Chapter 11

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"Astoria!" I smiled and ran to her, embracing her in a hug.

She was sitting by a dimly lit fire, with Theo and Blaise. "Draco and I have been looking for you guys everywhere."

As I looked around at everyone, I noticed something was different.

"Theo, Blaise, how are you?" Blaise ignored me, simply looking away. Theo spoke up. "Blaise didn't know about you two. And he's mad that Astoria and I knew and he didn't." I decided to speak up. "I'm sorry Blaise, when it happened Draco and I didn't have much control over the planning. We were only allowed one person each to come. We should have told you sooner, but we didn't know what to do." The room was awkwardly silent. As I spoke to Blaise, Draco had his hand on my back the whole time, as if supporting me to let me know he was there for me.

After moments of silence, Blaise finally spoke. "How could you? Is this what you meant to tell me tonight?" I didn't know what to say, but I was definitely sober now. "How could you not tell me?" I could tell he was getting upset. "Listen Blaise, Draco and I never planned for this to happen. When we first found out neither of us really wanted to do this because it was so sudden and we didn't know what to do. Now, however," I looked over to Draco and smiled. "We love each other. And we didn't tell you because we wanted our friend group to remain as it was." Blaise sat up and walked closer to me. "Didn't want it to change, huh? Well, now you and Malfoy are married, and Greengrass and Nott are coupled up." "I-I, I'm sorry Blaise. We never meant to hurt you."

"Y/n, I love you. How could you do this to me? Lie to me? Choose not to tell me about this? And you Malfoy. I thought we were friends." I tried to speak, to apologize and explain myself, but it's like a lump was stuck in my throat. Before I knew it, Blaise was standing right infront of me. His face contained so much rage, I have never seen him like this. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards him. "This fucking ring wasn't from your mom. It was from Malfoy!" Before I knew it, Draco stepped forward and punched Blaise so hard he fell backwards onto the ground.

Passing me, Draco stepped over Blaise's body and punched him again, square in the face. "Apologize to her. She had nothing to do with this, you arrogant piece of trash. It was an arranged marriage our parents planned. Neither of us knew about it until this past summer." Blaise, who was in incredible pain, couldn't speak. I brought my hand over my face, trying to control my emotions. I didn't know if that meant not crying, not pulling Draco away, or something else.

Draco was yelling now. "Apologize to her!" At that point, Blaise quickly let out an apology. Before I could do anything, Draco had straightened up and walked over to me, rubbing my tears from my eyes. "Are you ok?" I shook my head yes. With that, he called for Astoria and Nott to exit the library, as Draco escorted me out. As we left the library, Draco spoke up. "I'm sorry you two became involved in this. I hope you can forgive me." Astoria, a little shook up about what happened, gave a small, sympathetic smile. "We understand. Though Blaise has the right to be angry for being in the dark for so long, he had no right to speak to either of you that way." Draco nodded his head. "I'm going to take y/n upstairs for some air momentarily, we'll see you two soon." Draco, not wanting guests to see me or him in this state, apporated us to his bedroom.

The lights were off, causing the moonlight through the window to be the only source of light. "Are you ok?" I kept a straight face. "I'm fine. I'm sorry I started to cry. I've just never seen Blaise act that way; when he grabbed my wrist." I looked down at it, and felt as though I had bruises where he once grasped so tightly. "I'm being selfish. How are you? Is your hand ok?" Without wasting a moment, he responded. "I'm fine. Again, I'm so sorry he treated you that way. I'll never be able to forgive him." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. We both took a couple of minutes to collect ourselves, then returned to the party.

As we made our way through the rooms again, we ran into Lucious and Narcissa. "How are you two doing? We haven't seen you in quite some time," Narcissa said. "Oh, we just ran into our friends in the library and spoke with them for a while." Narcissa, who couldn't be fooled, noticed how I was anxiously rubbing my wrist. Lucious noticed as well. "Draco, what happened?" He looked over at me and responded. "There was a rude guest here, who tried to grab y/n. I took care of it, but if you could find someone to remove him from the building if he isn't gone already, that would be wise." Lucious was on it. "Who was it?" Draco leaned over to his father and whispered in his ear. Mr. Malfoy had a look of shock on his face for a moment, but then returned to a calm facade. "Stay with your mother while I take care of this." Though I wasn't a fan of Lucious, I knew he had strong feelings towards protecting the Malfoy family.

After a small conversation with Narcissa, Lucious returned.

Another hour had gone by and it approached 11 pm. Because of the time, many of the guests started to leave. Draco and I stood by Narcissa and Lucious, thanking the guests for coming.

I noticed Astoria and Theo making their way out. "Merry Christmas guys, thanks for coming. it was great to see you." I hugged them both, as did Draco. "You as well." " Again, I'm sorry about what happened and that you two were dragged into it." They both smiled. "Your wedding brought Astoria and I together," Theo said. Astoria started to blush. "And because of that we are thankful to be your friends and we will always be here for you." With that, they made their way out. As I said goodnight to my parents and the last guests left, I left out a big sigh.

Draco could tell I was ready to be done, and wrapped it up. "Mother, Father, we're going to go to bed now. Goodnight you two." I chimed in as well. "Yes, thank you for the wonderful party. We'll see you tomorrow morning for Christmas." And with that, Draco and I made our way up the stairs.

We could both tell that each other was tired. As we got ready for bed, no words were shared; however, I wasn't really ready for the night to end. I walked into the bathroom and flicked on the light. As I looked to my left, I saw the large, black-tiled shower. I turned it on high, making the room immediately steam up. I peered out into the bedroom. "Draco, would you join me?" He gave me a small smile and made his way to the shower.

As the water and steam hit my face and I wrung the water through my hair, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. As kisses trailed up my neck, I turned around so we were facing each other. "Draco, I love you. When I learned we were going to be married I didn't know what that would mean for us. If we would put on a show in public and be strangers in privacy, or learn to coexist. I couldn't be happier with you than I am right now." Draco kissed me on the lips. The hot water flowed down our faces but we didn't care. He pushed me back so my once hot skin was against the freezing cold tile. Draco towered over me, and had me locked between his arms. Though we were in a compromising position, he had a serious look on his face. "y/n, things are going to get rough soon - when we go back. Do you promise to stay by my side?" I was surprised by this question, but I knew where it was coming from. "At our wedding, we both promised things we probably didn't mean or understand. But now, I will abide by those promises, and I will be by your side." Suddenly, Draco got on his knees in the shower, and placed both his hands on my upper thighs.

I've never seen him like this before. Yes, he was always softer when he was around me in private, but this was on a whole new level. He rested his head on my lower stomach where my legs met my waist, before looking up at me. "Y/n, I belong to you. I will be yours forever. I will protect you, and I will do you no harm. I promise." After he said these words I ran my hands through his hair and pulled him up to me. At that moment, I kissed him. I knew when we went back to Hogwarts, everything would change. We wouldn't be able to have this relationship there. So as he did, I accepted this moment of weakness and love we shared. It turned into something hot and raw though, as if we needed each other on a level we've never experienced before. I felt him insert himself in me, and with that we shared an unforgettable moment. 

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