It Can Wait

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Hours later Lola had finally finished setting up and had gotten a moment to sit down before the show was supposed to start and she had to go back to her best friend duties

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Hours later Lola had finally finished setting up and had gotten a moment to sit down before the show was supposed to start and she had to go back to her best friend duties.

After aimlessly scrolling through social media she decided that what she needed was to get out of the building.

"I'm going to get coffee" She yelled to no one in particular before walking out.

The venue was in the middle of downtown with multiple little shops surrounding it and a coffee shop a half a mile away.

Walking through a park she noticed many things. Kids running around screaming, parents chasing after those kids, people on picnics or studying, and everyone had a smile on their face. It almost felt like it was a moment that was too good to be true and that's because it was.

After finally making it to the coffee shop and grabbing her order, Lola looked at the time and realized she wouldn't have anytime to sit in the shop but would instead need to take her things to go and hope she made it to the venue before they started letting people in.

Picking up her pace she started speed walking through the park she was just sighting seeing in, not focusing much on what was going on around her. Until she felt something hit her head and everything went black.


"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"Hi... Me and my friends were just playing football in the park and my friend missed the pass... and it um hit this girl in the head, i think she passed out."


It only took a few minutes for the 118 to show up to the park after getting the call. They immediately spotted two teenage boys standing over a girl who looked as frazzled as you could after getting hit in the head with a football. They didn't quite rush seeing as the girl was awake and this seemed to be more of a low profile call.

"Hen, Chim, and Eddie you guys go check on the victim" Their captain spoke "Me and Buck will go talk to the boys and get the details."


If you had asked Lola Alexander how she thought her Saturday night would be going she would've said "Oh i'll be at Wren show then probably going out to celebrate after!"

And if you asked her what the last thing she thought she'd be doing on her Saturday night was she would say this, this being sitting on the ground with a possible concussion waiting for the first responders to come and check her out so she could hopefully make it back to the venue for the show.

When she saw the trucks pull up she knew exactly what she was going to say "Can we make this as quick as possible I need to be somewhere in the next 15 minutes and I can't miss it"

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