Don't Cheer You Dick

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"Can you at least tell me where we're going?"

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"Can you at least tell me where we're going?"

It had been a few days since Buck got out of the hospital and Lola was in charge of bringing him to his surprise party.

"No I cannot" She said not looking up from her phone while he got dressed or attempted to.

"So you can't tell me where we're going but expect me to know what to wear"

"Wear whatever you want it's very casual"

"You might actually be the most unhelpful person i've ever met"

"I've gotten that one a lot more than you'd expect" She said looking up from her phone long enough to see him roll his eyes.


"SURPRISE" Everyone shouted as Buck, Lola, and Maddie walked through the door of the Grant/Nash household.

"You two knew about this?" He questioned turning to the two girls and hugging them both. Before moving to greet all the other people at the party.

Well Buck made his rounds thanking everyone for coming Lola was stood talking to Hen and Athena.

"I'm shocked you pulled this one off" Athena said to the younger girl "I've heard you're not known for your secret keeping."

"It happened one time and technically that wasn't my fault." Lola said back causing them to laugh.

"How do you think he's holding up?" Hen said turning the conversation serious.

"So far he seems good to me. Obviously he's eager to get back to work but I really think this time he's good to go back. I wouldn't let him rush back into this, no one would and he knows that."

But of course it's like the universe is cursing her because as soon as Lola let that out they heard a yell coming from the other side of the yard.

"Buck! Someone call an ambulance" She heard Maddie yell to no one specific.

"I need to start keeping my mouth shut" Lola thought before running over to them along with everyone else.


Lola was sitting in the waiting room with Eddie pissed that Buck hadn't told anyone about the pain he was feeling.

"I just can't believe him can you" She said but before he could answer she was talking again "I mean he could tell something was off and decided to act like it was nothing. He's such an idiot."

Since Lola had started seeing the two men she had been in more high stress situations than she had in all her years prior.

"Yes he is an idiot but you should go in and see him." Eddie had been trying to convince the girl since they got there but she was so mad she was protesting.

"If I go in there i'm going to strangle him. You can go in and i'll sit right here"

"Your very stubborn"

"So i've been told"

He went to reply but held it in as Maddie walked out.

"He's asking for Lola" She said walking towards the two

"He's not asking for me right?" Eddie asked hopeful

"Nope just her"

Eddie hopped out of his chair smiling as he walked backwards towards the exit "I'll meet you in the car"

"Don't make me do this alone" Eddie just threw his arms up jumping the rest of the way to the exit

"And don't cheer you dick" Many heads turned at her language but she ignored the eyes on her and turned to Maddie.

"I know you're upset I am too. But right now he just needs us to be there for him, we can be mad later."

And as much as she didn't want to admit it she knew Maddie was right. She wasn't mad at Buck she was just worried and didn't know how to handle that besides freaking out at him.

She walked in and smiled though everyone could tell it was fake. Buck moved to one side of the bed before motioning her over.

"I'm sorry" He said when she was comfortable laying beside him

"I know"

"We'll give you guys a minute" Maddie said as her and Bobby walked out of the room.

The couple sat in silence for a moment. Lola not wanting to be the one to start the conversation and Buck not knowing what to say.

"You should've said something..." Lola surprisingly broke the silence.

"I know I just thought it was nothing. I didn't want to worry anyone and I needed to go back to work."

"See that's the problem you act like you're invincible and you keep doing these stupid things. Guess what Evan someday it's gonna catch up to you and it's gonna be a harsh reality check." Everything he planned to say died out after hearing that.

"I need to go I promised Eddie and Chris I would be over for bed time tonight. Text me when you get home." And even when she was mad she couldn't leave the room without saying goodbye.

"I'm sorry again" She nodded before silently leaving.


Lola and Eddie had just finished reading Chris his bedtime story and were now sitting on the couch.

"What's on your mind. I can basically hear your stress."

"I'm just worried even more now then before. He's gonna lose it not being able to go to work."

"I know but you can't let this worry you. Buck is a big kid and he'll get over this."

"You're right."

They decided to end the Buck talk there and instead put on a movie. Somehow during the middle of the movie Lola ended up on Eddies lap.

"Thank you for tonight" she broke the kiss just to let that one out.

"Always" and after that they went right back in.



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I have a really good idea for the next few chapters but I don't know if it's too much....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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