabbed her bottled Energon and followed Megatronous out of the training room and then out of the Gladiatorial ring. Once outside, Trigona saw her two friends, Breakdown and Jointbreak waiting for her. She turned back to her mentor.

"Good night Megatronous." "Good night Trigona." He watched as she ran toward her friends.

Trigona spoke about her day in the ring and training room with her two friends. After the second day of Trigona being in the ring, all three of them decided to by a place together so they could stay close to each other. Their place was in between the Gladiatorial ring and the Wreckers headquarters. Once they got there, they all when to their own rooms and slept nicely.

~Time Skip~

The next day, back in the Gladiatorial ring, Trigona was watching Megatronous do some of his old moves, even some that Trigona had never seen. It was very exciting. After a few more moves were demonstrated, Megatronous looked up at Trigona.

"Now. I want you to try and do one of my moves." His trainee was shocked and held a nervous expression.

"B-But I've tried and I could never get it." Megatronous chuckled at her answer that she gave him.

"You only failed because you didn't have the original Cybertronian showing you." Trigona looked a little confused on what he was talking about. Her mentor slightly rolled his eyes and walked over to her and made her get into a form and began telling her to move in the way she thinks is best. When she tried, she fell backwards onto her butt.

Megatronous couldn't hold it and began laughing. Trigona stood up and crossed her arms.

"Why are you laughing?!" Once Megatronous calmed down he answered.

"Because that's what happened to me when I created that move." Trigona was even more surprised as she was just told that she did the exact same mistake as him when he was younger.

"You ready to try again?" Trigona nodded with confidence.

It took so many tries, but Trigona was able to get three of his moves down. She still couldn't get one of his moves down. Megatronous called it his hardest move. It took him a few years to master it. Trigona was shocked to hear this information.

Even after training with her mentor was over, she stayed in the Gladiatorial ring to work on more of the moves. She commed her friends and told them that she'd be late. She moved her legs and arms just like Megatronous had showed her to move and when it was close to 1am. She had finally gotten it down. She was proud of herself and she did it over and over again until she was able to do it five times in a row. Once she finally did it the fifth time, she grabbed everything she needed and made her way home to get ready for tomorrow since tomorrow was her first battle.

She was ready for it.






~Calico Cali Out~

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