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Sanemi received news that Seiran had woken up after being unconscious for a few days, and almost immediately he rose to his feet and headed to the infirmary, determined to see her.

He was filled with worry and a sense of urgency that couldn’t be quelled until he saw her with his own two eyes.

With haste, he arrived outside the door and took a second to collect himself before knocking on the door and going inside

Sanemi entered the room, his eyes quickly falling on Seiran, who was sitting up on the bed, her haori covering the bandages.

He took a long moment to just look at her, making sure she was really there despite the injuries she suffered.

He was silent for a moment, before he spoke. “…How’re you feeling?” He asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

Seiran was surprised at his tone. She thought he would be more worked up, but what she didn't  know was that his mind and heart was calmer since he had spoken to Ubuyashiki the night prior, the master’s words having a certain effect on him. Still, it didn’t change the fact that he was worried about her.

He stepped forward and walked closer to her bed, standing beside it and looking down with a hint of concern in his eyes.

“Oh!!! Am i hearing it right? Is the wind hashira worried about me??” Seiran lightly teased, looking at him with tired eyes.

Sanemi’s eye twitched at her playful teasing, he rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Of course I’m f*cking worried about you” he retorted, a hint of irritation in his voice. “Who wouldn’t be worried after seeing you almost die?”

Seiran's eyes softened and briskly held his hands, looking down at them. “I'm sorry for making you worry Nemi.. But I'm here now aren't i...I always will be..” She squeezed his hands for emphasis.

Sanemi looked down at her hands on his, a subtle softness in his eyes. Her words sounded promising, and he desperately wanted to believe them. He wanted to believe that she wouldn’t leave.

A heavy silence fell between the both of them as neither of them acknowledged the elephant in the room - Masachika’s death. He pursed his lips and was silent for a moment before he spoke up.

“Don’t…don’t apologise. Just promise me you won’t die like him”

Seiran's heart squeezed at that and she just side hugged him snuggling closer. “I promise”

Sanemi wrapped his arms around her and pulled closer to him in a tight hug. He closed his eyes and relished in the feeling of having her in his arms again.

He felt a sense of calm and relief wash over him at her promise, and he hugged tighter, feeling the softness of her body against his.

“You better keep your promise” he grumbled softly, his arms holding her even tighter without hurting her wounds.

"I always do" She laughed wholeheartedly,patting his back.

Sanemi and Seiran were both jolted out of their tender moment as the door opened abruptly, causing Sanemi to immediately loosen his grip on her and pull away, slightly annoyed by the interruption.

He turned his head towards the door, a scowl on his face as he looked at whoever it was that disturbed the moment between them.

"Not telling me about your girlfriend is not flashy at all shinazugawa!" Behold, there stood the sound hashira Uzui Tengen with his charming smile and flashy personality.

Sanemi’s scowl deepened as he saw Tengen standing at the door with his smirk.

“Shut the f*ck  up” he grumbled irritably, rolling his eyes as he saw Tengen’s smug look as his eyes darted between you and Sanemi. “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about you f*cker! ”

Tengen snickered in amusement when he saw Sanemi’s irritated reaction to his words. He knew exactly how to rile Sanemi up and get a reaction out of him, and he took pleasure in doing so.

He leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms with a smug look on his face. “Oh really? Cuz it sure looks like I’m right” he teased, darting his eyes between Sanemi and her.

Sanemi's irritation and anger were only growing as Tengen continued to tease and belittle him. His eyes narrowed and his hands clenched into fists as he tried to keep his temper in check.

“Shut your damn mouth, Uzui” he growled, his voice filled with irritation. “You don’t know anything about us so mind your own damn business”

Tengen’s smirk grew wider at Sanemi’s angry response. He just shrugged nonchalantly. “Can’t a man visit his fellow Hashira?” he said, still maintaining his smug smirk. It was always amusing to see the hot-headed Wind Hashira’s reactions.

"It is, when my comrades are so un-flashy. Oh well, if she's not, then i wish to make her my fourth wife. She is pretty cute" Uzui said casually as he winked at seiran making her flustered.

She wasn't one to be so affected by some flowery words but wow... the guy's charismatic.

Tengen’s joke to make her his fourth wife and his flirtatious wink didn't sit well with Sanemi.

Sanemi’s irritation quickly turned to full blown anger upon seeing her reaction. “Like hell you will” he spat out, his eyes narrowing even further. He was practically seething with anger and possessiveness as he glared at Tengen.

“What the fuck are you even doing here huhh??” Sanemi questioned with narrowed eyes.

“I'm simply here to inform you about our mission. Let's go. I've already wasted my precious time on you  lot” Uzui said, his voice taking a serious tone. Then his playfulness came back as he smiled at Seiran. “The offer still stands if you're interested" With a final wink to her, uzui vanished from his spot leaving her speechless.

“That.... was fun...” Seiran trailed off as she didn't know what to say.

“Tch.. He'll be getting it from me.. " His eyes filled with a crazy glint as he twisted his wrists and cracked his neck, turning to look at Seiran with a warning look.

"And you, don't you f*cking think about moving around or the next time, I'll tie you to this bed"

Seitam scoffed, ready to refute his words “You wouldn't—"

He moved closer to her, his hands on either side of the bed, forcing her to slide back looking into his now dark purple eyes. “I want my wife to not exert herself. So can you be a good girl for me?”

Seiran's exe stopped working at the sudden twist of events. She looked wideyed, opening and closing her mouth like a fish while Sanemi felt the satisfaction of making her a blushing mess.

'What is wrong with him?? What is wrong me??? Just tell him off like you always do, you idiot!!'

Her brain yelled but she only registered their closeness and how that word... 'Wife.. ' echoed. It wasn't the first time he's called her that, but now.. Somehow it just feels different..

She was still in a reverie after he left, sighing loudly cluching her head.

Flashes of her past life that had been playing in her head for the time she was unconscious. The dark room, the dust, the pain, the blood... It all felt like a dream. But she was there..

Reliving the agony in loneliness


"When's the wedding then?"

"F*ck off  sh*t head and stop eavesdropping on us before i chop that head off!!"



Thank you for reading<3

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