Isn't That Sweet...

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Lola was greeted the next morning by her best friend bursting in to share the news that she was headlining the very popular music festival this year.

"IM GOING WITH YOU" All she received was a nod in response.

"And Lana Del Ray will be there?" Another nod.

"This is your chance to escape your crazy who will she choose romance with the firefighters. We'll be in the middle of the desert and you'll have all the time in the world to think."

"I'm in"


Since she was leaving Lola decided to text buck asking to meet up so that she could reschedule their date. But the more she thought about it she came to the conclusion that maybe she should express her feelings to both men. Not because she thought it was for the best but because she could run away for days and not have to worry about seeing them.

She spent hours thinking about this before she went to the apartment of the one person who would tell her the truth whether it offended her or not.

"So let me get this straight" Hadley said "You want to tell two guys you have feelings for them?"


"Then run away for four days because you're scared of how they'll respond?"

"Also correct"

"And to top it all off you want to tell them together instead of going to them separately"

"That pretty much covers it"

"Personally I wouldn't do it...Maybe it is a good idea I mean when you're at Coachella the last place your mind will be is on how much you're about to embarrass yourself."

"Thank you Hadley that's really helpful" She sighed rolling her eyes "And thank you for reminding me why I came to you."

"Just before you do this remember me and Wren will be stuck in the car with you for 3 and a half hours. So don't do anything that will have you complaining the whole time. Maybe just stick to something that'll make you want to listen to music in silence."

"Isn't that sweet"

She had a point though.


It was Thursday and Lola had gotten all of her Coachella prep done. Including her nails and getting a spray tan. The one thing she had left to do was text the two men she hadn't been able to stop thinking about and confess she had a minor crush on both of them.

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