Chapter 2

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"We need to talk about this." Almost in a giving up manner, he exhaled hot air onto my neck and rested his forehead on my exposed shoulder with his hands on either side of my waist. Deciding to make the first move, I step away and turn around, trying to maneuver my wedding dress in a way to keep it from falling.

"We have a year left at Hogwarts if everything with you-know-who goes to plan. I don't know about you, but I want to try and make the best of it. If our marriage gets out it will ruin our dynamic with our friends and it will be the talk of the school. I'm sorry but that's not something I want." Draco locked eyes with me and I couldn't read what his opinion was. Did he want it to be a secret? That's what I assumed given his pride and social standings.

"Ok, but I have some conditions." I eyed him, eager to hear what he has to say.

"I don't mind if we hide this, but you have to remember you belong to me."

"Excuse me? I may be your wife now but you don't own me."

"But, I do. You're mine, and I'm yours." pausing for a moment, he breathed out and continued with a devilish smirk on his face. "I don't want you seeing anyone else this year. I'll do the same, so it's fair."

Considering his requirements, I thought it was fine. We were married after all, it'd be wrong to cheat even though we didn't choose each other. Also, I have no problem with Draco so it's not as if I'd want to cheat.

"Fine. It's not like we'll have much free time, we'll be working on finding a way to get the death eaters into Hogwarts."

As I said that he came up to me, not breaking eye contact once. As he towered over me I could feel his hot breath on my face. As his face crept closer I felt my cheeks get a flush of pink. As I slightly parted my lips, I tried to talk but nothing came out. Instead of meeting his lips on mine, he bent down to my ear and whispered "deal." After that, he turned around and walked away. Not sure what to do, I rushed into my bedroom to finally get out of this dress and think about what just happened between us.

After changing out of my dress I found the concert room. Because I was at the Malfoy Manor it was a very grand room. Polished wooden floors, tall ceilings, and a beautiful grand piano. That was my escape. Being a part of the high slytherin social class, almost all children are trained in some special department. Whether it's music, art, literature; every wealthy family has something. For me, it's piano. I write music for how I'm feeling and play what I'd like. It's my escape, take that as you will.

As I sat down at the piano I let my fingers get comfortable with the keys. I start playing lightly as a warm up, then eventually progress to the more complicated pieces. Closing my eyes, I really hear how wonderful the piano sounds. It flows into my ears as if the space was made for only this purpose.

Suddenly, my fingers skip a beat.

"Boo." It was Draco.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's my home, I can be wherever I want." I huff out a frustrated sigh.

"Do you mind not being here? I don't play well in front of an audience." Standing up, he moves to stand over me.

"But I'm not an audience, I'm your husband." Proud of himself, he displays a devilish smirk. I don't know if I'll ever get used to him saying that.

"Malfoy, you need to stop saying stuff like that. When we go back to Hogwarts I don't want you to slip up and let the whole wizarding world know I'm married to you." While working myself up, I had to pause and look at him. He looked so coy and smug. Walking up to me, he used one hand to grab my face as if I was a kid in trouble.

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