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EVAN: do you want to come out with me and the team tonight?

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EVAN: do you want to come out with me and the team tonight?

Lola had been staring at that text for minutes with no idea what to respond. Obviously she wanted to say yes but, how could she do it in a way that wasn't too desperate.

LOLA: Yeah! I would love to!


When Buck got the text back he smiled before turning back to the team.

"Are we still on for drinks tonight?" He asked no one in particular. He got a chorus of yeses and yeahs.

"I invited Lola"

That one sentence seemed to catch everyone's attention. All of them stopping what they were doing and looking at their coworker.

"When did that start" Hen said smiling

"Nothing started. I got her number after the earthquake and we've been texting but that's all."

They all just kept looking at him and trying to hold back their smiles as Buck tried to downplay whatever he was feeling for the girl.

"So 8 right?" Eddie said changing the conversation for Bucks sake.


When 5pm rolled around Lola texted Wren saying that she needed her for an "urgent matter" was how she put it.

Twenty minutes later her best friend was standing at her door confused on what had her sending an SOS text on a Wednesday night. As she let herself into the apartment worried as to what she was about to find.


"In here" The girl called from her bedroom. More specifically her closet.

What Wren was not expecting to find was her best friend sitting on the floor of her closet with clothes everywhere around her.

"What exactly is going on" She tiptoed into the room trying to avoid stepping on the piles of clothes sprawled in every spot.

"Evan invited me to go out with him and his team tonight. I just have nothing to wear and they've only met me when i've been in distress" She started almost as distressed as the earthquake "This will be the first time i'm properly meeting them and I want to make a good impression."

Wren tried to hold back her laughs but didn't last a second before they were coming out.

"Evan? As in the hot firefighter who you totally don't have a thing for" Wren managed to get out in between her laughs.

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