Chapter 13

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A week had gone by, and it was finally time for Draco and I to return to hogwarts. Because I was nervous, I started to anxiously pack mine and Draco's trunks. Though I was doing well packing, Draco could tell something was on my mind. "What's wrong, y/n? Or is it just the usual stuff?" I've told Draco about all my concerns. He knows what's bothering me, I just don't think he knows how to help - which he shouldn't, there really isn't anything he can do. "Just the usual." I throw down a shirt into my trunk and flop down on our bed. Draco was sitting on it as well, reading the Daily Profit. "Look, 'Hogwarts goes under scrutiny from the ministry for certain teaching aspects.'" Draco mumbled under his breath. "Ridiculous." I laughed at his antics. "I'd rather Hogwarts be under scrutiny than have someone like Umbridge return." Draco hummed in agreement. "So, my dear wife, would you like to aparate back to Hogwarts or take the train?" I was surprised he asked. "We always apparate, you hate the train." He nodded in agreement, but spoke up again. "Yes, I hate the train. But you don't. If I recall in third year you mentioned enjoying the sights." I leaned over and kissed him. "I can't believe you remember that." He just smiled and kissed me back. "Y/n, I want you to know that everything will be fine. You were strong for me earlier and now I will be strong for you. We're going to complete our tasks and everything will be fine. We'll get through it together." I trusted him, but we had so much to achieve. It overwhelmed me. Draco, however, pulled me in for a hug and ran his fingers through my hair. As he did so he continued to read the daily profit.

We had finished packing and it was now time for us to head to King Cross Station. As Dobby elevated our trunks down the stairs, Draco and I said our goodbyes to Lucious and Narcissa.

"Thank you for having me this holiday break, it was wonderful to see you both." I smiled and hugged Narcissa. Narcissa responded, saying "of course. Lucious and I are so happy about the success this arrangement has brought for the two of you." I smiled. As Draco said specific goodbyes to his mother, I was left standing across from Lucious. He held out his hand to me and I set my hand in his. He pulled it up and kissed the top of my hand before speaking. "These next few weeks will be crucial for our cause. Are you well prepared?" I gave him the most fake slytherin grin I had in me. "Of course. We will not let you down." After I said those words, Lucious released my hand and Draco and I headed off.

King Cross Station was bustling with people going to and fro. Draco had been escorting me with his hand on my back, but I had to push it off. Our relationship has matured so much since we started dating, it was going to be difficult to act like we don't have feelings for each other again. I looked up at him and mouthed 'I'm sorry' and he gave me a gentle smile. As we boarded the train, it was just him and I in the compartment. I think everyone else decided to apparate back, but I was thankful it would be a quiet ride back. It would be my last ride, after all. I decided to pull out my book. Draco, slouched on the other side, spoke up from the loud silence we faced in the compartment. "Liking the book so far?" I smiled. "Yes, it's been quite good. Whoever got it for me did a good job." Draco grinned as he stared out the window. The train roared and we were on our way.

I had been reading for about half an hour and Draco spoke up again, but casted the mufilato spell. "Y/n, we have separate rooms. What are we going to do? I've gotten so accustomed to sleeping with you every night." I smiled. "Well, we could take turns doing sleepovers. But we'd have to be sneaky about it." Draco whined. "But that's so much work." I laughed. "It will be a lot of work but it's only for a couple of weeks." We had another conversation pause, but I had something I wanted to say. "I'm nervous to see Blaise. What if he's so upset he tells people about us." Draco got a very serious look on his face. "Blaise is one of our friends, but if he chooses to cross us he'll know what will happen to him. Because of that, I don't think he'd have the courage to say or do anything." I nodded my head in agreement, hoping that would be the case.

As I read, Draco and I both succumbed to our thoughts. We both know so much is coming up. It's like I have a running calendar in my head, or checklist, and I'm eagerly waiting to finish so I can finally be free of these haunting tasks.

Before I knew it, we had arrived. I met Draco's glance from across the cabin, both acknowledging that our relationship must end here and now. He assisted me off the train and afterward, he didn't touch me, look at me, or anything. Though this is what I wanted, I'm left feeling a little down. I chipped up though, trailing behind Draco as we made our way into the castle.

Our trunks were already in our room, so Draco and I made our way to the dinning hall to get dinner and hopefully meet up with our friends. I was hoping everything would be ok between Blaise and us. I know he was drunk and upset, but I hope we can put it behind us. As we walked in, eyes were on us. We have usually always been in the limelight, after all we're rich pureblood Slytherins who are associated with the Dark Lord. I tried to just think of that, after all there were lots of rumors regarding the death eaters over winter break. The worst part, however, would be people turning and talking to each other. I hate when people openly gossip about me right in front of me. If I wasn't worried about going to Azkaban I would curse them into oblivion.

We sat down at the table, Blaise and Theo on one side, and Astoria, Draco, and I on the other. Draco greeted Theo and Astoria, but didn't say anything to Blaise. I tried to clear the air. "Hey guys! Ready for Spring semester?" They all gave simple responses, however Blaise didn't say anything. I knew from the general demeanor of the room that no one was aware of our circumstances except our friends. I felt at ease. Though there were past issues at Christmas, I was positive we could get over them. Though no one at school knew, I felt that we needed to clear the air. "Is everyone free tonight?" I got some nods and glances from around the table. "You should all come to my room around 7 and we can talk. Nothing too serious, I just think we should soberly clear the air. After all, I know we all have big plans later this semester and should all be on the same page." Draco put his hand on my thigh under the table, and rubbed circles.

It was almost 7 and Draco was in my room with me. He was laying on my bed, fiddling with something he found on my side table, while I was tripping over my worlds, practicing what I would say. Before I knew it, everyone had arrived. Theo and Astoria were sitting on a couch I had in my room, Draco had decided to lean against my dresser, and Blaise was standing by my window, occasionally taking glances out of it. Before I started talking I casted the muffliato curse.

"Thank you for coming guys, I just want to clear the air." I took a deep breath and stared at Blaise, but he stared at the floorboards - refusing to meet my gaze. "Last May, Draco and I's families got together. They told us we were arranged in an engaged marriage. Neither Draco or I knew about it, and we didn't really see each other or speak up to the day. It was very difficult. Because of the circumstances, we made our families keep it small. Only our closest family members and parents' friends were allowed, as well as one friend for Draco and I each." At this moment, Blaise met my eye contact. "Blaise, you have to realize at this time, the wedding wasn't a good wedding. It wasn't happy or cheerful, it was gloomy. Draco and I didn't start having feelings for each other until a couple months ago. Anyway, we wanted to not tell anyone cause we didn't want it going around the school that we were married." Suddenly, I heard a cough from behind me. I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't want it going around the school. Seriously though Blaise, we wanted to tell you. We just had a lot going on trying to figure out how our relationship would work, our duties to the dark lord, and school." I let out a breath, finallying allowing my muscles in my jaw and shoulders to relax.

Theo spoke up, which made me feel less alone. "It's exactly as she described it mate, you really didn't miss out on the event of their wedding, respectfully. I think we should all just make up and go back to being friends again." I smiled at Theo's slightly abrasive, but kind comment.

Though I invited everyone, I knew this meeting was meant only for Blaise, and I wished he had something to say. A couple minutes later, he finally decided to speak up. "I'd like to speak with you alone, y/n." I looked over at Draco, He stared at me, as if pleading with me not to, but I squeezed his hand to let him know I'd be fine. I said goodnight to Theo and Astoria, and kissed Draco goodnight.

I shut the door for just Blaise and I to talk.

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