You Cannot Be Serious

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"I just don't know what to do" Lola said sitting on Maddie's couch facing her and Chimney "I mean if you were me what would you do"

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"I just don't know what to do" Lola said sitting on Maddie's couch facing her and Chimney "I mean if you were me what would you do"

Instead of rushing to Bucks to talk to him and Eddie after going home she made a pit stop. Maddie had quickly become someone she grew very fond of and though she was Bucks sister, Lola felt like she had no where else to go.

"As your friend i'm saying you need to follow your heart and do what's best for you... But as Bucks sister I can't give you any advice that says anything other than pick him." She sighed knowing that wasn't helping Lola with her decision at all.


"I don't think I would ever be in this situation so i'm not fit to help... Plus this is girl talk i'm just here to drink some beer and spend time with my lovely girlfriend" Him and Maddie smiled at each other

"You cannot be serious"

"I can't offer you much advice but maybe I can pass you off to someone who could be more help" He said pulling out his phone.


That's how Lola ended up in the Wilson house sitting in front of Hen and Karen.

She was desperate not for advice but for someone to tell her what she should do instead of following her heart. Which is why she packed up and went from Maddie's house to Hen's house.

"I don't think this is something you should be embarrassed about" Karen started "I mean it's completely normal for people to have crushes on more than one person at a time. With that being said your situations a little bit more complicated"

After just the start Lola knew she came to the right place.

"We all know you just kind of jumped into the confession because you were going away right?" It was Hen talking this time.

Lola nodded signaling for Hen to go on

"But did you really think about what you wanted to come out of this before you did it." This made Lola stop for a moment.

"Not really. Honestly I did it so I could stop feeling guilty which now that i'm saying it sounds so selfish."

"But it's not because a part of you had to want something good to happen or you wouldn't have done it. You have hope and from what we can all see your feelings are genuine" Karen was talking again.

"Exactly no one is questioning that we can promise you."

"So I guess the only thing is what do you want to happen."

"I do really enjoy hanging out with both of them and I want to keep getting to know them and spending time with them but..."

"But what" Hen asked

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