Chapter 7

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Four weeks have gone by, and everything has been mundane. I've been going to my classes as usual, going to the boys' quidditch games with Astoria, etc. Draco and I were almost completely finished with restoring the cabinet as well. This gave him more time to focus on the Dumbeldore situation, given the incident with Katie Bell was unsuccessful. I could not wait to leave Hogwarts for a couple weeks. I've been spending a lot more time with Draco, sometimes intimate and sometimes just merely being in each other's company. Currently, I'm lounging in the common room with the group, sitting next to Draco. He had his arm up, resting on the back of the couch, Almost as if he had his arm around me.

"So everyone, what are your plans for Christmas Break?" Theo asked. Blaise responded, saying he was going home for the holidays, but halfway through break he would be going to wizarding Italy with his family. Theo and Astoria were also going home, but made a joke that we'd all see each other at the annual Malfoy Christmas ball. "So, Draco, y/n, what about you guys?" I chime in, "oh, I'm goin-" suddenly, Draco cuts me off. "Y/n and I will be staying at my home." Astoria and Nott look at each other, confused why Draco would say we would be together. Blaise, confused, asks "why are you going to his place, y/n?" Trying to cover my tracks, I come up with something to say. But, Draco interrupts me again. "I asked her to stay with me; her family is going to be out of town for most of the break, except for my family's ball, so I thought it would be best if she wasn't alone." Though I wasn't happy he was speaking for me, I did think his reasoning was sweet. I nodded my head as to signal I was agreeing with him. Astoria and Theo told Draco it was nice of him to offer, but Blaise looked confused, and almost upset. "Love, are you sure you want to go with him? You could come stay with me? Come to Italy with me? It would be grand." Blaise offered, but I politely declined, saying "sorry, my family wouldn't be ok with me leaving the country without them." He nodded. "Well Draco, she's not yours yet because I'm taking her to the Slug Club party on Thursday night." Draco tensed, but I can tell he was trying not to lose his calm facade. "As she told you before, she's only going with you because you're the only other Slytherin. There's no other reason as to why." Draco said, delivering his smug grin. Suddenly, Blaise stood up. "What is your problem Draco? Y/n doesn't like you. You're merely just friends. I don't know what you're trying to win, but it's not going to work." With that, I decided to step in. "Please, stop fighting. We are all just tired of school and in need of a break. Yes, I am staying with Draco over Christmas break. It's nothing personal, just something our parents worked out so I wasn't alone over the holidays - you know our parents are very close. And Blaise, I'm excited to go to the party with you, I promise." Draco was seething, and so was Blaise. Theo, trying to aid me in breaking up the fight, announced that it was late and we should all get to bed. With that, I made my way to my room, and only my room.

The next day, I was at breakfast in the great hall with everyone. All the tension from the night before had pretty much dispersed, but Draco and Baise weren't talking with each other directly.

"Astoria, do you have any finals before break?" Astoria and I had a polite conversation about classes and finals, but that was pretty much it. Soon after breakfast ended we went on with our day, going through our classes.

As I was walking to class alone, I felt a hand reach for my shoulder. "Draco, what are you doing?" "I'm walking to class with you." "Oh." I wasn't really sure what to say, but Draco started talking anyway. "I need to talk to you later, after class? I'll meet you in your room." Before I could even say yes, he walked into the classroom and sat at his desk, across the way from me.

Hearing a knock at the door, I opened it up. Expecting it to be Draco, I shouted for him to come in. However, it was Blaise. "Oh my gosh, Blaise, I'm so sorry. I thought you were.. Astoria." He smiled, stepping in but leaving the door open. "Nope, just me. I was wondering what you were going to wear to the Slug Club party. I wanted to match." He walked over, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. "Oh, I really wanted to wear either this one or this one," I started pulling them out of my closet. "But I'm worried they're too nice. They're more adequate for the Malfoy Christmas Ball."

