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Lola had been having the time of her life at Coachella

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Lola had been having the time of her life at Coachella. Because her best friend was preforming they got artist passes meaning she was meeting all the celebrities she never thought she would meet.

Like currently she was sitting under the same tent as Lana Del Rey.

"I'm just stressed I mean this is the biggest crowd I've ever preformed in front of"

"And you'll do great I don't know why you're worrying." Lola said to Wren trying to soothe her best friend's worries.

If there was one thing Lola was thankful for it was the fact that all of this had taken her mind off of the situation.

"Wren look at me" Hadley said pulling Lola out of her thoughts "Your going to go up on that stage and your going to sing your little heart out like you always do"

"Exactly and be lucky that might be the nicest thing Hadley's ever said"

This made the girl roll her eyes and flip Lola off before they went back to trying to calm Wren down.


"Okay explain it one more time"

While Lola was in the desert having a great time Eddie and Buck were currently sat in the fire station waiting for a call. Which meant they were currently sitting telling their team about what had happened last night.

"She invited us both to the bar" Eddie started

"So that she could tell us she has feelings for both of us then run away to a music festival for days" Buck finished.

"She has feelings.... For both of you" Chimney said looking between the two

"Exactly" The two said at the same time before looking at each other

"Have you thought about what you're going to do?" Bobby asked

"Not really I mean I really like her but I've never been in a situation like this" Buck started

"Me either"

"I don't see anything wrong with it" Hen said causing all heads to turn to her "I mean it's 2024 people are doing all kinds of things these days, You just have to learn to accept it."

"Doing things like dating two people?" Chimney asked sarcastically

"It sounds to me like you guys need to talk to Lola" Bobby stated the obvious

"Thank you for that captain obvious... We've tried many times she's ignoring our calls." Buck said getting annoyed and walking out.

"She'll come around she just needs some time alone. She's probably embarrassed" Hen said to Eddie after they all watched Buck leave.

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