Chapter 1

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I remember the day so clearly, yet it's all a haze at the same time. The morning I woke up I didn't cry, even though that's all I wanted to do - I just couldn't. I hoped that if my mother and father saw my tears, they would for once release me from this deal - this arrangement. However, on this day, I am to become Mrs. y/n Malfoy. Against my will, against my freedom, against my prosperity.

When I went home for the summer after 5th year, I finally felt at ease. No more Umbridge, no more of Dumbldore's Army; I could just be free with my Slytherin friends for the summer and be at my own home; everything returning to what it was before. Though I didn't have a loving relationship with my parents, I obeyed them. It was what I was meant to do, it's what I've done since I was born. And because I'm an only child, there was nothing I could do to escape their attention and plans for me.

I am a pure-blood, rich English girl from a highly respected Slytherin family. Because of this, I grew up with my fellow friends and classmates. Blaise Zambini, Theodore Nott, Astoria Greengrass, and Draco Malfoy. Since the day we were born, we have been herded together at every Ball, Gala, or pure-blood event.

When my family was invited to the Malfoy's estate in May, I wasn't surprised. Our families have been close for ages because of their alliance with you-know-who, making our fathers death eaters and all. Although Malfoy and I weren't exactly close, we tolerated each other. After apparating in front of their large black front doors, my father gave a stern knock. As it opened, Mr. Malfoy welcomed us in.

"Hello m/n, f/n, and y/n. Welcome in." As my father and Mr. Malfoy conversed about business, my mother and I followed into the dinning room, where Narcissa and Draco sat at a long dining table. Everyone stood up and shook hands, said hello, then sat down at the table. I remember this moment as if it happened 5 minutes ago, let alone actually being 3 months ago.

The table was smooth, polished with a very dark stain. I sat between my parents, as Malfoy sat between his on the other side of the table. Their family elfs brought in our food, then returned to the kitchen. As we started eating, Our parents were talking casually while Malfoy and I just started eating.

"Draco, y/n, we have something rather important to tell you." This peaked my interest, so I set my fork down and looked up as did Malfoy. "We have all come to the decision that for your best luck, for the best luck of our lineages, you and Draco are to be married."

Draco raises his voice furiously at his parents, saying this is unfair. However, I cannot manage to say anything. At a loss of words, I finally spit something out.

"I.. I don't think I can do this."

My father looks at me, knowing this is not how he raised me. I was his obedient little girl. I did everything he said, no questions asked. "y/n, this is not how I raised you. I'll give you one chance to answer again, or else their will be consequences."


I am unable to breathe. I feel as if my chest has a balloon stuck in it, not allowing my lungs to collapse and fill with air. Faintly I hear Malfoy's voice, "y/n is going to collapse!" I see Malfoy rush from his side of the table, then after that my vision faded to black.

Here I am three months later, on the morning of our wedding. It was beautiful, put together by mine and Malfoy's mothers. It was at the Malfoy Estate. We decided on something small and simple, not wanting the wizarding world to know of this very real marriage. The ceremony was relatively normal - aside from the awkward tension between Malfoy and I. He stood at the front wearing a black suit, holding my wedding ring in his left hand. I walked to him, in a simple white dress.

Malfoy and I have rarely spoken up to this day. We never disliked each other, but we never really spoke to each other either. When with friends, I would always talk to Astoria and Theo, as Draco would speak to Blaise and Theo. Neither one of us wanted to defy our parents, but we just couldn't speak to each other anymore. Even if I wanted to talk to him, I couldn't. The words just wouldn't come out. He and I both picked one of our friends to bring as our maid of honor/best man. I chose Astoria and he chose Theo. Though I was doing this alone, it was wonderful to have Astoria by my side. I could confine myself to her, and tell her how I was really feeling. I assume Malfoy did the same with Theo.

From the moment I reached the front of the Alter to after Malfoy and I kissed and said our I Do's, I was in a haze. I hardly remember that moment.

Later that night we had a very small reception. We ate, Malfoy and I had our first dance to some classical song our mothers picked, and then after saying goodbye to all our 'guests' we resided to our rooms. Astoria and Theo had to go back to their own homes, so they wished us farewell in an awkwardly sad demeanor and apparated away.

Malfoy and I stood there for a few seconds, not knowing what to say or do. We both headed up to our rooms - which were right next to each other. As I fell onto my bed, in my very expensive wedding dress, I tried to wrap my head around the fact that I was married. A loveless marriage, nonetheless. Malfoy, or Draco - I guess I should call him that from now on - was my Husband. I had no idea what to do. Do I treat him differently? Do we act as though we are in love when we aren't? Are we supposed to pretend something is going on that isn't? My mind was so consumed with what Draco and I were and weren't supposed to be.

"I need to get out of this dress." I tried with all my might to undo the buttons running down my back but I just couldn't do it.

Without knowing it, I was at Draco's bedroom door. I gave in a light knock, so light he probably thought it was a ghost. As he opened his door, he looked at me in shock. I'm sure I'm the last person he wants to see right now.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but could you help me with this dress please? I just can't get the buttons without Astoria." He looked at me puzzled. Silently he moved aside so I could come into his room.

This was the first time I'd ever seen it. It was large. Not that I ever thought it would've been small, he is a Malfoy after all. A corner of his room had a living area; a fireplace, a couple couches and chairs, and a coffee table. On the other side was his bed, and a desk in front of a large window overlooking his home's property. As well as a bathroom attached on the far left wall. Taking it in, he was very organized.

"Are you going to let me undo your dress or would you like to look around any longer?" Ouch. As much as I wanted this arrangement to be painless, I know Malfoy is angry about the whole thing. As I turned around I felt his cold hands start working on my dress. He had one hand placed on my waist to push the dress in, and one hand unlooping the buttons down my back. Though we do not know each other well, I started to feel myself blush.

"Mal- Draco, should we discuss how we want to make this work?" Though I couldn't see his face, I could hear him sigh. "What is there to discuss? You're my wife. I'm your husband. We're married to create more pureblood children who will grow up to serve you-know-who just as I you and I do." I couldn't say anything for a moment. I know I've been married, but hearing him say the actual words husband and wife out loud took my breath away.

As he undid the last button, he kept his hands on my lower waist. It was as if he couldn't move them. I felt as though I was stuck as well. With my back completely exposed, I held up the front of my dress with one of my hands.

"We need to talk about this."

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