14 - Monster

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"Do you want to Meet Dhruv?", a familiar voice came walking in and asked.

I looked up to see Rajasa standing there. His eyes looked hopeful. Maybe for me?

But at this moment all I wanted was my Dhruv. The desperation in my eyes was undoubted.

"Ye...yes..please....", keeping my Hima carefully on the side, I walked on my knees with my hands joined, begging desperately.

"I want my Dhruv...", he took a deep breath and shut his eyes for a second. I don't know what he was thinking. Maybe planning to change his mind?

"But then he said something totally unexpected. "Come with me.", my eyes went wide in fear on hearing those words.

Ever since, ever since that day I never stepped out of this chamber.

I could feel him understanding my fear and hesitation. Because he walked near when I pulled myself back, putting myself in the corner.

Rajasa sat near the bed and that too on his knee. His eyes soften. "Trust me. This TIME..please.", the way he said, I don't know why but I wanted to follow him.

"Maybe he is being honest.", I convinced myself. My heart was fluttering like a butterfly between the flowers when I realized I was finally going to meet Dhruv. MY FAMILY.

I never cared what world thinks of it but to me these two are my whole world. I can go to any extend for them.

My head moved in a hesitant nod. Rajasa offered his hand making me eye it for a moment before taking it. Hima climbed too into my lap and all three of us walked out.

As we were passing the halls, I could feel the eyes of guards on me. Those curious glances of everyone seeing me walking out of my dark comfort was after three full moons or maybe they are staring these ugly marks on my face.

"Nononono...don't think of it.", I tried convincing myself, still this fear was growing with each step I was taking.

I wanted to run from here. Hide somewhere. My heartbeat was getting faster. My steps getting slower and I didn't realize when I stopped in the middle of my steps until Rajasa called my name.
"Huh!?", looking up I stared him blankly before running out of there.

I could hear him following me, his voice echoing. But my thoughts were getting blurred by the ugliness I carried. Tears were not stopping. My hold on Hima got tight as I passed the halls colliding into someone making me fall on my back.

"Ahh!!", a groan left my mouth when I hit my elbow.

"Are you blind or what?", said a woman. Before I look at her or respond , the other one spoke, "Ahh..!!", more like screamed. "What is this!?", when I looked at her she was already pointing a finger at me.

It just broke me more inside because I know what she meant. "She looks like a monster.", said someone else. I couldn't bear it anymore and hid myself putting my head down and covering myself into a ball.

"WHAT ARE You ALL GATHERED HERE For ?", a voice boomed that was both scaring and demanding. The only difference it was a woman. But I did not look up.

My sobs were taking all my senses away. They all were talking something but all I could hear was echoes far away in my ears.

Hima was putting her little paws on my face. Even she could feel my pain. I wanted to just run away from here.

"Everything will be alright. I am here for you my child.", I don't know what it was but those words were enough to break me into her arms. I cried and cried until I couldn't anymore.

The only thing that she did was stroking my hair with her warm hands and hugging me tight. Which made me cry even more.

I was feeling new emotions all over. Something like happy, wanted, LOVED?

First time in my life someone called me my child. Maybe out of sympathy but it meant world to me. "Someone called me their child? Yes they did . I was being loved . Someone gave me love.", my heart was desperate to have more and happy to get it At the same time.



I could see the fear trembling in her eyes the moment I saw asked to leave the chamber. I might not understand what she is feeling but I do understand her need to leave this room if she wants to be happy and without fear. She needs to face her demons and somewhere deep inside I'm also part of it.

This is least I could do to help her in this vulnerable situation.

"Please", sitting on my knees I pleaded, hoping for her to say yes and come with me.

After trying every way possible this was the way I could think of . When last night I was sitting near Chandra lake at night thinking of her, how to help her?

A rabbit ran through the bushes far away. As if god giving me hint to what should I do right to help her.

She took my hand which made me smile inwardly. Seeing her helping herself slowly.

As we were crossing through the halls in silence, the only sound I could here was her anklets. The little jiggle it made with her every step making my heart full of happiness until it suddenly stopped.

Turing around i saw her sweating , scared, her eyes moving around frantically. Rushing near her I called her name slowly making sure not to scare her.

"Yashasvi?", and then nothing. She looked into my eyes and ran to the other side.

Before I could catch her, she disappeared. Fearing she might do something to herself I looked around, asking the guards if they saw a girl running.

One of them came and told me there are some woman gathered around her and she was crying on the floor.

My blood boiled on that. "They will learn. Lesson today.", telling myself I ran to where the guard told me she was.

But what I saw next made all my anger fly away. A woman came in to help her which was no one other then my own mother.

Maasa sat beside her. Comforted her, gave her the love she needed. Seeing Yashasvi like that made me want to pick her and wrap her in my arms forever.

But I know no one else can help her other then Maasa in this moment. She kept crying for as long as her eyes let her. All Maasa did was stroke her back without asking any questions.

Maasa always loved her. She does not know this but, Maasa always had a special place for her even before she was born.

I really wish I could Tell her everything but this not the right time.


Hiii lovelies........ update is here. 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

Even though you guys didn't finish the target... 👀👀😔😔

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