An Earthquake?

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When Lola had first moved to LA somethings that she noticed were that she had no friends and a lot of time on her hands

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When Lola had first moved to LA somethings that she noticed were that she had no friends and a lot of time on her hands. Outside of her two closest friends and her posting on social media she spent most of her time on her own not doing anything. After a few weeks of that she realized that she needed to find something to take up her free time.

That's when she had stumbled upon the big brother big sister program and fell in love. She started as a volunteer and after being there almost every weekday they offered her a job. She spent her days planning events and looking for things to do with her "little sister". Who she spent every Wednesday afternoon with.


"So you still have no boyfriend?" Was the first thing Sofia had said to Lola when she got into her car.

Lola had been working with the ten year old for three years and the bond that they had made both of them feel like they were actually sisters. Though Lola was only required to hang out with Sofia one day a week she often saw the girl multiple times a week. Knowing that the young girl didn't have the best home life she also had a spot dedicated to her at Lola's apartment.

"No I don't, not that it's any of your business" She said as she pulled into the parking lot.

On this particular Wednesday the older girl decided that they would go to a hotel on the nicer side and get lunch then spend the night.

When they walked through the doors Lola went straight to the front desk to check in where she was quickly told "We're just in between check out and check in right now, if you want to find something to do we should be ready in about 20 minutes."

So the girls headed to the restaurant, like many people around them and hoped this would kill the time.

"So i'm thinking after check in we go to the spa and then maybe the pool" Lola looked at the girl before continuing "Then we end the night with room service" She quickly finished notices that Sofias attention was no longer on her but on a girl about her age walking towards them with a dog.

"Can I please go pet it" And without waiting for an answer Sofia was up and walking to wear she had just seen the girl go.

"Sure go ahead" Lola whispered to herself before opening her menu.

Before she could really look everything started shaking. It took Lola a minute to process everything before she quickly jumped out of her seat.


Were yelled at the same time from different people at opposite ends of the room. But before Lola could continue everything went black.


"You guys ever deal with anything like this before" Was the first thing out of Eddie Diaz's mouth as the 118 pulled up to the hotel.

"No" was everyone's response before they jumped out of the truck.

The first thing they noticed was a man yelling the words "No you have to let me back in there!" over and over again.

"You seriously think this is gonna hold it up?" Was the first thing to come out of Bucks mouth, looking at his captain.

"Let's go find the incident commander" Was the only reply he was given.


When Lola came back to the land of the living the first thing she noticed was that she was outside. As she sat up she looked around seeing she was under a tent laying on a cot.

She heard voice all around her and then everything hit her. An Earthquake? But how? was all she could think. Until she remembered Sofia. She quickly jumped up and started to try and rip the IV that was in her arm out, but before she got far a nurse was running to her

"Ma'am I need you to lay back down you just went through a lot and you need to let your body rest before we transport you to the hospital"

"No you don't understand my sister is in there I need to go back"

After many minutes of trying to argue with the nurse and getting nowhere, they came to an agreement.

"If you just sit down, I'll get someone who you can talk to about your sister" Lola went to disagree "I'll grab a firefighter someone who can go in and you can explain every detail to them so they can find her.

Lola nodded her head unsurely and sat back down, trying to focus on her breathing with her head in her hands.

"We have to stop meeting like this" Was what she heard before looking up and seeing none other than Evan Buckley.

"Evan" She sighed in relief that it wasn't a random who wouldn't listen to her.

"I don't know if you guys met last time but this is Eddie Diaz, the nurse told us that you needed to talk to

Lola almost wanted to be embarrassed looking up and seeing that Evan was with the firefighter she has called cute not long before.

"My sister's in there... We were at the restaurant, she's wearing overalls and a pink shirt" She paused " She got up to pet a dog and then she was gone, I passed out and they won't let me go back in."

Evan and Eddie looked at each other trying to find the words to say and hoping to not upset the woman further.

"We'll go in and look" Evan said as Eddie went over the radio to explain the story to their captain.

"Promise me you'll bring her back to me."

If there was one thing every person in their line of work knew it was to never make a promise, when everything was so unsure.

But Evan Buckley looked at the girl in front of him and before he could stop himself said "I promise."

I'm trying to add plots from the show but I don't think i'm going to follow the show exactly!

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