Chapter 13

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~Chapter 13~

After Megatron had plunged the Dark Energon shard into his spark, he's been acting differently. Trigona has noticed this difference, but hasn't said anything because she doesn't want to seem like she's questioning her master. She stood a few feet back with Starscream as their master continued to stare at the Dark Energon crystal.

Starscream took a step forward. "Lord Megatron?" Before he could speak more, Lord Megatron began speaking. "It's as if the Blood of Unicron, the Destroyer, flows through my veins as I hear his very thoughts. I now know what I must do." He reached into the crystal and pulled out another shard. He then began leaving the room.

"A-And what can I do to assist you master?" Megatron glared at him. "Quite groveling and await Trigona's command. I'll tell her when so she may tell you." Trigona nodded, looked at Starscream and a serious look as to not disobey their master. Starscream took a step back. Trigona watched their master walk out of them, she began following him.

"My Lord. Where will you be headed?" Lord Megatron continued walking without sparing her a glance. "My battle with Optimus Prime, against my undead warrior's." Trigona nodded. "I understand my lord." As she continued to follow her master, they made it to the flight deck. Before he left, he turned to his SIC.

"Trigona." She looked at him and nodded her head. "Yes, My Lord?" "If Starscream should cause any trouble, which I have no doubt he will. You may deal with him, any means necessary." Trigona smirked at him and bowed. "Yes My Lord. It shall be done." Megatron smiled. Without wasting any time, Megatron ran to the end of the flight deck, jumping off the edge, transforming and flying away.

Once he had vanished from Trigona's vision, she made her way back into the Warship and headed toward the bridge. Once there, she saw Starscream talking to Soundwave. She didn't know what they were talking about but all she heard was "Ensure his enemies destruction." Trigona glared at Starscream and made her way toward him.

"Starscream!" The mech yelped when he heard her. He looked past Soundwave, who turned around to look at her, and began taking a few steps back until he pushed against the control panel. The SIC made her way toward him until she was directly in front of him. "What do you think you are doing?!"

Starscream tried to speak but was at a loss for words. "I... Well. I was just-just... umm." Trigona continued to glare at the seeker until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked over and saw Soundwave. "Yes Soundwave, what is it?" He then put on a recording of Starscream's voice.

"Increase Global Surveillance."

Trigona gave him a questionable look then turned her attention back at Starscream who, if he could, looked pale. "Is this what you were trying to say, or were you trying to think of a deceitful lie." Starscream was, again, at a loss for words. She turned back to Soundwave.

"Was there anything else he said?" Soundwave nodded and put on another recording.

"But if Optimus Prime lives. I believe it is in Lord Megatron's best interest that we ensure his enemies, destruction."

Trigona listened to the recording and began thinking. She then turned to Starscream and gave him an expressionless face. He began to quietly freak out. "Well, I see. So you were wanting to go against Lord Megatron's orders... Again." Starscream began to try and save himself.

"N-No! I-I-I wasn't. I really just wanted to h-help him destroy his enemies!" She took another step closer to him and glared at him. As she was about to say something, she felt a hand hold her shoulder tightly. Trigona looked over her shoulder and looked at Soundwave.

"What? You want to follow through with his plan?" Soundwave said nothing, not even a head movement. She sighed and backed away from Starscream. "Very well Soundwave. He let go of her shoulder. Trigona looked back at Starscream. "Alright, Starscream... What's your plan?"

Bee Family [TFP x Reader] (TFP Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now