"What about the Malfoy Christmas Ball?" I jumped, turning around to see Draco sanding in the doorway. "Oh, Draco, Hey! What are you doing here?" I let out a nervous laugh, almost trying to cover up that Blaise is here even though I didn't plan it. "What are you talking about?" Draco questioned. He didn't seem mad, just protective and superstitious I guess. "Just came to ask her about what she'll be wearing to the party, nothing concerning you." Blaise gave a friendly smile, but there was devilish intent behind it. Draco walked in the room a little further, standing right behind me. I didn't realize it though because I was staring at my dress. "I think I'm going to wear this one, holding up a simple all black dress. Draco leaned over my shoulder, saying "that one would be beautiful." Slightly jumping, I responded and took a step away. "Oh, thank you Draco." Blaise laughed, saying "yes, I agree. If you're wearing that I'll just wear an all black suit as well." I smiled, "thank you Blaise." I picked up the dress options and hung them up in the closet again. "Well, I'll go so you can speak to Draco on whatever he needs to discuss with you." With that I was going to wave him goodbye, but he ended up going in for an awkwardly close hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. Not knowing what to do, I hugged him back, but it was as if I was made of cardboard. As soon as Blaise walked out, Draco followed him and shut the door. "Muffliato." As Draco put the silencing spell on my room, I immediately began to explain myself as Draco walked up to me. "Draco I'm so sorry, I didn't know he was comi-" Suddenly, Draco had his hands on the sides of my face and was kissing me. Trying to explain myself, I pulled away "really, I-I didn't know he was coming here and I don't know why he was being so strang-" Interrupting me, Draco says "stop talking." I immediately answered, just kissing him back. We crashed onto my bed.

Slowly, Draco moved to leaving tiny kisses all over my neck. "I love you. And I despise Blaise." I sigh, laughing a little. "He doesn't know. Don't be too hard on him." Moving his way down, he manages to kiss me while talking. "Just because he doesn't know doesn't mean he has the right to be all over you. You belong to me." "Legally, we are bonded together, yes." He stopped and gave me a silly look. "And what is that supposed to mean?" I kiss him, saying "you know what I mean." Before he could dive in for more kisses I pulled away and got off the bed. "Where are you going? I was just getting started." I sighed, and responded. "I have to pack Draco. We'll be at your house for 3 weeks." "Our house. It's not just mine." "Our house, your house, whatever. I still need to pack."

Draco sat up, laying propped up on my bed. "I can't wait to go home. You and I can just be together. We won't have to worry about any of the other pathetic people at this school." I smiled at this semi-sweet comment. "Me too. Maybe we can do some research on what to do about Dumbledore as well." Draco sat up a little bit more on the bed. "No. I don't want to ruin the holiday by wasting it on work." "ok. Setting down the clothes I was packing, I walked up to Draco and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Don't worry, this will all be over soon. We won't have to deal with any of our death eater duties." Draco frowned, suddenly very upset. "Don't you get it y/n? After this we'll just get another job to do. This will be our lives from on. We serve the dark lord, and if he executes his plans that's all we'll be doing for the rest of our lives, along with some kind of wizarding job." "I'm sorry Draco, I didn't mean it that way." I sat next to him on the bed and pulled his head into my chest. "I know this is something we'll be doing forever, but we have each other. We'll get through it. And, since we're helping the dark lord so early in his goals and at such a beneficial time, maybe we'll get a better deal or let go a little more once he succeeds. He'll be too busy ruling the world to worry about what you and I do." He chuckled. "Yeah. Thank you, y/n." I smiled at him. "Of course."

After some moments of silence, Draco stood up and accompanied me in packing my trunk. He pulled out the dresses I had hanging from earlier. "This green one is exquisite. I think it would be beautiful for the Christmas Ball." I smiled. "I don't know. It's a little revealing. I don't know if it's best for the event." Draco smiled. "That means it's the perfect dress. I'm going to need something to distract me from the boringness of the ball." He gave me a devious smirk and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "What's better than getting to stare at my beautiful wife all night long?" I turned around in his arms and kissed him. "Thank you. I can't wait to see you either. What are you going to wear? Your usual all-black Malfoy manor suit?" He laughed. "You know me to well. What else am I supposed to wear?"

I feel as though at this moment I'm closer to Draco than I've ever been with anyone else in my life. He's always so cold and serious in public. He doesn't let people see the real him, but I've grown to love it. It's like I get to see what no one else does, like he's saved this side of himself just for me. And it's something I could get used too. With that, I continued to pack as Draco helped me, and I discussed what final things we needed to do for the cabinet.

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