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The day after Sanemi left, Seiran walked into the training grounds determined and motivated to begin her training with the aim of getting back into the swing of things after her recent setback.

She was accompanied by a few aides who were there to assist her during her training and provide any support she may need.

She began her routine, going through various training drills and exercises, trying to regain her energy and rhythm as she worked her body.

“There you are.. I was looking for you in your room”Seiran was in the middle of swinging her wooden sword when she was suddenly approached by a young girl with long black hair and a butterfly pin on her hair.

Seiran turned to greet the girl, her breathing slightly laboured from her workout. “Ah, hello,” she bowed, greeting her politely, wiping a bit of sweat from her forehead. She looked more closely at the girl, taking in her delicate features and the butterfly-like pin in her hair. “Umm why Were you looking for me.?”

Seiran couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between the young girl in front of her and Shinobu, the one whom she had met the day before. It was almost uncanny, and it left her no doubt in her mind that the girl must be related to Shinobu in some way.

"I'm Kocho Kanae.the Flower hashira. You must have already met my sister. I apologize for the late introduction, we take care of the demon slayers together. So i just wanted to meet the new member" She looked at her with a serene smile.

'So I was right! So shinobu isn't a hashira yet, but her sister is'

Seiran smiled back at Kanae, appreciating her kind and gentle demeanor. "Yes, I have met your sister,Kocho-san. She is an exceptional person but It's quite alright. You don't need to do this and I understand how demanding being a Hashira can be. There's no need to apologize."

"Aara, what a nice girl you are, Nakamura-chan. Would you like to be my tsuguku? I've heard that you're a wisteria breath user" Kanae asked her with mirth grazing her eyes.

Seiran was taken aback for a moment at Kanae's sudden question.

Then her words registered in her mind, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Tsuguko? Me?" she asked, feeling a mix of surprise and intrigue.

"It is just a suggestion, of course. Let me know if you have any other plans hmm? I wish you a speedy recovery. See you later!" Kanae bowed slightly with a soft smile before taking her leave.

"Thank you, Kocho-san. You too and Have a good day! " Seiran bowed, waving goodbye to the flower Hashira.

"Tsuguko..." she repeated softly to herself, still in disbelief that a Hashira would consider taking her on as an apprentice.

She watched as Kanae walked away, thinking to herself how different she was from her sister Shinobu.

After a few more minutes of training, Seiran decided to call it a day and went to wash up and clean herself from the sweat and dirt of the day. As she was wiping her face, a thought struck her.

She realised that when she recovered fully, she would have to leave and go on new missions. This time, she would be alone again...  And She wasn't sure when she would see Sanemi again.

Then the earlier conversation with the flower hashira came to her mind. 'Maybe i could take up on her offer... '

Seiran pondered over the offer that Kanae had presented her. She mulled over the thought, and as she did, a sense of determination began to build within her.

'Maybe I should take up her offer...' she repeated the words in her mind repeatedly. It sounded like a good idea - being under the tutelage of a Hashira, gaining their knowledge and guidance.

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