Chapter 12

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Last night was unforgettable. It was everything I've ever wanted in a relationship, and I'm so grateful I have Draco to share it with. As I rolled over, I crashed onto Draco's chest. Our legs were wrapped in the sheets. It felt like electricity when there was a wrinkle in the sheets and we would touch. I decided to draw with my fingertips on his chest. "Mmmm I'm sleeping." Draco was not a morning person. "But it's morning. It's time to wake up honey." I saw a little smile play on his lips, but he still hasn't opened his eyes. "Honey, hmm?" I sat up and started to gently kiss up and down his chest. "Now that, that will wake me up." Then he opened his eyes and pulled me forward, making our lips collide.

To make our kissing easier, he pulled me on his lap, so I straddled him. We shared a couple more kisses before I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "Merry Christmas, Draco." He smiled, and said "Merry Christmas, y/n." Without giving him another second, I bolted out of bed to get dressed. "Come on Draco, it's Christmas morning! I want you to open the gift I got you!" Draco chuckled while sitting up and pulling on some pants and a shirt. As soon as he reached me at the doorway, I grabbed onto his hand and pulled him down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas, Lucius and Narcissa." They smiled, and returned the phrase. Everyone got two gifts, as Draco and I got gifts for his parents, and his parents got gifts for us, as well as us getting gifts for each other. Lucious and Narcissa gave Draco a new broom for quidditch, as his got ruined at the second to last game they played. They got me new parchment that's special for writing music. Lucious and Narcissa got up to refill their tea, and Draco and I took this time to open our gifts to each other. I told Draco he could go first, so he started to rip the paper off the small box.

In all truth, I had a really hard time picking something out for him. After all, he can afford anything he wants. I wanted the gift to be special, but not cheap or stupid. One day I was wandering around hogsmeade, and I found a thin silver chain that had a small onyx black pendant on it, which was outlined in silver. It was so Draco, I had never seen anything more like him. I had it engraved so the flat side of the pendant has our anniversary on it. "Y/n, this is amazing. I've had this chain for years and it just started to rust. How did you know I needed a new one?" I smiled. "Oh, I didn't. I saw it one day and thought you would like it, and I had our anniversary engraved in it. I thought it went well with your style and the other things you wear." He grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it.

"This is one of the best gifts I've gotten. Thank you, my love" I smiled, leaned in, and kissed him. "Now it's your turn." I smiled, and started ripping the dark green paper off the medium box.

First, there was a pair of beautiful silver earrings. "Draco, these are gorgeous, thank you." Somehow, Draco had a wonderful taste in jewelry. My ring, these earrings, and the necklace and earrings he got me for the slug club party were all beautiful. As I reached in to grab another thing, I found a small book. As I turned it over I read the cover. 'Pride & Prejudice'? I've never heard of this before." Draco laughed. "Well, it's a muggle romance. I know how fond you are of your romances, and I thought since it was muggle it would be more interesting to read." This was a great gift. I can't believe he remembered that I liked romances and took the time to pick one out. "I also read it, so I can certify for you that it's decently good." I laughed. I can't imagine Draco reading a muggle book, let alone a romance muggle book. "Thank you, Draco." He pulled me into his lap, holding me close to his chest. "Merry Christmas y/n." I kissed him, and said "merry Christmas, Draco."

Because the big holiday party was yesterday, we didn't have any outstanding plans for today. As of right now, Draco and I were once again lounging in the library. I had read a couple of chapters of my new book and so far was really enjoying it - however it was a little frustrating at the same time. Being in this room, I couldn't stop thinking about the night before. Subconsciously, I had set my book in my lap and started to rub my wrist where Blaise once grasped on.

"Are you ok? I'm still so sorry about yesterday. I should have seen that something was wrong with him and we shouldn't have approached him to begin with." I frowned. "No, no. I'm ok, I promise. He was just hurt that he didn't know about us." Draco laughed. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that." I became unhappy. "What did you just say?" I sat forward as Draco continued to laugh. "You heard me." I didn't really know how to approach this discussion. "Care to elaborate?" He wiped the grin off his face. "I've told you since the beginning, y/n. Blaise is in love with you. He literally told you at the party. He's not made that we are specifically married, he's mad because he can't have you anymore and he knows he has no chance." Draco was being very harsh. "I feel bad. I didn't do anything to lead him on, I truly thought we just had a friendly relationship." Draco pulled me back into his arms. "You didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault he loves you because you're perfect." I smiled as I felt small, gentle kisses flutter up and down my neck.

"Draco, can I talk to you about something serious?" With this, he paused his kisses and listened intently. "We need to make a plan for killing Dumbledore. Your father asked me how it was going yesterday night and I told him you had a plan. Well, it's time we focus and figure out a plan. I don't want to do this just as much as you, but I don't want to be murdered by you-know-who." Draco let out a long and heavy sigh. "I've been thinking about it, you see, and I'm going to get him alone and just use a dark curse of some kind. If he isn't expecting it, he'll have no reason to have his guard up for a means of defense." I gave Draco a sad smile. "That sounds like a good plan. I'm so sorry you can't find an anonymous method to use. I know you don't want our peers knowing you were the one who did it." Draco leaned up against me, as if his body couldn't support itself. "Why couldn't I have gotten an easier assignment? I know my father pushed for something big like this and he shouldn't have. He knows I've never been interested in the dark lord or his work." I rubbed Draco's back as he spoke up again. "What if... we just ran away? From this?" I didn't know what to say. "Draco, are you crazy? Keep your voice down. We'll be tracked down and murdered. We wouldn't have any money, no home. As much as I respect this idea of yours, I just don't think it's a possibility. I refuse to speak about this anywhere except our room with the muffliato spell. You know the dark lord and some other death eaters will be here soon. I want to stay out of their line of fire." Draco, realizing his mistake, apologized. A few moments later we both decided to let it go and return to our books, but I couldn't let it go.

Was that really something we could do? And if we did do it, that means we'd never seen Astoria, Theo, our parents, etc. We'd have to leave our old life behind completely. I would be more open to the idea if it was something actually manageable.

"Are you ok? You seem lost in space." Not wanting to entertain the idea anymore, I came up with something to say. "Oh haha yes." I held up Pride & Prejudice to Draco, shaking it slightly. " I was just thinking about what it would be like to live in this decade without magic." He laughed. "It would be hard to live in any decade without magic. Muggles are like neanderthals. They're inferior in every way." I laughed. Draco always did have something against muggles.

Draco and I were sitting on the couch on opposite sides, our legs crossed over each other. However, I decided to have some fun. I got up and made my way to the library door, locking it. I wasn't too worried, Narcissa and Lucious never come in here. I leaned up against the book self and stared at Draco. He looked at me from above his book, then went back to reading. However, he managed to start a conversation as he read. "What are you doing?" I smiled at him. "You know, I'm just so hot in this library... By the warm fire..." While I spoke, I lifted my shirt over my arms. Draco, noticing my antics, set his book down. "Perhaps taking off some layers would help. Come here, I'll help you." With that I made my way over to Draco. We took turns, undressing, kissing; until eventually we were wrapped up in each other beside the fireplace, panting from the roughness of each other. "The library... we should do it here more often." I smiled, noticing Draco's pleased grin on his face. "Doesn't matter where we do it. It'll always be good." Of course Draco would be full of himself after sex. As I settled down, the same thought I've had all break has crept into my mind. We're going to have to go back to Hogwarts. We're going to have to hide our relationship. We're going to have to finally finish the cabinet and kill Dubledore. There was so much we had to do in so little time. 

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