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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the small village, Sanemi's life took an unexpected turn. He had been silent for a while. Torn between a feeling of loss as well as of freedom. It wasn't grief in any way,just emptiness...

His abusive father, a looming figure of fear and torment, was found lifeless on the ground, the victim of an unexpected dispute amongst the people who had grudge against him.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, Sanemi found himself suddenly thrust into a role he was prepared for all his life, but it weighed much heavier than he expected.

"I just want my family to be happy..... "

With his heart heavy and his mind reeling, Sanemi stood alone, the weight of his new responsibilities pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket. Tears stung his eyes, but he blinked them back, knowing that he had to be strong for his mother and siblings.

In the midst of his turmoil, a small hand slipped into his own. Turning, Sanemi met the gaze of the young girl, whose eyes held a depth of understanding far beyond their years.

Without a word, the young companion offered a comforting embrace, a silent promise of support in the days to come.

In that moment, amidst the grief and uncertainty, Sanemi felt a glimmer of hope flickering to life within his soul. With his friend by his side, he knew that he would not face this daunting journey alone.

"Thank you, Seiran...." Sanemi said still looking ahead as they were sat on a tiny hill. His mind was much calmer now that he took the time to digest everything.

Seiran just hummed and held his arm tighter. For the first time that day, Sanemi's lips curved in a content smile and they both walked home, hand in hand.


"Oii! Give those to us!"

"YEAH! We want to eat delicious sweets too!"

Two boys no older than thirteen were ganging up on Seiran just as she left her shop to visit the Shinazugawa family.

"I would have given them to you, had you asked nicely. Besides they're not for you" Seiran didn't cower away and stood her ground as she hid it behind her back and walked past them.

But one of the boys blocked her way looking irritated. "Haah? I asked you nicely. Now give it to me, you brat!" He scowled and held her wrist.

Seiran calmly looked at the boy and where his hand was and stared straight into his eyes. "You'll have a broken nose, if you didn't take your hand off me this second"

"Well... Don't you have a smart mouth. Threats won't work on us!" The second boy smirked as he reached behind her for the sweets.

And Seiran kept her word as the next thing they heard was the snapping of bone and then the sight of blood.

"It wasn't a threat"

The boy cried in pain and ran away holding his nose. The other one raged as he fisted her hair and pulled on it. "You bitch! how dare yo-"

"You dare.. lay your filthy hands on my wife!" Sanemi quickly held the older boy by the collar and glared. He just went looking for Seiran since it was taking longer than she always did. And what he saw made his blood boil.

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