Not A Photographer

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"Tilt the camera down""Not that far down""To the left a little bit""Not your left my left"

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"Tilt the camera down"
"Not that far down"
"To the left a little bit"
"Not your left my left"

These were all things Evan Buckley was hearing as he stood trying to take picture for Lola as she claimed she "needed to post". When he found out about her social media at first he was a little bit confused on how she was making a living out of it but was shown very quickly.

"If I knew that this was what you meant when you asked if I wanted to go out I would've said no." He rolled his eyes as he kept taking pictures.

"You're gonna have to get used to it because this is your life now. At least if you're gonna keep hanging out with me it is." The girl smiled making sure he was still snapping pictures.

The two had been spending a lot more time together just trying to figure out their feelings. Though for Buck there wasn't much to figure out. He knew he liked her and he knew the feeling had to be mutual with the way they hung out.

"You need to focus" Is what snapped him out of his trance. "I need these to come out perfect" She said with a laugh noticing how over it he was.

"Do you want to go to dinner tomorrow night" He said quickly "Like a date" he added.

This threw the girl off and he could tell that's not what she was expecting to hear.

"Yeah i'd like that" They took a second to just look at each other.

"Now back to the pictures" He just laughed.


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