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After a peaceful stay at the wisteria house, the three of them were ready for their next day.

"Caww caww Shinazugawa Sanemi, Masachika Kumeno and Nakamura Seiran are to head north,to Yamafuji village caww"

They all looked up at Seiran's crow, Mimi, who was circling around them and continued to caww as she asked them to follow behind.

"I guess we'll be together this time. Keep up! " Masachika smiled at her as she walked with them.The atmosphere between Seiran and Sanemi felt tense and awkward, since neither of them had spoken to each other since their talk yesterday.

Sanemi took glances at her, deciding if he should or should not apologize to her. After a few minutes of hesitation, he slowly walked by her side.

Seiran felt a slight push on her shoulder as Sanemi bumped on it with his arm. Her eyes narrowed and raised an eyebrow in silent question.

"Here, now you can learn what a proper mochi looks like and eat it if you're hungry" Seiran took the package with a smile and gave him a teasing look.

"Now, now nemi... You know what to say when you hurt someone's feelings, right?" Sanemi huffed a bit and looked away but Seiran wasn't surprised when he gently placed his palm on her head and patted it slightly.

"I'm sorry for saying what i said yesterday"

"I forgive you"

They were both okay now.. Sanemi's lips curled into a soft smile and walked forward looking at the path ahead.

Masachika followed behind them silently and smiled knowingly. 'Ahh I never thought I'd be a third wheel... It's not fun at all.. '


The trio had arrived at Yamafuji village as the sun set,just in time for the demons to come out. They each split up to patrol around the village, looking for traces of any demons lurking in the dark.

It seemed as if the villagers were really cautious during the night, Indicating that the demon has been preying for a while.

Her katana had been hidden in her hoari since they can't roam around villages with it, but now it was duty time and her hand slowly made it's way towards it's hilt.

She was scouting around the abandoned houses that the villagers deemed as a dangerous part of the village. A sense of darkness loomed around her and she felt a presence behind her. She focused on her breathing and sharply turned around unsheathing her sword.

Instinctively, she avoided a large slash against her abdomen. "what a surprise. I thought you were a sad little girl and came to comsume- ah comfort you.." The demon moved its neck in a snake-like motion as it feigned a sad look.

"Oh well, you'll taste the same" It grinned at her showing it's grimy teeth and licked it's big lips.

The demon Seiran was fighting had a large body, with long arms, and an abnormally long neck. It looked creepy and somewhat disturbing even for a demon.

"Wisteria breathing, Second Form: Blowing Iris Storm"

Seiran leaped over the demon with a storm of blowing Iris petals surrounding it as a distraction and unleashed 3 slashes to the demon, poisoning it.

Its long arms stretched towards her despite the poison, trying to quench its thirst for blood, even though barely standing.Another set of claws emerged behind and slashed her left arm.

The demon from earlier had slowly yet painfully withered away but this new one was a little annoying. She skillfully jumped away from it, slicing it's hands.

"Looks like I got you good, Demon Slayer…” It snickered, its eyes gleaming with delight at having managed to get such a blow on her.

She ignored its taunting and focused on keeping herself steady, glaring at the demon as she did.

"Wisteria breathing,Third Form: Flowing Lavender Path Of Grace"

Seiran twisted around with a graceful flowing lavender shaded path around them to then unleash 6 powerful slashes all over the demon. The demons head rolled on the ground and it's other parts started disintegrating.

She gracefully landed on the ground and observed for any others. As she moved forward, many such demons made their presence known and from then on, it was continuous cycle of slashing and poisoning.

"Wisteria breathing, Ninth Form: Azaleas Of Guilt"
Seiran leaped into the air and lunged at the demons, making an illusion of Azaleas growing. The demons looked around confused, and then it felt like the azaleas were withering. She calmly walked away from the herd of demons revealing the 11 poisonous slashes on each of their necks.

Sanemi and Masachika were fighting their own battles as they found the demon boss. They had been working together for so long that they could read each other's moves and swiftly take care of the demons. In a matter of minutes, they wiped out the demon lair and rescued a girl who had been taken by the demons.

The little girl was frightened to the core and was shaking like a leaf on a branch. She was even scared of her saviour who looked as if he had been in the world best amusement park. His crazed eyes and blood dripping from his forehead was a terrifying sight for the young one, she was clutching on Masachika's uniform for dear life.

From a distance Sanemi could see the silhouette of Seiran. But she wasn't alone.. a woman was also with her who was crying. They made their way towards her and as soon as the woman's eyes fell on the girl she visibly relaxed and the girl jumped from Masachika's hands towards her mother. They both cried in each others arms and bowed gratefully at them.

Sanemi scanned Seiran with his eyes for any sort of injury and voila! His gaze was fixated on her arm that was poorly patched up with a cloth.

He pulled by her other hand and sat her on a bench in an old house. "Oo Nakamura, you've got a nasty wound.." Masachika looked at the bloody cloth on her arm and winced.

"Good eye, dipsh*t. Now, do you have anything to wrap it or not?" Sanemi rolled his eyes in annoyance and opened the knot.

"You think this'll do?"

Sanemi grabbed the bandage and wiped her wound clean and then wrapped it around her arm. " How things have changed, huh" He smirked at her as he reminded of all the times she had to patch him up everytime he picked a fight.

She laughed at that and took a bit of cotton from Masachika and dabbed on Sanemi's forehead. "Maybe a little bit, but my job is still the same"

Sanemi just shook his head and got up from his seat. "Those f*ckers were spawning like maggots and i want to slice each and every goddamned HEAD OFF!" He breathed harshly, veins popping on his head. Seiran held his hands as she moved close to him.

"You just did that Shinazugawa. And we're doing it tomorrow and the next day afterwards and so on. Don't worry, we won't be running out of them anytime soon" Masachika said as he calmly looked at them and gave a weary smile.

It was their truth. One that they can't change...


Hey guys!!

Hope you like the chapter! I've taken the attack names from wiki fandom, cuz I'm creative like that( ̄∇ ̄)

Thank you for reading<3

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