Chapter 9

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Draco stepped away from me and knocked on the front door.

I had been to the Malfoy estate many times, so I was very proficient in knowing how to act. I didn't speak unless spoken too, I did not mingle with the house elves, and I obeyed everything that was asked of me. It wasn't too hard because this was how I was raised. I wasn't a huge fan of Draco's father. Sure, we got along fine and would converse occasionally, but I was always more so a fan of his mother. Narcissa is kind to the people she loves and even though I wasn't happy to marry Draco in the beginning, I've always been thankful that Narcissa would be my family.

As the door opened, Dobby was standing on the other side. "Master Malfoy and Mrs. Malfoy, Senior Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy are waiting for you in the dining room." "Thank you, Dobby. Y/n and I's bags can be brought to my room." Dobby nodded and magically lifted our luggage up the grand staircase. As we made our way through the big house, Draco guided me with his hand on my lower back - which I thought was sweet because I know my way around the place. As we entered the dining room, Lucious and Narcissa had straight faces. Immediately Narcissa stood up, and Lucious followed suit. "Welcome home, you two." She had a look of unease on her face. "Draco, y/n, How are you two doing?" "Well! Thank you for asking." I gave her a smile and embraced her hug. "Y/n, I set up your bedroom for you, I-" Draco cut in. "That won't be necessary, y/n will be staying with me." Narcissa's face lit up with joy, as did lucious - but not the same degree. "That's wonderful! I'm so happy the two of you could work it out." I smiled.

"Well, Mom and Dad, y/n and I have some unpacking we need to do. Is there anything else we need to discuss at this moment?" Narcissa nodded her head implying no, but Lucious spoke up. "Yes, at dinner we need to discuss your assignments from the Dark Lord. He is curious about the progress you two have made." Draco's good mood turned sour. "If that's all, we'll be heading upstairs now." And with that, Draco delicately pulled me along with him upstairs.

Draco and I had fully unpacked, and now we were sitting in his family's library. I had picked out a book about a wizard romance, and Draco had gone with a research book on transparency spells. The library was very grand. It had the largest bookcases, practically two stories tall. There were two fireplaces on each side and many couches, chairs, and loveseats around the room. Draco and I were situated on a couch near a window and the fireplace. He was laying on the couch the long way, sitting up, and I was laying between his legs, using his chest as a backboard. "How is your romance going, y/n?" I laughed. "Why'd you say it like that? Romance." I mocked him. "I don't know. I guess I'm jealous. Why read about it when I can give you everything that book does?" Draco smirked, as I let out a light laugh. "You are truly something, Mr. Malfoy. I know you are quite the romantic, but sometimes it's fun to read about other experiences that aren't my own." He stared at the book. "Alright, when you're done I'll read it." I smiled. "Deal." As I said that I started to get up, delicately removing myself from between his long legs. Before I could walk away, he grabbed my wrist. Where are you going?" I smiled at him. "I'm going to play the piano. I haven't been able to play since August." With that he let go of my wrist, and I turned around and kissed him on the forehead.

Making my way down the tall hallway, I saw Mrs. Malfoy asking Dobby and some other house elves to start getting out the Christmas decorations. I kept walking, making my way to the last door on the left. As I pushed open the tall door, I left it open a crack. I pulled the cover off the piano, and some dust came flying up with it. I wasn't surprised, I don't think any of the Malfoys played. As I sat down I let my feet get comfortable with the pedals and the keys, doing some quick warm ups in Major and Minor.

Before I knew it, I was playing piece after piece. Every song I loved I played. It was as if I was getting revenge for not being able to play until now. I had so much emotion going into the piano, as well. Sometimes when you play, it's simply hitting the right keys at the right time. But sometimes, days like today, it was truly feeling the music you were playing.

After finishing playing my 13th piece, I heard clapping in the back. "Draco, what are you doing here?" "I came to listen to my beautiful wife play." I blushed. "You're sweet. I wasn't that great, I messed up a couple of times. Most of those pieces I haven't played in months." As I was talking, Draco walked up and sat beside me on the bench. Suddenly, he started playing. He had a little mellow tune in minor. "Draco? Why didn't you tell me you knew how to play?" He smiled. "I don't really. I can just do a couple tunes. Since I grew up an only child there wasn't much to do. I go from room to room in this house, and find something to do. Eventually I learned how to play a thing or two." I smiled, but there was sadness behind it.

"I'm sorry you grew up so alone." He smiled as well. "That's ok. I learned a lot. And that means that when we have kids we'll have to have at least two." I blushed immediately. "Hold on. We are way too young to be talking about children." "Yeah, but it'll happen eventually. And after all you are my wife." He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Before I could say anything, he stood up and held his hand out to me. "I came to tell you it's time for dinner." With that, I grabbed his hand and let him lead the way.

I sat down next to Draco, as his parents were seated across from us. As the house elves brought out our meal, Narcissa asked us about how the first semester went. "It went well. I got all A's in my classes, as did Draco." I smiled at her, as she smiled back. "That's wonderful, y/n." I thanked her. Without wasting another moment, Lucious asked about our assignments. "How are your assignments going?" I took a deep breath, as did Draco. We made eye contact and before he could respond, I beat him to the punch. "The cabinet is going well. We're so close to getting it completely fixed. We're so close I'd say it's completed." I let out a sigh. "Draco is also doing quite well on his solo assignment. He's cut out hexing, poisoning, etc. He has a plan and he's on track to complete it." This was a total lie. Though Draco did eliminate hexing, he didn't have much of an idea as to how to get rid of Dumbledore. However, I knew his father was hard on him and I wanted to help him out. With this, he gave me a small smile for covering for him.

"Well, that's wonderful. The Dark Lord will be very pleased," Lucious said. Draco set his hand on my thigh under the table, which made me feel much more comfortable with my facade. Narcissa spoke up after a couple of seconds had gone by. "So, would you two be interested in helping decorate for Christmas tomorrow? We need to do the tree." I smiled. Before I could speak up, Draco did. "We'd love to, mother." I smiled. I'm glad that Draco has such a kind mother considering his father is so hard on him. With that, we finished dinner with small talk, and then made our way to our room after.

"Your room is so big. I've only been in here twice." Draco smiled, stripping down to his boxers. "Our room, dear." I smiled. As Draco got into bed I pulled my pajamas from his dresser. I guess it's our dresser now. I crawled onto the other side of the bed and laid down beside him. The sheets were cold, just how I like them.

"We're going to get through this. Through our assignments. I know it's hard, but we have each other now and we're going to get through it." As I said those words, I leaned over to him, pulling his head into my chest. As he knew what I was doing, he fully accepted it and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I know. I'm so sorry this is what your 6th year turned out to be. I know you wanted it to be normal." I frowned. "Don't be sorry. I knew I was signing up for these assignments, and I didn;t have a choice. You, however, I didn't know about. But, I'm happy it happened. Now that we're together, I can't imagine myself with anyone else." I laughed. "To be honest, I'm surprised we didn't get together sooner." Draco laughed with me. "Can I tell you a secret?" As I nodded, he sat up in bed. "I've loved you since we were first years. You are the perfect woman." I blushed as he continued talking. "You are calm, poised, and beautiful. You have always been such a wonderful woman. Smart, Slytherin, courageous. Our whole childhood I've been in love with you. I know you didn't want to marry me, but you're the only person I've ever wanted - hoped - to be with forever." I can't believe what he just said. "Thank you, y/n. For being the one I can be with forever" I thought I was going to cry. "Of course, Draco. I love you"

And with that, he and I went to sleep, wrapped in each other's embrace. 

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