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'Wait... Shinazugawa Sanemi? Where have I heard that name before?'
Seiran tilted her head and scrutinized the young boy, her fingers rubbing her imaginary beard.

"What are you looking at? weirdo"he asked raising an eyebrow in question.

"Hey! I'm not weird. And you could have handled that situation more cautiously. You both could have gotten hurt" Seiran place her small hands on her hips and looked at the brothers.

Genya's hand on the the bag tightened while Sanemi's eyes hardened at the word. It wouldn't be the first time after all and certainly wouldn't be the last.

"I did what i had to. If we wouldn't stand up for ourselves, then no one will. Let's go Genya" Sanemi turned around to leave when the girl's voice stopped him.

"Wait! Here... I made these" Seiran forwarded a small package that she had in her hand to Genya and fiddled with her yukata. "They're not very pretty but it tastes good. I-I promise I'm not trying to kill you! We don't let the customers be dissatisfied in our shop"

"Are you sure, Nakamura-san?" Genya asked shyly since he didn't want to reject the older girl, but he didn't want to impose on her too.

"Of course, you can ask me whenever you want! I love making sweets" She smiled happily at the kid which made him blush and squeak out a 'Thank you'.

"Are you sure it's just the shape?" Sanemi asked with suspicion since he needs to make sure that his brother wouldn't be sick or him for that matter. Besides, they just met!

*Sigh* "I'm not doing anything with ill intensions. If you're so scared then I can always eat them before you" Seiran huffed as she turned her face away from him.

Sanemi was just confused at the way things were going. A minute ago they didn't have enough money for sweets now a girl who appeared out of nowhere, was forcing them to have her experiments?

"Why are you so hell bent on making us eat? Are you pitying us??" Sanemi looked straight at her doe eyes, towering over her short frame.

Seiran was a bit intimidated by the older boy. 'Only a little bit'. But she gave him an incredulous look tilting her head.

"Why would I pity you? For me... Sharing meals brings happiness. My father said that that's how he met my mother and married her and now she is his happiness" She gave him a soft smile that made his heart to throb but he brushed it off.

"So you have no one else to bother?"

'Arrh this dude was just impossible! '
"As you can see there aren't many kids our age here! So obviously I don't have many friends either. So forgive me if I saw a chance of friendship in an idiot"

Then she turned to patt Genya's head and smiled at him " It wasn't about you, okay. We'll just exclude him"

Genya just innocently nodded at her and voiced out what he understood from her conversation.

"Nakamura- san...if Nemi makes you happy will you be marrying my brother??"

Both of them just stared dumbfoundedly at the kid for a minute.

"What- T-that not-"

"Let's go Genya! We're getting late!" Sanemi just held his collar and dragged the poor kid away as quickly as possible.

Seiran just looked at the brothers as they moved further away. Her shoulders drooped in disappointment and walked home cluching her yukata.

But what she didn't notice was the rosy cheeks on Sanemi's face as he marched past her roughly.

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