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Seiran didn't know what to do after everything. This is her world now, where she grew up for the second time. Everyone around her aren't just characters, they were people....

The possibility of the demons harming her family weighed heavily on her. So she did the only thing she knew, to ward off those disgusting creatures from approaching.

Clusters of wisteria flowers hung in dense, cascading bunches of lavender, blue, and white, their delicate petals swaying gently in the breeze. The vines have been carefully trained over wooden trellises around their compounds.

The Sanemi and Genya she knew were sweet kids, although Sanemi could be annoying at times. But if this was supposed to be their backstory, then she had wished to make it a bit more happier, had she realised earlier.

A few years later, Genya went away in search for his brother. The guilt was burdening him.... He just wanted to ask for forgiveness, a chance to tell him that he didn't meant a single word he had said.. even if his brother hated him now...

Seiran wanted to go along with him, however he wanted to do it alone... So she didn't push it and after a few months, she ventured out to her own journey. But she wasn't as confident as the brothers, so she tied a wisteria pouch on her waist just in case..

Now being a member of the demon slayer corps, Seiran was on her way back from her mission and had just stopped to have a little lunch.

The village was a lively one with merchants and the loud chatter from the people. The delicious aroma of different kinds of food lingered in the air from the bustling shops.

*Inhale* 'Wahhh it smells so nice here....'*grrh* Seiran looked at her stomach and quickly steered herself away from the admiring session and walked carefully among the crowded streets. She had managed to go around the pushes and carefully arrived at a soba shop.

She let out a sigh of relief as she escaped but she collided with another person. It made her stumble a little and as she was about to apologize to them, her eyes widened with surprise and then it changed to confused.

'Confused' because the guy whom she recognized to be her childhood friend, looked at her as if he wanted to shred her to pieces. And as he opened his mouth, she realised how much she liked kid Sanemi better.

She smirked at him and watched as it agitated him more. "Hmm you're more foul than I remember, Sanemi"

"What did you just say???" He took a step closer while Masachika slightly held him back with a confused look.

"Sanemi... You're going to make a scene. Why don't you both join me for lunch" Seiran looked at them with a tight lipped smile as she saw people glancing in their direction and asked them to follow after her.

Sanemi's eyes followed the way she went and after a sharp exhale, he entered the shop with Masachika.


"Umm thank you for paying my part of the meal Masachika-san.. You didn't have to..." Seiran said Fidgetting with the money in her hand that he continuously refused.

"You don't have to worry about that, Nakamura. You're Shinazugawa's friend after all" Masachika waved his hand in front of him as no and gave a friendly smile to her that she returned.

"Masachika-san... do you know why Nemi has so many scars?" This question caught Sanemi's attention who was walking behind the two, brooding, his eyes set on Masachika.

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