Chapter 5

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It's been a week, and I'm starting to stress about juggling working on the cabinet, schoolwork, and our secret. Draco and I have been on the same stress level, a lot on our minds with the cabinet. We discovered where it was - in one of the rooms of requirement; however it's used as a storage room for Hogwarts. When we found it, Draco took an apple from the dinning hall and put it in, and I apparated to Burgin and Burkes. It was broken because when I received it, the apple was mangled and almost bitten-into looking. Draco and I have already made excellent progress though, with finding it and figuring out that it still transports.

However, it's time to relax for the weekend. It's the first Quidditch game of the season and Astoria and I can't wait to see the boys play. I have to admit, now that Draco and I have a relationship I'm more excited to see him play.

Astoria meets us in the common room Friday afternoon, trying to get the boys riled up for their match. "Are you boys ready to defeat the Hufflepuffs?" Blaise just smirks, responding by saying "Yes, ma'am." I chime in with a bit of a Slytherin tongue, "Hopefully you win this year - last year you weren't so lucky." Astoria and I snicker, hopefully our comments can give them some spirit to play. Draco, in a good mood, says that "obviously we're gonna win. Actually, we should be heading to the field right now to warm up." Theo chimes in, "Yeah. We'll see you lovely ladies soon, ready to celebrate our victory." With that, they got up and left.

Astoria and I headed to my room to get ready for the game. Because we're slytherin purebloods we pretty much only wear black, but in spirit of the game Astoria and I had on some green hats and scarves and so forth.

As we walked down to the field, I couldn't help but get more and more excited to see Draco play. To distract myself, I talked to Astoria about Theo. "So, excited to see Theo play?" She giggled, "I'm sure my feelings to see Theo are on parr with your own feelings to see Draco." She gave me a little giggle. Astoria is my best friend, of course I chose her to be my maid of honor. She has a slytherin attitude towards others she doesn't know, but to the people she loves she is loyal and kind. I couldn't imagine doing any of this without her by my side.

As we climbed the stairs, we plotted out where we would sit. Since we got there early, we were able to get front seats in one of the multiple slytherin towers. Astoria and I were eying the field, looking for our guys. I pointed, "There's blaise!" and nodded her head and smiled, "oh! There's Draco and Theo!"

Within a matter of minutes, the game has started. Quidditch is a fun game to watch cause there is always so much going on. Usually, people watch the quaffle - that's what most of the points come from. Today, however, I was more interested in the golden snitch - and who was catching it. Slytherin and Hufflepuff were pretty neck and neck with the score, however because Hufflepuffs are huge pushovers the Slytherins were in the lead from our aggressive and go-getter playing style. Since I got lost watching the Quaffle, I had to look for Draco, and he was staring right at me. Maybe? All of a sudden my vision focuses on what is directly between us. The golden snitch. Suddenly, Madam Pomfrey takes a moment to stop commenting on the quaffle, and shout out that Draco has spotted it. I suddenly stand up, cheering for Draco to get it. However, since Madam Pomfrey announced Draco was after it, Hufflepuff's seeker was on his way after it as well. Diggory was the seeker before he died, but now a new guy named Summerby was seeker. He didn't have anything on Draco though. Swooping in, as soon as Draco almost got a hand on it the snitch moved. Quickly, he whipped around to follow it. Summerby was hot on Draco's tail, but Theo came up behind Draco and Pushed Summerby out of the way. As soon Draco sped up fast enough to be right on its tail, he reached his hand out and grabbed it.

The Slytherin house jumped up and cheered, because we truly were the best house. The team shook hands with the Hufflepuffs, with a snarky smirk plastered on their faces. As soon as we got out of the tower, Astoria and I ran to the boys.

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