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Warning ⚠ : Mentions of abuse and Swearing.

It's been eight years, since Seiran was reborn in another world. Ever since then, her life was nothing less than a dream come true. Even though it was a different time line, it was easier to adjust as her loving parents had guided her since birth.

Today was just another day for her until she met a new 'friend'.

Seiran's parents owned a small sweet shop near the market and it was a bustling one at that.

She would often help her mother in making her favorite mochi and today was no different.

"Oh? What is my little mochi making today?" Her father entered the kitchen and made his way towards his wife and daughter.

"Look father i made a mochi!" Little Seiran proudly showed her mochi gleaming with happiness. Holding onto her past life seemed unimportant to her now. She wanted to live her life as freely as possible. And if forgetting her seventeen year old self was all it took, then she'll happily oblige.

Kenji was in awe as he saw her toothy smile. "Ahh so my mochi made another mochi. Now how will I find my little mochi? Kaori, can you see any difference?"

He asked his wife with a teasing look and her mother went along with it."Not at all dear. I think we'll know once we eat it"

"Nooo. I'm not a mochi, father. This is!!" Seiran giggled as she pointed at her creation.

"Let me see" Kenji slowly moved closer to eat her hand but Seiran quickly ran behind her mother who tried the same.

These moments were precious to her and she enjoyed each and every second of it.


There was another house a few metres away. However the circumstances were rather unfortunate.

"Aniki! Mother!"
(Big brother)

A young Genya called out as he watched his father beating up his brother and mother who were crouching on the ground.

"Dear please stop it.. Sanemi is telling the truth! Ah!" The man kicked her on her hand that was shielding her son, making her stagger to the side but her hold never loosened.

"He better be! If i found out that he hid the money, then this piece of shit will be dead next time!" The man threatened and stormed off with his bottle of alcohol after delivering a final blow.

It was silent for a few seconds but it was soon followed by little sobs as genya ran towards his mother.

"Hey... It's okay. I'm fine..Did it scare you" The woman's voice was soft and comforting sporting a smile as she consoled her child. "Sanemi, are you okay?" She turned towards him.

Sanemi just hugged her tightly, careful of her bruises and silently wept, cursing himself for being the reason his mother got hurt, for not being able to protect her!, for being weak!

"You are my precious boys, aren't you. I'll protect you as long as I'm here.." She caressed their cheeks lovingly and they both nodded, their head hanging low.

"Here, take this and buy something for yourself and your siblings hmm?" Sanemi looked wide-eyed at his mother who had a smile on her face. "B-but mother..yo-"

" I've saved some for you kids. Now off you go... I've heard of a shop that sells tasty sweets. Hurry up or there won't be any left for you!" She pushed the kids outside and beamed at them. Although the boys were reluctant they slowly bid her bye and left.

As the door shut behind them, the smile was replaced by trembling lips as their mother fell to her knees and sobbed silently since she didn't want to wake her other kids.


Sanemi and Genya walked silently throughout their way to the sweet shop.

"Aniki, over there!" Genya pointed out to a small crowd that was surrounding the place.

Sanemi nodded and the brothers somehow managed to get in front through the mass of bodies. Their innocent eyes took in the variety of sweets that were arranged in the jars and shelves.

But what caught his attention was the ohagi placed on one of them. It looked delicious too. The only problem was that there wasn't enough money for eight people.

Genya's excited eyes looked for his brother but seeing the sad look in his eyes, he understood that it was time he stepped up as a big brother to the rest of his siblings albeit only being five years old.

"Aniki.. I don't think i like any of these. You should give my portion to our mother. She likes those dangos more!"

Sanemi suddenly looked at the kid puzzled, but he only received a sincere smile in return.

The two of them came out of the shop carrying a small bag and Sanemi quickly pulled out a dango stick and gave it to Genya.


"Take it. I know you love this.You have to eat to grow up to be a strong man"

Genya just nodded with a smile and happily started walking back home. But as if it wasn't enough, someone swiftly walked past him, making him drop the dango in the process.

Genya's eyes moistened as he looked at the now muddy dango. Sanemi couldn't just watch his brother sad and it was plainly rude!
"Oii watch where you're going dumbass!"

"Huuuh, are you talking to me? You brat!" The stranger turned towards them with a menacing look.

"I don't see someone else responding to being called a dumbass" Sanemi spat back unafraid.

The man raged and harshly fisted the collar of his yukata "You little shit! I'll show you what happens when you mess with me!!"

"What's going on here?" Kenji walked towards the commotion and looked at the scene. When he's not playing around with his family, kenji can be easily seen as an intimidating man.

"I d-don't want others meddling in my matters! I have many ways to take care of these scum" Even though a bit scared, the man didn't back down.

"Seeing as this is happening in front of my shop and you're picking on children, I suggest you leave this place" Kenji slightly looked at his daughter as a sign to take the kids somewhere else.

Seiran carefully sneaked them both away from the scene and took them towards her house.

"Hey!! Who are you and where are you taking us?" Sanemi asked the girl while trying to break away from her hold.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Nakamura Seiran. Nice to meet you. And I'm just taking you away from that problem" She pointed at the direction they came from and smiled warmly.
'Huh...they both look familiar?'

"I'm Shinazugawa Sanemi and this is my brother Genya and uhh thank you for the help" Sanemi gave her a casual nod and Genya just followed behind with a red face.He was just embarrassed in front of the girls.

'wait....Shinazugawa sanemi???'


I'm sorry for the wait! The timeline was a bit confusing ヾ(╹◡╹)ノ゙

Thank you for reading<3

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