Chapter 14

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I shut the door for just Blaise and I to talk.

As soon as the door shut, I started rambling as if I hadn't been allowed to speak for years.

"Blaise, I'm-I'm so sorry. I promise we wanted to tell you and I know-" Blaise cut me off. "Y/n, just stop." Blaise let out a deep breath. "I understand the situation, and I'm sorry you've been put through that. I get that you have had a lot going on, but I can't deny my feelings for you. I'm in love with you, y/n. Because I know we could never work, I'll try to turn my feelings into something more platonic and friendly, but for right now I'm just going to need some space."

I didn't really know what to say, but I was able to mutter out a few words. "So... We're ok?" I lifted my eyes up to try and read his emotions on his face. "Yes, we're ok." I let a small smile fall onto my face. I walked up to Blaise and gave him a small hug. He didn't hug back, but I could tell he and I were equally happy to be at an understanding.

After the hug was over, we made our way over to the door. 'So... I'll see you tomorrow?" Blaise smiled. "Of course." With that, we said our goodbyes.

I locked my door and made my way over to my bathroom. I did my usual routine, brushing my hair, teeth, etc, and I heard a sound near my window. As I made my way out, I saw Draco's owl, Ulysses, holding a letter. I thanked him and gave him a little pat on the head, and he stayed perched on my windowsill. I opened the letter and read it.

Dear y/n,

How did it go with Blaise? I hope you spoke to you with respect.

I miss not being by your side, my bed is feeling particularly empty

without you in it.

Write back if it went ok.

Love, Draco

This warmed my heart. I can't believe Draco and I have made so much progress. Our relationship has gone from cold to hot in a matter of months. I'm just glad we aren't unhappy.


Everything with Blaise went fine. He said we can go back to being

friends, it just might take some time.

I miss you too.

All my love,


I folded the piece of parchment, sealed it with a wax stamp, and sent ulysses on his way.

As I got into bed, I started thinking about everything that's happened this far. I think tomorrow I'm going to talk to Draco about possibly announcing to the school that we're 'dating' so that we can be together as a couple, and not need to hide it. I think it just makes more sense, and it would be so much easier. People wouldn't be suspicious, and our relationship could be defined as dating, rather than people being aware of our actual relationship.

As I thought about it, I rolled over and fell asleep.

As the sun filled my room, I got up to get ready for class. Even though Balise and I aren't bffs, I'm glad we're able to be on good terms. Because I was in such a good mood, I decided to dress confidently. I got ready for the day, and threw on one of my favorite outfits. Today was the day I would let Draco know about us 'dating'.

I made my way into the Slytherin common room and greeted everyone. As I was the last to arrive, everyone stood up and we made our way to the great hall for some breakfast before class. Theo and Blaise walked together in front, and Draco, Astoria, and I followed behind.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Draco leaned over and asked. I loved getting to smell his cologne when he leans in. I breathed it in and smiled up at him. "Well, and you?" He gave me a sad smirk, saying "I would have slept better if you were there with me." I felt a blush creep up onto my face. Before I could let anyone notice, I smacked his arm. "Alright, that's enough." I hadn't noticed at the time that he had pulled me in and held me under his arm.

"Alright Mr. and Mrs., break it up before people start staring," Astoria said. I pushed Draco's arm off me, but he coyly said, "let them stare then." I giggled, and then the 5 of us split up to go to our individual classes.

My first morning class I didn't have any close friends in. It was a class with Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, and I sat next to Mattheo Riddle.

Mattheo is cool, he's very quiet though. I feel bad because he's grown up around all of us - he's a part of the death eaters, he's a slytherin, on the quidditch team, but he never was close enough to be a part of our group. We talk occasionally, but nothing substantial. However, over the last year he has become rather striking. He learned how to style his hair, and how to dress. Had Astoria been single I'd try to set them up.

"I hate how Trelawney just goes on and on. I swear she doesn't know when to shut up." I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I know. I never liked divination. It's a Hufflepuff class, delirious and insignificant." Mattheo leaned over and spoke in my ear. "I couldn't have said it better myself."

An hour later the class got out, and Mattheo walked out with me. "So, are you planning on going to the big house party this Saturday night?" I laughed. "I go to every party, but sometimes I don't 'actually' party; just hangout, you know?" "Yes, I know completely. Sometimes being in that room with all those people is a little much for me, but I try to make an appearance every time." Before I knew it, Mattheo swung around and stopped in front of me, causing me to halt in my tracks. I had to stop so briskly I was mere inches from him, and he towered above me. "So, I'll see you there then. Bye l/n." And with that, he walked away. I stood there in shock for a moment, not knowing what to think. Mattheo was much more conversational than usual.

"Hey, you ok?" It was Draco. "I've been looking for you. I thought we could grab lunch together in the great hall. Are you free?" I smiled upon seeing him. "Yeah sure, I'd love to." As we made our way to the great hall, we walked side by side, occasionally bumping into each other. I loved being in Draco's company, we didn't even need to speak - but I loved when we did. We are able to be just us.

Before I knew it, we had sat down and I had accumulated a random selection of foods on my plate for lunch. As I ate, Draco spoke up.

"Did I see you talking with Riddle?" I looked up at him to meet his gaze. "Oh yeah, we have divination together, we are deskmates. Why?" He looked down, and finished chewing his apple before speaking. "I was just wondering." I smiled and reached to hold his hand on the table, but he pulled it away. "I have to study for an exam, I'm going to go to the library." I was kind of offended by his sudden mood. It wasn't like him to pull away like that.

"Oh, ok. Well, I'll see you later?" I flashed him a smile, hoping to get something out of him or see if I was taking it the wrong way.

"Yeah, bye." And with that, he got up and left. 

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