25 - A queen's Challenge

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She looked like a flower that blooms with the first rays of the sun. Her long, damp hair resembled a dense forest where I could get lost every day. Her beautiful smile makes me forget every problem of my being.

It has been so many days since I first found her. Every morning she comes to this lake, and no matter how much I try to stop myself, my heart betrays me every time."


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When I see her with those wet locks, playing with the water every morning, her perfect curves and her beautiful brown skin that shines like gold under the rays of the sun make her appear no less than a goddess

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When I see her with those wet locks, playing with the water every morning, her perfect curves and her beautiful brown skin that shines like gold under the rays of the sun make her appear no less than a goddess.

But more than anything, what makes my heart flutter are the anklets she wears. The jingle of them as she walks is nothing less than music to my ears. It also serves as a signal for me to escape before she can discover me.

Yesterday, as I wandered through the market, I saw her admiring a saree. My curiosity was piqued, thinking it was she who desired it.

However, when I overheard her telling Hema that Maa would be so happy, it reminded me of a few days ago when she was speaking to Durga Maa in the temple, mentioning something about a saree.

When she didn't purchase it, it captured my attention. Approaching the shopkeeper, I inquired about the saree. He initially refused, saying, "You see that girl walking away? She wants to buy it."

"But she didn't buy it, so... that means I can, right?" I countered, to which he sighed loudly. "I don't know what it is about this saree that everyone desires it. First her, and now you. Look, she told me she didn't have enough coins to buy it and asked me to hold it for a few days. Today, she came to inform me that by tomorrow, she will have enough coins to pay. Understand?"

After listening carefully to his words, I turned to look in the direction where Yashika had walked away and told him, "I will pay double the price for it and also purchase another saree. Decide now, or else I am leaving."

It didn't take him another second to agree, and he handed me both the sarees I had chosen.

I placed the saree in a basket alongside fresh flowers and fruits, leaving it in the temple before dawn. Soon she would find it, and in return, I would be graced with the most precious smile.

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