That Seems Inappropriate

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The next 30 minutes felt like hours for Lola

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The next 30 minutes felt like hours for Lola. Though the nurses at the tent were telling her to sit down she couldn't focus on anything besides how long it was taking Buck.

All she could do was pace and wait for an update.

She had texted Wren and Hadley immediately to not only check on them but also inform them of the situation. Getting a response right away her friends wanted to come and wait with her but it was useless, as all of them knew they wouldn't be let through. So for now all Lola had to do was wait.


And wait was exactly what she did. Lola had lost track of time, not knowing how long she had been sitting on make shift cot. She had given up on trying to get any information and decided it was time to hope for the best.

For a while that was working until she looked over and saw the rest of the 118 minus Buck and Eddie. This quickly regained some of her hope as she ran up to the Captain she had met a few times prior.

Hoping to get an update she ran to the team before anyone could stop her.

"Captain Nash!" When the captain heard his name and turned around he didn't expect to see the young girl who had recently brought his team cookies.

Before he could respond Lola was talking again.

"I was just wondering if you've heard anything from Evan, i'm starting to get worried he went in looking for my sister hours ago and he's still in there" Anyone looking could tell how frazzled the girl was.

"The last time I heard from them was at the last check in about an hour ago" He paused "The building is unstable though so we're calling everyone out before anything major can happen."

And just like that all her hope was once again gone. The man in front of her could tell this was not the answer she was looking for and started again "I wouldn't worry Buck knows what he's doing and he good at his job"

"I hope you're right" Was the last thing she said as she sat down on the curb right next to the hotel.


"So what was that about?" Eddie Diaz finally broke the silence between him and his best friend as they continued their search. "You know the first rule is never make a promise if you don't know you can fulfill it."

"I don't know what was going through my head but I felt bad. You know, like I couldn't just sit there and tell her that her little sister might not be making it out of this alive."

They paused their conversation to yell Sofias name a few times as they kept walking.

"You're sure that's all" Eddie continued "Nothing to do with the fact that the older sister happens to be a very attractive girl."

"Why she attractive, I didn't even notice" This got a laugh out of Eddie as he went to respond but stopped when they heard a dog bark.

As they started to walk towards the sound they heard on their radios "Buildings unstable everyone needs to come out"

Eddie looked at Buck knowing that he wasn't going out without Sofia.

"SOFIA!" They both started yelling.

And they kept yelling until Buck saw something out of the corner of his eye. A dog running towards them and before the dog got to them they started running in the direction that it came from.


When Lola and Bobby didn't automatically hear an answer from the two inside they started to assume the worst.

Lola had gone back to the curb with her head in her hands ready to assume the worst, thinking about what she would have to tell everyone and how she would explain the situation.

So when she got a tap on her shoulder and looked up to see the captain of the 118 again she wondering what it could be this time. He didn't say anything just pointed to the doors where she saw no other than Evan Buckley walking out carrying Sofia.

She was up in an instant running towards them and when Buck noticed her he put Sofia down letting the girls reunite. Once Lola had checked Sofia over multiple times and walked her to the medical tent to get seen by a professional, She went looking for the two men she had to thank.

She found Eddie first walking up to him and tapping on his shoulder. When he turned around he wasn't expecting to see Lola.

"I just want to thank you, you guys didn't have to stay in there and look but you did and I appreciate it more than you know."

"Of course but i'm not the one you should be thanking. Buck refused to leave until we found her, He doesn't make promises like that to everyone."

"Well I still appreciate it. I'm gonna go find him but thank you again." She smiled before turning to find Buck.

As she walked away Eddie really looked at her for the first time. Of course she was gorgeous anyway could see that but he knew that Buck had some sort of crush brewing on the girl so he booted that thought from his head immediately.

"Evan." Hearing his name Buck turned around and was taken aback when he looked down to find Lola hugging him.

And before he could question anything she was talking again. "Thank you so much."

"You don't have to thank me I mean it's kind of my job"

That made the girl roll her eyes "What is it with this team and being so humble. Just accept my thank yous and expect lots of baked goods coming from me."

"You don't have to thank me but you could give me your number" As soon as he said it he realized that he sounded a little bit like a dick and went to back track "Only if you want to and don't feel like you have to as a way to repay me"

"That seems inappropriate" She watched his smile fall "Flirting on the clock can't be allowed but give me your phone"

He laughed as he watched her put her number in and hand the phone back.

"I need to go back to Sofia. I just wanted to thank you guys first." She started to walk away but after a few steps turned back around "And text me"

With that Evan Buckley was left staring at her retreating figure, with a smile that could be seen from a mile away.

----------------------------I don't know if i'm gonna keep this story going I feel like I have no plot going...

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