I'm Just Confused.

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Lola had not heard from Buck at all the day after the date making her worry

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Lola had not heard from Buck at all the day after the date making her worry. They had both talked about having a good time so she was wondering why he suddenly went radio silent.

She was currently making breakfast for herself and Sofia who had spent that night at her apartment. Sofia had just come out and sat on one of the bar stools but she didn't notice too caught up in her thoughts.

"Good morning" Sofia said after minutes of not being acknowledged.

Lola turned around quickly shocked by the presence of the younger girl "Morning I didn't even hear you come out."

Sofia just rolled her eyes "Why are you so distracted?"

If there was one thing Lola could never escape it was Sofias endless questions. Though the girl was young she could always tell when something was off with the older girl. And Lola was not afraid to rant to Sofia about any of her problems.

"Well I went on a date the other night" she paused "And we have another one planned but he hasn't texted me since the other night. I mean it's only been a day but a part of me just assumed he'd still be texting me. Maybe i'm overreacting though it's probably nothing."

"You definitely are overreacting" She rolled her eyes "He's a firefighter he's probably busy saving people and all that."

"When did you get so wise" Lola smiled at the girl turning away to flip the pancakes she was working on.

"I was just born this way" Sofia laughed at her own joke, once again making Lola rolls her eyes.

"So what about you, how're you doing?" Lola hid it well but she was always worried about Sofia. When Sofia called her the night before asking to be picked up she knew things probably weren't going great at home once again.

"Good" Sofia wasn't good at lying but Lola didn't want to push her too much.

"Well if you want we can go to your house and grabs some clothes later then you can stay here for a few days."

Lola had wanted so badly to get Sofia out of her house but it wasn't just something that happened over night. So for now she just had to hope for the best and be there for the girl when she needed her.


Eddie Diaz had been at the mall with his son Christopher for only mere minutes before seeing a face that he recognized.

When Lola came into view he tried to quickly turn around knowing that Evan had not answered the girl since he had been in the hospital with Maddie.Not wanting to get in the middle of that he tried to do what he did best... Run.

He was almost successful until a little girl came running up to them.

"Christopher!" She said stopping in front of the duo.

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