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Spoiler Alert
There's a bit of spoilers regarding Sanemi's past here! You've been warned!

Since we're talking about Sanemi.... Get ready for lot's of swearing from now on!(´﹏')

After that incident,Sanemi was in a constant state of rage. Yet, he never bowed down to any form of weakness. He was merciless as he looked at the demon in front of him.


It was a rather peaceful night. A velvety night sky filled with stars, the mountains stood as silent as they can be...their silhouettes casting a shadow over the slopes.

As the hours passed, the stillness took on an eerie atmosphere. It was overwhelming.The moon along with the stars,cast a ghostly glow and was the sole source of light.

Then, slowly, the atmosphere began to shift. A soft wave of wind stirred the leaves, carrying with it a chilling, almost metallic scent that was out of place in the clear forest.

Sanemi was vigilant, scrutinizing every nook and corner, for the creature, responsible for the putrid smell.

In the distance, a low scream echoed through the mountains, not quite loud, but a sound that would pierce through the heart with fear and pain.

A faint, almost inaudible mumbles began to weave through the trees. The temperature dropped, and the once comforting chill of the night turned biting, an unnatural cold that seeped into the bones. The shadows grew denser, taking on twisted form, it's laugh of pure glee resonated through the air as it looked at Sanemi, licking the blood off an arm that seemed to be of his latest victim.

Sanemi's grip on his axe tightened as he glared at it with utter disgust. Hatred pumped through his veins every second he watched the demon. He was getting adjusted to the lack of colours he can see now, since the day the tragedy struck, it didn't just take his family, but also the ability to view the cruel world of colours with colour blindness. But it can in no way interfere with his goal of destroying them.

It moved with a predatory grace, slipping in and out of the shadows, its face contorted into an unmistakably sinister smile.

The peace of the night was shattered, replaced by a growing sense of dread. It was as if the mountains themselves had awakened, revealing their dark, hidden secrets and the demons that dwelled within their depths.

The demon pounced on Sanemi with an intent to kill, it's dangerously sharp claws emerged from its hands like that of a cat and aimed it at Sanemi's chest.

Albeit narrowly, Sanemi jumped away and looked at the demon with anger blazing in his eyes. However he didn't notice the trail of a small amount of blood from a nick on his arm, that he received while dodging.

Right that instant, the demon started behaving strangely. It fell like it was intoxicated all of a sudden. Taking it as his opportunity, Sanemi struck it on its head and watched as it rolled on the ground.

He immediately tied that demon on a nearby tree as it still writhed in the tight hold. He knew that he couldn't kill them on his own, not with a normal weapon. So he had been doing the only way he knew how to destroy them, The Sunlight.

It was the same routine for over a year, a bunch of different kinds of weapons were strapped on his back. During those times, he realizes that his blood was a rare speciality among the demons.

They were drunk on his blood and it made their obliteration all the more easy. As a result scars marked his body and face. It made him utterly happy that his blood attracted more demons and it also helped to kill them.

As the days passed, he was getting more and more stronger. The thrill he felt after killing each demon was immeasurable. Currently, he was chasing after a demon who had ran away deeper into the woods. The metallic scent of blood was getting stronger.

His ears sensed an attack coming from behind, and instinctively he blocked it with his sword. A clash of metal resonated in that area, Sanemi's rage filled purple eyes looked at the attacker and found a boy, not more than a few years older than him.

The boy withdrew from him and looked at Sanemi with surprise. "Oh, I apologize for the sudden attack, I was chasing after a demon. Are you alright?"

Sanemi looked at him with suspicion. There were others who were hunting demons like him. His eyes followed to his katana, which had a different glint to it and there were no other weapons or chains on him.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Sanemi spat as he looked at him with an irritated expression.

The boy was taken aback by the hostility emitting from the white haired kid but his attention was drawn towards the demon lurking behind him. In a quick moment, he lurched at it while Sanemi too aimed at it but before Sanemi could reach it, the boy had decapitated the demon's head and he looked at the slowly disintegrating body with shock and a bit of amazement.

The boy's gaze moved from the now empty space and looked at Sanemi. A shadow was cast over his eyes as his spoke sharply.

"Who are you and how did you do that?Huh??"

"I'm Masachika Kumeno, a Demon slayer. We are a group of people trained to kill demons and a nichirin sword. It is a weapon meant to kill them" Masachika explained as he unsheathed his blade once again to show him with a kind smile.

"Then... how can i become one...??" Sanemi was eerily calm as he looked at Masachika dead in the eye.

"E-eh? Well... I can introduce you to my master. Leave it to me!" Masachika was flabbergasted at the boys question since not many people want to join the demon slayer corps willingly. Many are forced by their circumstances and he wondered if he too had one. Nonetheless, he agreed and they were out on a new journey.


5 years later

Sanemi and Masachika had been fighting demons side by side, for so many years and now at sixteen, the number of scars over his body was twice as much if not more..

They had been partnered up for their last mission and were back after slaughtering them to bits. Rays of sunlight fell on them as the night sky changed to light blue hues.

They were walking past different shops on their way when someone bumped into Sanemi. A scowl made it's way to his face as he glared at the person. But his face blanked at the familiar face in front of him and looking at her, she too recognised him.


"Oh it's you..." He blinked for a few seconds and his eyes wandered over her now slightly grown up face. Then his gaze fell on her uniform under the white and pink haori and then to the Katana on her waist. She could feel the rage emitting from him as his eyes glazed over with rage.




Hey lovely people!

                As you can see...this is a Sanemi chapter. Hope you liked it!

Thank you for reading<3

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