Your Name Is Buck...

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A week after Lola got her concussion she was sitting in her apartment on the phone with her mother who was lecturing her about how she shouldn't have given the "poor firefighters" such a hard time

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A week after Lola got her concussion she was sitting in her apartment on the phone with her mother who was lecturing her about how she shouldn't have given the "poor firefighters" such a hard time.

"I'm just saying they were going their jobs and you made it ten times harder by trying to run off." Her mother scolded as Lola rolled her eyes praying that the topic would soon be changed.

"I know mom, I already heard this all from Hadley who's coming over later to help me make cookies to bring to them as an apology." That seemed to ease the woman's mind and quickly lead to the end of the phone call, as Lola had a photo shoot to get ready for.

And after many text with her agent and an hour getting ready she was out the door and on the way to the shoot.




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LIKED BY HADLEY and 150k others LXLA LA I love your beaches and your firefighters

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LIKED BY HADLEY and 150k others
LXLA LA I love your beaches and your firefighters


Lola had stuck to her word and after she finished her shoot she went and picked up Hadley and Wren. Brining them to now where they were sitting in Lola's kitchen realizing that none of them knew how to bake not even anything as simple as cookies. But after many failed attempts and many set backs they finally had a batch that was somewhat edible.

After packing them up they made their way to the station and one Lola pulled up realized her friends would not be coming in with her.

"I need you guys to come I cannot go in there alone" she practically begged refusing to get out of the car without the two girl.

"You are a big girl you can handle this" Hadley spoke at the same time Wren said "I'm pretty sure we weren't running away from them while they were trying to help us." telling her she might as well because they weren't caving.

Lola got out and grabbed the plate wrapped in tin foil before holding her head up high and walking into the station.

The first thing she noticed was a group of men playing ping pong off to the side, though none of them looked familiar so she kept walking. She made it about two more steps before she heard a voice behind her.

"If it isn't the track star" She was quick to turn around and see the captain of the station smiling at her.

"I was hoping you guys would've forgotten about that but I figured I wouldn't be that lucky" she paused for a second looking at the man in front of her "I brought cookies to apologize"

He only smiled before sticking his hand out "I'm Bobby Nash, I know we didn't get this far the other day but it's nice to meet you"

"It's nice to meet you too. I should probably get going now I don't want to be in the way" He nodded and moved to the side so she could walk out.

She had almost made it to the door when she bumped into someone, almost hitting the ground if it weren't for the quick reflexes of the other person.

Once she was steady she looked up to see the blonde man who had thrown her over his shoulder as if she had weighed nothing. He was looking down smiling at her and she knew that he had something to say.

"Football girl?" Though he had been smiling at her he said it as a question, not a statement.

"That's me"

"I'm assuming you have an actual name" God his smile was gorgeous, just like the rest of him.


"Well Lola, I'm Buck" He was quick to notice how her face quickly changed to confused.

"Your name is Buck...?" He couldn't help but laugh loudly, drawing the attention of many nosy firefighters who were wondering who the girl was.

"Actually it's Evan Buckley, but Evan is just a little too formal for me."

"Ok Evan, it was nice to meet you but I have to go my friends have been waiting in the car this whole time." And before he could answer she was walking away, leaving him to watch her silhouette disappear wishing he had more time to talk to her.

But as the confident man he was Evan Buckley knew this was not the last time that he would be seeing Lola Alexander.

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