Chapter 3

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"Mrs. Malfoy, Mr. Malfoy has asked that you come downstairs and accompany him to King Cross Station. I will get your trunk." I let out a sigh. "Thank you so much for your help with everything this summer, Dobby." "It is my pleasure to help Mrs. Malfoy."

As I shut the door to my room I wondered what would be next, or where I will be the next time I come to this room. Not wasting my thoughts on it, I head down the hall to the stairs, taking in the tall and cold facade of the Malfoy manor. At the bottom of the stairs, standing in his all black suit, Draco waits for me. I walked down the stairs with Dobby trailing behind. Draco glances at me for a mere second, but it's almost as if he did a retake, and then watched me walk the full distance down the stairs.

"Finally, you're ready." Ignoring his rude comment, I turned to his parents who were standing a couple feet away to see us off.

"Thank you for having me Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, I'm sure I'll see you soon." His father gave me a simple nod, and his mother embarrassed me for a hug.

"Of course y/n. I'm so glad you're a part of this family now." Still hearing it is a shock. Lucious and Narcissa Malfoy are my inlaws.

"We need to get going now. Mother, father, see you soon."

Draco and I were the first of our friends to board the train. Finding our compartment, we took our seats. He decided to sit right next to me.

"Dra-Malfoy you can't sit right next to me. If the whole compartment is empty it's going to be suspicious." He looked at me and rolled his eyes. Instead of moving to the otherside, he moves even closer, slipping his hand on my leg, and slowly sliding it higher and higher up.

"You know Mrs. Malfoy, I can sit next to you if I wish." Leaning in, he continues to whisper in my ear, "I can touch you if I wish, I can do anything I'd like to you." I couldn't keep the blush from creeping up my face, but the goosebumps on my thighs were new. It was as if fire was forming everywhere he touched, yet there was no burn. Suddenly, the door on our compartment slid open, revealing Blaise.

"Hey guys! How's it going?" I immediately jumped off my seat out of fear, but I tried to play it off by giving him a hug. "Blaise, hello! How was your summer?" He looked at me as if I was hexed. "Fine love... why'd you jump off your seat when you saw me?" "Oh, It just frightened me. "Draco, how are you?" Draco took a couple seconds to respond, but seemed very upset all the sudden. "Fine mate, you?" "I'm good."

Taking this moment to cover my tracks, I sat on the opposite side of Draco, with blaise following suit and sitting next to me. Suddenly, he lifts his arm up and rests it around my shoulders. "So, Mrs. y/l/n, what exactly did you do over the summer?" Stopping to think, I made eye contact with Draco. Though we haven't ever been together up until our marriage a couple weeks ago, he looked like he was going to combust into flames. Thankfully, he chose not to say anything, just gave Blaise a menacing stare. "I haven't done much, just hung out at my home, took a couple trips to muggle London. They're always so fascinating to watch." "I know!"

A couple minutes later, Theo, Astoria, and Pansy had arrived as well. I used Astoria showing up to escape Blaises grasp on me. Soon after that, the train took off.

Draco sat near the window, sulking. "Draco, we'll be at Hogwarts before you know it," said Pansy Parkinson. None of us really like Pansy, but she is always lurking around our group. Perhaps it's because she has no friends; but part of it has to do with the fact that she's obsessed with my husband. What did I just say? No. She's obsessed with Draco.

"Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I'd pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I thought I had to continue for another two years." Everyone looked uneasy.

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