Calm Down Tiger

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"I swear she's the biggest bitch i've ever met in my entire life" The words were flowing out of Lola's mouth so easily she couldn't stop herself

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"I swear she's the biggest bitch i've ever met in my entire life" The words were flowing out of Lola's mouth so easily she couldn't stop herself. "I mean come on you basically live in a crack house, provide no support to your child, and want to stop her from seeing the one person who lets her act like a kid."

She was currently in the Diaz kitchen talking to Eddie as he drank his coffee. He was rudely awoken on his day off by Lola barging into his house and dragging him out of bed to complain.

"Calm down tiger" Eddie started "As much as it sucks she is Sofias mom. Your hearts in the right place and everyone can see that but she doesn't want to accept someone is doing more for her daughter than she is."

Lola tried to ignore him knowing what he was saying was right and she couldn't argue with that.

"You know i'm right" Eddie said smiling as he leaned against the counter.

"I need you to take me to Bucks"

"Where's your car?"

"I was so fired up when I got the email that I walked here."

"You walked here" He thought about how far that was and with how early she was there, how dark it was when she was doing that walk.

She nodded.

"In that?" She was wearing sweatpants and a cropped tank top

"What's wrong with my outfit?" she was almost offended

"There's nothing wrong with it. Just thinking that wasn't the smartest idea..." He didn't know what to say without digging himself into a deeper hole

"So Bucks?" Was what he went with.


Buck had just barely woken up when he heard a bang on his door. Confused he went and opened it not getting a word out before Lola was walking in.

"Goodmorning to you to" He said watching her walk to his couch and sit down.

"Morning" Eddie said apologetically walking in after her and sitting down on the other side of the couch.

"Is something wrong?"


He looked at them before going to grab his cup of coffee then sitting down in the chair opposite of them.

"So what do i owe the pleasure of this early morning visit from my favorite girl?" If Lola wasn't so stressed out she would've jumped into his arms after hearing that. Eddie cleared his throat reminding the two of them that he was still there.

"Sofias mom is trying to sue me and the program because we according to her take her child without consent."

"Wait what" Though they hadn't known each other very long both men knew the close relationship between the two girls so he was shocked to hear that come out of her mouth.

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