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Ik it has a lot of time jumps
I'm sorry if it gets too confusing. They're 18 & 16 btw. Enjoy!

A year had passed since the death of the flower hashira, and Seiran had grown stronger with each passing day. She trained relentlessly, pushing her body to its limits and beyond. She had learned new skills and techniques, her fighting style more refined and effective.

She had also become more confident in her abilities, no longer feeling like she needed to rely on Sanemi as much. But at the same time, she found herself growing closer to him, in ways she never thought before, despite his grumpy and abrasive behavior.

Others might think Seiran is crazy for spending so much time with Sanemi, even the other demon slayers sometimes make comments about how she must be either brave or insane to tolerate him.

But Seiran sees a side of Sanemi that others don't. Sure, he can be rude and harsh, but beneath the rough exterior, there's a softness to him that he rarely lets people see.

Seiran walked through Sanemi's estate, carrying a box of fresh ohagi she had brought for him.

" Sanemi, I'm comming in! " She called out as she entered inside.

As she made her way through the rooms, she noticed a small jar sitting on a table with a beetle locked inside.

She smiled softly, realizing that it was a hobby that Sanemi had clung to since childhood. It was a small sign of his softer side, a reminder that despite his harsh attitude, he had a childlike fascination with beetles.

Sanemi, who had been sitting in the living room, looked up as he heard Seiran's voice. "I told you to stop worrying about announcing yourself," he grumbled, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

He leaned back in his chair, eyeing her as she walked into the room. "What took you so long?" he asked, his gaze taking in the box in her hands.

"I got some ohagi— um...... I-It's the special ones for you" She meant the green tea she'll be brewing for him to eat along. But what made her stutter was his sweaty form that was uncovered at the top.

He was bare-chested, his muscular physique on full display after practicing. She has seen him bare chested before.. He basically flaunts his scars all the time– But this was different....

'God,those muscles look good!' Her inner voice was too shameless!

It was a shocking change from the boyish body she had once known. His chest and arms were now well-defined and full of scars, the result of years of training and battles. The sight of his bare chest made her heart skip a beat, and she struggled to find the right words to continue speaking.

Sanemi raises an eyebrow at her wandering gaze and faltering words. As he observed her reactions, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, a tingling sensation that he recognized all too well. It was the same feeling he got whenever he could tell there were certain sparks flying

He smirked, leaning back further and allowing her to take in the sight of him. "Like what you see?" he asked, a hint of playful tone and arrogance in his voice.

Seiran quickly looked away without missing a beat "Pfft,there's nothing to see."


Sanemi chuckled at Seiran's quick look away and her dismissive comment. He leaned back in his chair, a smirk still on his lips.

"Oh, really? Nothing to see, huh?" he teased, his voice dripping with amusement. He flexed his arms and chest, drawing attention to his muscular physique. "You sure about that?"

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