Which. One.

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When your seeing two people at the same time managing time between them could be very difficult

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When your seeing two people at the same time managing time between them could be very difficult. Lola was currently experiencing that first hand. She felt that she had spent way more time with Buck than she had with Eddie. Neither of the men had brought it up to here but she still couldn't shake the feeling that it was unfair.

So she was currently getting ready to go to lunch with the Diaz man before he had to go to his shift.

They had agreed that he would pick her up and they would go get food and coffee, Just the two of them.

Lola also knew that at some point they were gonna have to get used to being around each other because they were dating the same girl. Though they were best friends they had yet to really spend time together with the girl.

At that moment she made a mental note to prepare them for a lot more time together.

EDDIE: i'm outside


"I just can't agree with you on this one" Eddie said in between bites of his pizza.

"The original is always the best. We can agree on that but scream 5&6 are definitely in the top three right behind the original."

"See that's where you're wrong. Your sleeping on 2&4"

Lola had felt at ease since the moment she got into Eddies car. Though they hadn't had much alone time she still felt comfortable with the man and was happy they were finally starting to learn more about each other.

"But other than that you do have pretty good taste I will give you that."

"Oh i'm flattered... But unfortunately I don't know if I can say the same about you." He laughed before looking at her with a somewhat serious expression.

"So far how are you feeling about all this? Not regretting your decision or anything?" He spoke before he could think about what he was saying.

"I'm actually glad you brought it up because i've been thinking about this a lot" that worried him "I think all of us need to sit down and talking about how we're spending time together. Obviously you guys will get your time alone with me but you're gonna have to get used to sharing. I feel like that never got acknowledged but you may not always get to just spend the night with me. It'll be you, me, and Buck."

"I understand that and I want you to know that I want this to work out so i'm willing to share my time with you even when I might not want to." This made her smile.

"Now back to the fun stuff" she said as she grabbed his hand that was on the table "Are a marvel or a dc guy? And there is a right answer to this."

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