Chapter 8

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It's the afternoon of the last Thursday before break. Astoria and I are in my room, and she's helping me get ready for the Slug Club party. As she used a brush to powder my face, I closed my eyes and soaked in all the girl time. "This doesn't ring any bells does it?" I laughed. "Feels like deja vu. I feel bad about my wedding day, though. I was so upset with the situation and everything going on I didn't get to enjoy it. And it was so small and so not to my taste." Astoria smiled, and said "maybe once everything going on this year is complete you can have another wedding. One that's more you and Draco, not so much your parents forcing your hands." Actually, that was a really good idea. I'll have to bring it up to Draco sometime, maybe it will help us get our relationship off on a better foot. "So, how are things going with Theo? Any progress?" She immediately blushed. "Yes, actually. We went on a date last night. It was simple, we just went and got butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks. But it was really nice. We got to talk a lot, and held my hand the whole way back to the common room. Then, before bed, he kissed me goodnight." I let out a tiny squeal. "Oh Astoria! I'm so happy you have found someone! Nott is such a good match for you." She smiled, and said "thank you. He's actually asked me to be his date to the Malfoy Christmas Ball; so not only will you see me there, but you'll see me as his date!" I was so happy for her.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. I turned to Astoria while standing up to see who it was. "Is it already 7pm?" Opening the door, it was Draco.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He gave me a flat smile and asked to come in. Before I could respond, he made his way through the door. Astoria, nervous, asked "I can go if you need to discuss something." Draco just waved her off, saying "No, no, stay. I just needed to say something really quick." With that, he turned to me. "You look absolutely stunning. Please don't lead Blaise on. You know how I feel about him and you also know how he seems to feel about you." I blushed. "I won't do anything. He and I are just friends." He smiled at me, and kissed my forehead. "Alright, well, I bought something for you to wear to the party tonight." I noticed him pull a large velvet box out of his pocket. He handed it to me and I opened it. It was a beautiful necklace and earring set that went wonderfully with my wedding ring. "Oh my Draco, I don't know what to say. These are beautiful" He smiled. As he helped me clasp the necklace on he kissed my neck. "Only the best for you. I need to get going now, I hope you have a fine time tonight. Goodbye love." He bent down and kissed me on the lips. "Goodbye Astoria, Also congrats on getting with Nott. He's a great guy." Astoria immediately blushed, not knowing what to say. As I shut the door behind me, Astoria blurted out, "how does he know!?" I let out a loud laugh. "I'm sure Draco and Theo talk, after all they are best friends and he was Draco's best man."

After talking for a while about random things, it became 7 and Astoria left. I put on my heels and made my way to the common room to see Blaise waiting for me. "Y/n, you look absolutely stunning." And with that, he grabbed his chest as if I had just taken the breath out of him. "As do you, Blaise. Ready?"

Blaise and I had been at the party for a little over two hours now. I was getting incredibly bored. "More punch?" Blaise asked me. "Yes, and please add some liquor to it."

All night long Blaise has been way too close to my personal space. He would rest his hand on my back, guide me through places by holding onto my hand. I didn't want to be rude but I wanted him to just leave me alone. Asking him to get me punch is a great way for him to leave me for a minute or two. However, as I was seated I overheard Potter and Granger having a conversation. He said "I heard Malfoy and Snape talking in the hallway, and it had something to do with protection. I know they are conspiring something for you-know-who, but no one will believe me." I can't believe I overheard him. Without thinking, I turned around and gave a rebuttal. "What do you think you're talking about? What makes you think it's acceptable to plot against a Hogwarts professor and an innocent Slytherin student? You don't know anything about either of them. I suggest you watch what you say Potter, because if you try to dig your nose somewhere it doesn't belong it won't end well." I definitely scared him because he gave me a slight glare and walked away without saying anything. As soon as he left Blaise returned.

"What is Potter doing now? Plotting at a party? Wouldn't be surprised. He's always in something that doesn't concern him." I glared. "Yes, he is. Blaise, I'm thinking I'm ready to head back. I'm tired and I still have some packing that I need to get done before tomorrow." He smiled. "Yes, I'm fine with that. This party was kind of lousy anyway." And with that, Blaise walks me back to the common room.

"Well, tonight was interesting," Blaise said. "Yes, it was. Still fun though. Slughorn is one interesting fellow." Blaise let out a laugh, saying "yes, he is quite different." I tried to wrap it up so I could go speak to Draco. "Alright, thanks so much Blaise. Have a good evening. And if I don't see you tomorrow, I'll see you at the Malfoy Christmas Party. I have something to say to you then." Blaise looked confused. "I'm sorry I can't tell you quite yet. Goodnight." And with that, I made my way to the hallway of single dorms.

Knock knock knock. Draco opens the door, and I immediately let myself into the room. "Draco, he's onto you. He heard you talking and he's on to you. I told him to sto-" "What are you talking about?" "Potter. He had on his stupid cloak or something and he heard your conversation with Snape earlier tonight. I overheard him talking about it at the party." Draco went pale as a ghost. "What did he say? He can't know. I'm so close to figuring it out. He can't know." "He didn't know much I don't think, he just talked about your 'protection.'" Draco sat down on his bed, and I sat beside him. "Potter's not smart enough to figure it out and even if he did no one would believe him. Even if he did tell people about our conversation, professor Snape and I were only talking about the protection spell he made with my mother. That has nothing specifically to do with my task." "Can you help me out of this dress?" As he slowly moved behind me on the bed. His cold hands ran down my back as he followed the zipper to its end. "Stay with me tonight, please." "Ok."

I know Draco was nervous. We are leaving tomorrow and once we get back to his home he'll forget all about Potter and he'll be fine. As He unzipped my dress, I pulled my heels off my feet. Suddenly, I felt him starting to leave a trail of kisses up my bare back. He slowly kissed his way up, and as he got to the nape of my neck he unclasped the beautiful necklace he had bought me.

"You know, Astoria and I were talking and she said something I thought was a good idea..." Draco, sounding as if he couldn't be bothered to stop kissing me, simply let out an interested hum and said "oh yeah, and what's that?" "She thinks after this year we should get married again. Our own way though, you know? Like we could plan it and invite who we'd like." Draco stopped kissing and looked at the ceiling for a minute. Taking a moment to kiss my neck for a long time, he responded. "That sounds amazing. I'd like to think of you happy at our wedding, not crying tears of sadness." I laughed. "Now come here, I have something else in mind for us to do right now." And with that, he and I went under the covers.

"Y/n, darling, where did you go last night? I stopped by your room to drop off your lip gloss you asked for me to hold onto." Blaise, Astoria, Theo, Draco, Pansy, and I were all in the common room saying our goodbyes, about to either head to the train station or apparate home.

"Oh I'm sorry, I stopped at Astoria's to have her help me out of my dress." As I responded I grabbed the lip gloss and put it in my purse. "Honey, I could have helped you with that if you had just asked." Blaise smiled at me. I let out a nervous laugh. Before I could say anything, Draco stepped in front of me. "I think it's best if we get going now. Goodbye everyone, y/n and I will see you on Christmas Eve." I walked up to Draco and held onto his arm. I shouted goodbye and just like that, we were standing in front of the large front doors of Malfoy manor. 

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