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Nothing lasts forever

It seems tragedy follows Sanemi like a shadow... The battle against Upper Moon 1 Ubume, felt like a battle of no end - there was no way to win, not even the  hashira could defeat an Upper Moon by themselves.

Masachika lost his life in the midst of battle while Seiran received a near fatal injury from the demon. Sanemi froze for a second and then he snapped, unleashing a violent flurry of attacks on Upper Moon until his body couldn’t handle it anymore.

He hated demons. No, he loathed them. The feeling of hate grew into anger, anger into rage. The anger consumed him as he fought and lost another dear person.

With a final swing of his katana, Ubume's head rolled down the ground with a thud. Sanemi's haggard breaths echoed in the air and watched the demon slowly disintegrating into thin air.

"IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT, YOU F*CKING PIECE OF SH*T!!" He screamed at the empty spot where the demon's body used to be.

He dragged his tired body towards his friends but one look at them, and he knew he couldn't save Masachika anymore so he put pressure on Seiran's abdomen to stop the bleeding.

He doesn't know when or why, but after a few agonizing minutes, some Kakushi's arrived at the scene and carefully carried Seiran away from his hold after giving the necessary first aid to prevent more blood loss.

Sanemi remembers screaming at them, asking where they were taking her and the despair he felt as he saw them cover Masachika's body and then his lack of balance as his own fatigue caught up with him after the harsh battle.

He let the kakushi carry his half-conscious body away from the scene, his eyes never leaving Masachika’s corpse.

Sanemi won the battle but at what cost?

He felt as if he was broken, as if something inside of him had just snapped. His body was on the verge of collapsing, his wounds all over him.Everything felt like it was on fire; his body, his mind, his heart, the ground beneath him.

His thoughts were brought into a halt as he heard the soft whispers of his name. Much to the Kakushi's protest Sanemi forced him towards Seiran and slugishly walked, gritting his teeth.

Seiran was in pain and agony, her abdomen feeling as if it was burning and being stabbed over and over again. Her arm felt heavy even to move and breathing in and out felt like fire blazing throughout her chest.

Everything hurt and she just wanted this to end, taking the easy way and yet she didn’t want to die there as she know who she still had.

Her ears picked up painful screams of Sanemi as she felt she was being carried.Was it a way to calm him down or herself or just a selfish wish for him to be by her side, she hoarsely called out his name which turned out to only be a little louder than a whisper.

After years of searching and after all their losses, their pain, he showed up again. She could never lose him too and vice versa for that matter.

"Sa-ne-mi... I-i'm okay.... I will b-be.." The words she said echoed in his mind as he surrendered to the darkness since he was relieved that even if she was in pain, she told him she’d be alright. That she were okay.

The next time Seiran opened her eyes, she was in an unfamiliar room. The room was light and warm, with sunlight peeking through the windows. Her body felt sore and her stomach in particular was sore and painful, probably due to the injury she sustained.

It was the butterfly mansion, she was currently in their infirmary room.

After the initial shock of being in an unknown place registered, her mind flooded with questions, especially about Sanemi. 'Where is he? What condition is he in? How long was I out? '

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