Chapter 6

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"I told you there would be consequences." Draco had definitely sobered up.

"I didn't do anything, he asked to tell me something. What was I supposed to do? Tell him I have a boyfriend?"

"Yes. Anything. You know I can't stand seeing you with anyone except me." I rolled my eyes. Does he think he owns me?

"You don't own me, ok? I was handling it fine. I had told him I was fine and I pushed his hand away. I didn't need you to storm over like the big bad wolf and beat him up for me."

Draco came over to me, very upset.

"Listen. This has gone on long enough. I want to be with you and you want to be with me. We are married anyway, why don't we just tell everyone. It doesn't involve them. What are they gonna do?"

I angrily sighed. "It isn't about them! It's about us! I want this last year at Hogwarts to go as planned. I want it to be simple, and easy, and normal." Suddenly, Draco picked me up and sat me on his dresser, standing in between my legs. Keeping his grasp on my thighs, he says "this year will never be normal. Merlin's sake y/n. We have to fix the cabinet and hide that we're deatheaters. It's never going to be normal. Don't you think it will feel better to get rid of one of the many secrets we're keeping?" Stubbornly, I reply. "No, it won't. Please Draco. I am yours. I am married to you. I am not keeping this a secret so our classmates will try to date either of us. I'm doing it to try and keep everything as normal as possible, despite the fact that everything is so different." He sighs, and I lean forward and lay my head on his chest. "Please. During Christmas break we can tell Blaise so it's not awkward anymore. And when we're at your house we don't have to hide it. It will be like a vacation from this life. Only 5 more weeks and we'll be set." He backed up from me, angrily. I hear him mumble a 'fine' under his breath. Then, he stormed out of the room - probably going to the astronomy tower. I decided not to follow him though, I know he needs space to think things through.

As I left his room, I wrote a note and left it on his bedside table.

"Thank you, - y/n"

After telling everyone that Draco was fine, I went to bed.

It has been 5 days, and I haven't spoken to Draco since then. Only a couple 'heys' and 'byes', in addition to the required conversations we've had about the cabinet. I was starting to get mad. I am not asking something impossible of him. I'm simply asking him to not let the whole school know I'm permanently tied to him.

After my regular Wednesday classes, I decided to stop by his room to talk to him.

I knocked. "Draco? Can I come in?" He opened the door and moved out of the way for me to let myself in. He seemed to be in a mood. "Is this in regard to the cabinet?" I let out an annoyed huf. "No, I need to talk to you about us." Not making eye contact, he walked in the opposite direction. "What is it? I'm too busy to discuss our marriage." This sent me over. "What is your fucking problem? I haven't done anything to you. As your wife, I don't deserve to be spoken too this way. You're being a real ass for no reason!" I was maaad. "Yeah? You're mad? Imagine being yelled at for not agreeing about a stupid agreement." He was off the rails, so much so he started saying this I don't think I was supposed to hear. "Believe it or not, y/n, I wanted to marry you. Out of every other high class slytherin girl - and trust me, there are a lot of them, I wished I was put with you. Don't you get it? You're fucking perfect. Merlin, I can't stand keeping it a secret that you're mine." Suddenly, we both rushed to each other and kissed. I missed the feeling of his warm lips on mine.

As we kissed, we made our way to his bed. Not breaking the seal between us, he grabbed his wand and locked the door, as well as silencing the room. Breaking for air, I could feel his calloused hands and his cold wedding ring rub the sides of my waist under my shirt. "Can't you see I love you?" This left me speechless. Not knowing what to say, I smashed our lips together. I reached my hands down his waist and unbuckled his pants. Though we had never been together before, it was neither his, nor I's, first time. As I was working on his pants, he ripped my top off. He was so aggressive I thought I heard some of the stitches snap apart. It's as if he's been stranded and has finally found an escape. Soon we were both under the covers.

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