Chapter 4

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"We need to talk."

Before I could even let the tall blonde man in, he decided to barge right past me. I turned around and shut the door.

"What did you mean at dinner when you said you would never marry someone like me? Huh?-" Quickly, I casted the muffliato spell to make sure no one could hear our conversation from outside the door. "If I could get my hands on Blaise I would kill him. How dare he speak to you that way. Calling you all these nicknames and I-" I had to stop him. "Draco, what's wrong?"

"Why would you say you could never marry me? Do you really think that poorly of me?" Seeing he was in an emotional rage, I took a deep breath and prayed he would hear my words. "Draco, I don't think that about you. You're my Husband after all, whether I chose that or not." "And what is that supposed to mean?" He angrily stormed over to me. "I was just trying to avoid any suspicion of our marriage. I need to take this ring off and you need to take yours off too. We agreed to keep this a secret, remember?" After finishing my sentence, I realized how close he was to me. As I went to look up at him, I felt his hands engulf my face as his lips crashed onto my own.

It was an angry, passionate kiss. The only other kiss we shared was at our wedding, which was loveless and dull. This however, was on a whole new level. I felt like he wanted me, he wanted this, and it made me want him as well. After slowly pulling away, he bent down and whispered in my ear, "you will not take your ring of," sighing, he finished by saying "if I catch you disobeying me, or break any of our deals - such as giving Blaise any sort of attention, there will be consequences." As he walked to the door I just stood there, almost unable to move. "Goodnight, Mrs. Malfoy." And with that, he stormed out of the room.

Waking up the next morning was difficult. I didn't get any sleep because I was up thinking about what Malfoy had told me. Did he really ever think I would like Blaise? What would be the consequence? Though I wanted to stay in bed all day with my thoughts, I knew I needed to get out of bed and get ready for classes. I opened my blinds and let the sun rise into my room.

Once I was ready I met everyone out in the common room.

Astoria smiled at me while Theo, Blaise, and Draco were talking amongst themselves. "y/n, what's your schedule like?" I wracked my brain to remember what all I had. "Charms, DADA, Advanced Potions, Transfigurations; you?" I have pretty much the same thing just in a different order. Oh wait, we have DADA together!" while I was talking with Astoria the boys pitched in their classes too. "Sweetheart, looks like it's just gonna be you and me in advanced potions this year." While Blaise said that he put his arm around me. I looked to see Draco's reaction, as soon as we made eye contact I feared what would happen. Swooping out from under Blaise's arm, I told them I had to leave early to pick up a book for a class I forgot to get earlier. As I left, I heard Draco tell everyone that he and I have every class together, except advanced potions. Great.

After being in all classes all day I was exhausted. I forgot how difficult it is to sit through class after class without trying to fall asleep. I just got out of my last one so I made my way back to my room to change and meet everyone in the common room before dinner.

"How were your classes?" I asked everyone in the common room. Most responses were typical, your 'good', 'bad,' and 'meh' circulated around the room. While looking around, I found myself getting rather irritated. Pansy Parkinson was attached to Draco at the hip. I was on a small loveseat with Theo, and Astoria and Blaise were on chairs across the way. Pansy, however, was directly touching draco's side almost as if she was glued to him. He didn't seem pleased, but he didn't say anything about it either.

"Hey, are you guys ready to go get food in the great hall?" Theo questioned. While everyone was getting up and getting ready to go, I made eye contact with Draco and told the group that "we have a prefect thing we have to do really quick. Head girl and boy told us we needed to just check the girls and boys dorms to make sure they knew it was dinner time." Draco gave me a quizzical look. Standing up, as the group headed out, while we headed to my room. As we walked in, I shut the door, almost as if I exploded.

"What the fuck Draco?" As he stood in the center of my room, he had a hand on his chin as if he was just asked an important question. "What?" "So I have to avoid Blaise even though he's just being friendly, but you let Parkinson rub against you all day long as if she's your girlfriend or something?" Suddenly, Draco bursts out laughing. "What, are you jealous?" As if steam came out of my ears, I bursted into a fit. "No, I am not jealous. I don't understand how this is fair. You have to follow our terms just as much as I do." "Fine, fine. Next time she does it I'll say something." While overthinking what he said, he walked up to me and pulled me into his arms. "You know I only have feelings for you... don't you?" I scoffed. "No, I don't. You tease me and fake flirt with me and joke about our situation, so no. I don't think you like me." "Really? Is that what you think?"

Almost shocked, he breaks our embrace and pushes me backwards towards the bed. Suddenly, he pushes me down on it and hovers over me. Leaning down and kissing my neck, he says "I know Parkinson likes me..." trailing to the other side of my neck. "I don't like her back though, I find her quite annoying." With his hands on my sides, he uses his fingers to inch my top up, displaying my stomach. While talking, he moves his face down directly over my stomach. Kissing, he follows it up by saying that "I will only ever belong to you. I don't think you realize the hold you have over me, y/n." Shocked, I can't tell if I am getting turned on by his words, or his actions. I decided to take control, so I sat up and pulled his lips to mine. Tumbling onto the bed, him and I switch places. This gave me the ability to straddle him, locking him underneath me. Taking this opportunity, He wraps his hands around my waist. As we took a second to breathe in some air, Draco started talking. "Love, as much as I want to continue this, don't you think Astoria, Blaise, and Theo will be asking what took us so long?" Damn. He was absolutely right. I sat up and got off him, straightening out my clothes.

"Well, let's go then." I was angry. As much as I thought I would never want to be with Draco, I am becoming fond of him. "Don't get me wrong, I would do that for the rest of my life if I could." I sighed.

After dinner, we made our way back to the common room. To keep Pansy away, I purposefully sat next to Draco on the couch. She seemed upset, but to me it was a small victory.

"So guys, when will our first grand slytherin house party be?" Blaise questioned. Nott replied, "This friday mate. After we destroy the hufflepuffs in quidditch." Astoria and I giggle, excited to watch our boys play. It's a tradition we've had since the first year, Always watching and supporting them - even though they aren't the most fantastic team. "Do you guys think you're going to win the House Cup this year?" Astoria Questioned. "Obviously we will. Slytherin is the best team and best house," Nott Answered.

A little while later, when we all called it a night, I decided to have some girl time with Astoria.

"How have things been going with Draco since the wedding? You seemed really down that day." I sighed, a small smile creeping its way onto my face. "Honestly, it's been good. I was worried he would hate me for taking away his independence or chances to be with other women, but it's been good." Astoria giggles, I assume she's happy for me. "We haven't done it yet though. But if we got there, I don't think I'd stop it." A light blush creeped up on my face. "That's really wonderful y/n. I'm so incredibly happy for you that this is working out for the better. "Enough about me, how are you? Any men in your life I should know about?" "Well..." I needed her to spill it. "Ever since your wedding, Theo and I have become very close." "What?! How come you didn't tell me sooner?" She gave a big smile, saying that they "wanted to keep it on the downlow. Don't think much of it though, we've never done anything or hung out. But, we have been very close since - always talking, chatting, spending time together. I want to become more with him but I'm worried he doesn't want the same." "Oh Astoria, I see the way he looks at you. But I don't want you to rush it. Enjoy the little things, that's something I never got to do."

And with that, Astoria left to go to her room, and I went to bed. 

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