Chapter 15

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For the rest of the day I left Draco to himself. He seemed to be in a mood, but I didn't expect him to open up to me about it. It was probably something small and insignificant anyway. I finished up my classes and homework around 4 and decided to spend time with Astoria. We made our way to Hogsmeade for some much needed shopping and girl talk. We started off going from boutique to boutique, looking at all the new trending clothes.

"Hey, do you think this is cute?" I held a black top up to my chest, trying to mimic how it would look on me. "Yes, adorable!" I smiled and looped the hanger on my wrist. "So, how are things with you and theo?" Astoria plastered a huge smile on her face. "Wonderful. Amazing. Everything." I was happy for her happiness. "So, have you two shagged yet?" She practically jumped in the air after I said that. "Y/N! Keep your voice down!" She came up close to me, interlocking our arms. "And for your information, we have. And it's incredible. I didn't think we could have a closer bond, but now it's as if we're...I don't even know how to explain it." I smiled at her.

I paid for the two items, and added the bag to the slew of others around my wrist. If I'm being completely honest, Astoria's closeness with Theo was caught in my head. Draco and I have been through hell and back trying to make our relationship work, and he can't even tell me about the little things making him upset? He couldn't simply tell me what put him in a bad mood instead of storming off?

Astoria's words broke my train of thought. "So, before we head back, want to grab a butterbeer?" I smiled. "Yes!" We threw our bags on the bench and chair on either side of us and started slurping down our drinks.

"Hey, y/n, I think Riddle is checking you out." She nods her head across The Three Broomsticks. I looked past me and we made eye contact. He was sitting with a few of the other Slytherin quidditch players. He gave me a quick smile and looked down in his lap and laughed, and I returned my attention to Astoria. "He wasn't checking me out, we're just friends. Not even - we sit next to each other in a class." She smiled at me. "Oh ok, nice. Mattheo has always seemed cool." With that, we finished our drinks and made our way back to Hogwarts.

It was 10:30 pm and I was going to go to bed, but I couldn't get Draco off my mind, so I decided to go give him a little visit. I threw on my slytherin robe over my knight gown and brought all my bags of stuff I purchased today to his room. If someone saw me they would probably think I was a complete lunatic, but I was so full of jealousy and anger over Draco's little spat that I didn't care.

I gave three slightly aggressive knocks to his door. I heard his bed creak as he got up, and I heard him unlock and open the door. There he stood, in all his glory, wearing just some sweatpants, and slightly wet hair.

"Hey, wh-" Before he could finish, I let myself into his room with bags in hand. I threw them on his bed and turned to face him. "What did I do? Huh? Did I do something wrong? Daphne and Theo are madly in love, shagging in all, and they have no secrets. But you and I? You just abandon me in the great hall for no reason, don't tell me why, and ignore me for the rest of the day? What happened to us? We were doing so well?" There was an awkward moment of silence. I noticed him staring at me. Not at my face, but at my nightgown under my robe. I didn't notice at the time though because I was so wrapped up in my rage. "See these bags? I bought them today. Though you might wanna see what I bought, after all I spent OUR money. Ours. Because we're married. You probably had no idea where I was because you haven't bothered to talk to me since 11 this morning. You just stormed off."

Before I knew it, Draco was coming at me full speed. He grabbed my forearm and pulled me straight so I was right in front of him. He pushed me back against the wall, so I was trapped between his arms.

"Draco-" He slammed his hand on the wall next to me. "Just shut up, ok? Just- just let me explain myself." I let out a nervous breath. Draco ducked his head down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." As he said those words, I felt one of his hands on my shoulder, pushing down my robe. "I thought we were in this together?" He looked up at me and met my gaze. "We are in this together. I just..." I looked at his face, trying to see if he was ok, or if he was going to lash out again. "I had a bad day and I didn't want to take your day down with me."

I felt him release both his hands from the wall and mount them on the sides of my waist. We stood in this position in silence for a while, until I broke free of it. "So, do you want to see all the things I bought on my girls night with daphne? Perhaps after you could share with me what happened during your day? Perhaps why you were upset...?" Draco sat down on a chair nearby, sprawled out. He smirked as I took off my robe, and started digging through my bags.

"Alright, so Daphne mentioned shopping to me earlier today, so we decided to go around 4. We went to a couple different stores and then got some butter beers at the three broomsticks. We mostly talked about..." As I explained my day, I held up all the stuff I bought so he could see.

Draco had a large grin plastered on his face when I held up the new Lingerie, bras, and underwear I had bought. I think I even caught him licking his lips when he readjusted in his seat.

"Alright," I threw all the clothes back and their bags and hopped up on his bed. I rolled to lay on my stomach, with my hands positioned under my chin and my feet crossed in the air. Because of the nightgown I was wearing, much wasn't left for imagination.

Draco sat forward in his chair. "Ok, last night I got a letter from my father on how we are going to proceed with the invasion and ... everything. It isn't what I want to do and I don't want it to happen. As much as I don't like Hogwarts, I can't defy them - we - can't defy them. And then my day got better when I saw you, but I just need it to be you and I. Being with everyone all the time can be exhausting. After class I came to get you and I saw you walking with Riddle. I just got kind of upset. I know you said you weren't close, but it killed me to see you two walking alone together when all I want is to be alone with you. I just want you, and all to myself. I'm sorry I got mad at you over something so trivial."

I sat with his words for a minute, trying to figure out what to say. "Thank you for being honest with me. Can you come here?" I gave him a little smirk and he got up and sat on the bed near me. He leaned in, and slightly rubbed my shoulder. I felt the cold metal of his ring set on my lower leg. "You have me. If you needed some alone time with me you should have told me. I'm always here for you. I'll come and be with you whenever you need me. I've missed you too, by the way." Since I was laying on my stomach still, I rolled onto my side to face him.

"Well, you've got me here now, have me." Before I knew it, Draco had his hands on either side of me, leaning down and giving me a passionate kiss. We rotated on the bed so my head was at the headboard. Draco was on top of me, kissing every inch he could. First he started with my lips, then made his way down to my neck. From my collarbone to the neckline of my nightgown, he used his hand to pull up the bottom, exposing me completely to him. As almost a moment of hesitation, he had his hands resting where my legs met my torso. "What are you waiting for?" And with that, he pulled off his pants and entered into me. "Draco, I forgot how good it feels to have you in me."

"I'm all yours, y/n. I'm all yours." I felt him going in and out, quickening his pace. I ran my fingers through his damp hair, pulling on it ever so slightly. "Y/n, I'm going to-to..." ANd with that, Draco and I were on again.

He had collapsed on my chest. I knew I would be spending the night. It's a much needed sleepover. He hadn't said anything, but he didn't need to. He pulled on his sweatpants again and I pulled down my nightgown. Once again, he crawled to lay right next to me. I continued to stroke his hair, occasionally running my hands down to scratch his bareback. I said "I love you," but I hadn't realized he was already asleep. "Goodnight Draco, I'll see you in the morning." And with that, I rolled over and wet to sleep myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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