Chapter 10

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It had been a week and a half and it was the night of the party. Draco and I were getting ready in our room. All the guests had already arrived and were downstairs, but the Malfoys have a tradition of entering down the Grand Staircase at the start of the ball. She told Draco and I that she and Lucious would enter first, and then Draco and I would be announced and follow after.

I had just finished my makeup and hair, and Draco had just gotten dressed. As he finished buttoning the sleeves of his shirt, I asked if he could help me zip up my dress. "Of course," he said flatly. "Draco, I'm getting nervous. I've been to probably 20 of these balls but I've never been announced, or had a date, or had to go down the stairs. What if I trip or something?" He laughed. "Don't worry. It's not that bad. I'll be there to hold you back from falling." I smiled. Though his comment was inferring that I would trip, I still thought it was kind. "Your mom said that no one here will tell about our marriage right? Cause I really don't want that getting out." Draco was quiet for a moment. Suddenly, instead of kindly zipping me up like usual, he aggressively squeezed my side and pulled it up quickly. He was so aggressive I'm surprised my skin didn't get caught in the zipper.

"Ow, Draco. What the fuck?" He was very upset. "What? Did I do something?" I didn't understand. "What's wrong? You were in such a good mood a couple of minutes ago?" He was quiet for a minute. "Have you ever thought how it makes me feel when you say shit like that? That you don't want people to know about us? Why? We're in love. We're married. People at school can already tell there's something between us. What's the big fucking deal? We only have like two months left when we go back anyway." And finally, I got it. I understand why he's so upset with me and I was so insensitive. But before I could apologize, Dobby knocked on the door to tell us it's time to line up at the top of the stairs.

Draco opened the door, and held his arm out to me like a gentleman. However, I know that he was upset and was just trying to put on a show that we were happy and not fighting. He walked me to the edge of the hallway, behind his parents.

The announcer had just called out "Narcissa and Lucious Malfoy." As they gracefully walked down the steps, the guests at the party smiled and clapped while holding their champagne flutes and cocktails. Before I knew it, I had heard our names be called. "As many of you know the Malfoys have a son, and he was just married within the last year. So here for you now, I announce Mr. Draco Malfoy and Mrs. Y/n Malfoy." As Draco led us down the stairs, I became severely overwhelmed. It was as if I had been smacked in the face with every kind of issue in my life. Don't forget to smile, Have good posture, show that you and Draco are in love, what does Blaise think? Where's Astoria and Theo? Will someone tell outsiders that we've been married? Before I knew it, Draco and I had reached the end of the stairs.

Though Draco was upset with me, I think he could tell I was panicking. We were being swarmed by people, asking us about our marriage, the wedding, if we were happy, if it was an arrangement, etc. Quickly, Draco grabbed us two champagne flutes and wrapped his hand around my lower back, leading me to the dance floor, where no one could bother us.

Because the Malfoys hosted, it's tradition for them to start the ball with a dance. Because Draco and I were now married, we had to join them as well. On the middle of the floor, Draco and I got into position. My head however couldn't focus on anything. All I saw was people whispering to each other and staring at us. I heard Draco lean in and whisper something to me. "It's going to be ok."

Though Draco was hurt by the comment I made, he was still supportive of me and helped me, and that's all I needed. As we started dancing, he had his left hand resting on my lower back, and I had my right hand on his shoulder. Our free hands were intertwined with each other. As he lead me around the dancefloor, I felt so much more comfortable. This was a way for us to escape, and be just him and I. "Listen Draco, I'm so sorry for what I said. It was completely insensitive for me to say. I would love for everyone to know our relationship because it'd be one less thing to hide. And, I'm proud that I have you as my husband. I just think with both our families' relationships to you-know-who, it would look much worse that you and I were bound together." He looked me in the eyes. "I know. And I'm sorry for how I reacted. I should have never been upset with you cause I know there's a reason we keep it hidden at Hogwarts. Also, I'm sorry I was so aggressive with your dress." We smiled at each other, mutually agreeing we were forgiving each other.

Draco leaned down to speak in my ear with a cute smile on his face. "I can't wait to see Pansy's face when she realizes I'm off the market." I laughed out loud lightly, and then tried to real it back in after remembering where we were. "I'm excited that she'll leave us alone now."

Though he and I were once again united, I started to think of all the things I needed to do at the party. I need to see my parents, I need to see our friends, etc. Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder.

"Do you mind if I cut in?" It was Lucious. Draco, unable to say no to his father, handed me off as he went to go dance with his mother momentarily. Lucious took Draco's position, holding his hand high on my back. "I hope you have become comfortable here, y/n." I gave a fake smile. Not because I wasn't enjoying myself, but because I didn't really like Lucious much. "Yes, I have. Thank you." He took a moment before speaking up again. "My son has never been one to fully accept his role under our lord. After our discussion at dinner a couple nights ago, I'm glad he has you to show him his true path. I would be lying if I said I was confident in his skills before you joined him." I nodded my head. "Draco and I are simply doing what is required of us. He is a talented wizard, sometimes he just doesn't show it. But thank you, Lucious." After I finished speaking, we stopped dancing. I made my way to Draco as he made his way to Narcissa. We exited the floor, causing guests to step in and continue to dance.

As I took Draco's arm, He lead me around the many rooms filled with people, keeping our eyes open for our friends and my parents. "What did my father say to you?" I didn't want to worry Draco, so I kept it simple. "Oh, nothing important. He just asked if I was comfortable here with you and that he's glad you and I are working out well." Draco hummed, acknowledging what I said. Suddenly, I spotted my parents. With this, Draco led us over to them. "Mother, Father, how are you?" I leaned in and gave my mother a hug, as Draco shook my father's hand. "We're quite well, dear. How are you? How are things between you two?" Draco put his hand on my lower back, and we smiled at each other. "Quite well. At first we were both nervous, but we've grown to find companionship within each other." My mother smiled, as my father nodded. "Well, that's wonderful, y/n." Draco cut in. "If you don't mind, we must make our rounds with all the guests. But we'll see you later tonight." With that, Draco led me away.

I was glad he had us leave. I love my parents, but I don't have much of a relationship with them. It's as if they were distant relatives. We'd talk about how we were doing, new things going on in our lives, but we never really had a deep or special relationship.

As we went from room to room, Draco and I would take turns talking to people who had questions about our marriage. They were all the same questions. So much so that while walking from group to group, Draco would whisper in my ear making bets on which questions would be asked. Perhaps Draco and I had too much champagne, but it was making the night much more fun. Draco spoke into my ear, laughing a little. "Betting it will be when we got married, where we got married, and why we got married so young." I giggled. We did this for about an hour.

Needing a quieter space, Draco and I made our way to the library. He and I had most definitely had too much to drink, but it wasn't a bad thing. The champagne had taken the edge off the night, which was exactly what he and I needed. As soon as the library door shut, his lips connected to mine. He pushed me up against one of the bookcases, using both his hands to hold mine up above my head. "Draco, not here. Someone could come in." I smirked, as did he. "Who cares. We can give them a show." I gasped. "Draco! No! That is terrible. We came in here for a quick break."

Releasing me from his hold against the bookshelf, his fingers had interlocked with mine as he and I ran through the shelves. As we got to the area with couches, we found the people we had missed all night.

"Astoria!" I smiled and ran to her, embracing her in a hug. 

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