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Sanemi watched as Seiran moved effortlessly through the snow, taking down demons with a deadly precision and speed. She had improved tremendously since they started training together, and her skills were near perfected.

He felt a mixture of pride and admiration watching her fight. She had come so far in such a short time, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction seeing how much she had grown.

Sanemi joined the battle fiercely, his blade slicing through demons with deadly precision. The disappearance of demon slayers had them on high alert, their mission was to investigate and eliminate the cause.

As they fought, Sanemi kept a watchful eye on Seiran, making sure she stayed safe while also keeping himself focused on the task at hand.

The duo quickly figured out that the weaker demons were just distractions. The main demon was using captive demon slayers as bait, which meant they had to protect them for a few minutes before they could go all out.

Sanemi clenched his jaw in annoyance, itching to jump into the battle and finish things quickly. "Damn it, we gotta defend these brats or I can just let them die" he mumbled to himself, his grip on his sword tightening.

Seiran followed after him, "There's no way we're letting them die. I'll protect them, you can go ahead!" Sanemi let out an irritated grunt and with a quick nod,he disappeared further into the demon's lair, leaving Seiran to guard the others. He pushed through the darkness of the lair, his senses on high alert as he searched for the main demon. He knew she was capable and trusted her to hold her own.

Seiran could feel the bloodlust emitting from him and she was a bit scared for others whenever he had that deranged look in his eyes.

As Seiran glanced around, her gaze landed on a group of demon slayers who were trapped under snow and shackled with icicles piercing through their hands. They were all looking at her with a mixture of fear and hope in their eyes, depending on her to protect them.

Her heart ached at their situation, but she pushed aside her emotions and took up a defensive position, ready to protect them at all costs.

The initial cold she felt was no where as she continued killing them. "Those who can still move, help the others. If possible, try to find something to warm up"  She instructed.

The demon slayers who could still move quickly followed Seiran's instructions, trying to help their trapped comrades. They helped each other up and started searching for anything that could be used to warm themselves up.

Seiran, meanwhile, continued fighting against the annoying snow demon that kept throwing icicles at her. She dodged and dodged, her eyes flickering around quickly as she searched for an opening. With a swift slash of her katana, Seiran cut off the demon's head and landed on the ground.

After defeating the snow demon, Seiran quickly flicked her katana clean and hurried over to the demon slayers who needed help. She lifted them up one by one, her focus and her guard still intact.

She looked around carefully, making sure no other demons attacked them while she was helping the others.

As Seiran gently rubbed the hands of the demon slayer to warm them up, she didn’t fail to notice the appreciative looks they were giving her. They literally had heart eyes when they looked at her.

They practically held out their hands, silently begging her to warm theirs up as well. One of the demon slayers even muttered, “She's an angel,” and the others quickly nodded in agreement.

Seiran was awkward and didn't know what to do with that so she just gave them a tiny smile. That made them even happier but it quickly vanished from their face as a certain someone made his presence known.

As Sanemi approached, a murderous glint in his eyes.
Sanemi looked at them with murderous intent. "Want me to slash them up? Haarh? The f*ck you're looking at brats!"the demon slayers quickly looked away from Seiran, their expressions shifting from admiration to fear.

They knew they were treading a dangerous territory with his menacing presence.

One of the braver ones tried to speak, but Sanemi's sharp glare silenced him immediately. He stepped closer, practically radiating with anger and aggression. "And you," he said coldly, "What's the matter? Got something to say, huh?"

Seiran quickly held back sanemi as he sized up the demon slayer. The guy trembled like a leaf as he faced the wind hashira. "Nemi, stop scaring them. We should leave now" Seiran tugged him away when the kakushi arrived.

It was only after he was sure that the wind hashira had left, did the demon slayer breathe peacefully and laid down exhausted.

Sanemi let out a growl of annoyance, but he allowed Seiran to tug him away from the group of demon slayers. He shot them one last glare before following her.

"They were looking at you weird," he muttered as he followed her, his eyes still glinting with annoyance. "It pissed me off."

"Okay okay.. They were just glad that they were saved Sanemi.. " She replied, trying to be unbothered while on the inside, she was jumping up and down at the giddy feeling.

Sanemi huffed in annoyance, still irritated by the way the demon slayers had looked at Seiran. "I swear, the next time someone looks at you like that, I'll cut their eyes out."

He said bluntly with a sharp glance at her, his protective nature towards her shining through.

She looked at him with a soft gaze and turned to hug him. "Thank you for always looking out for me Nemi.. I don't know what I'd do without you.. " He reciprocated, holding her tight. "I promised, didn't I? If it weren't for me, you'd still be crying over your deformed creations"

She smacked on his chest while he chuckled holding it there and she smiled in content, smuggling in his warm chest. She wanted to hear him laugh more, to be free.. Alas, that was only a wish for now...


It's been a few months, and a lot had changed. The news of the demise of the Flower Hashira, Kanae Kocho, had hit the entire Demon Slayer Corp like a wrecking ball. The normally cheerful and kind Hashira, known for her gentle demeanor and caring nature, was suddenly gone, leaving a huge void in the Corp.

Seiran's heart had sunk as she heard the news. She had not known Kanae personally, but the loss of one of the strongest Hashiras was a heavy blow.

Seiran recalled Shinobu's reaction to her sister's death. The young girl had been devastated, She could feel the grief and anger from her. But then, as if a switch had been flipped, she started smiling, albeit with a hollow quality to it.

It was as if she masked her true self behind a facade. And the young girl kanao, the Kocho sisters had adopted looked utterly lost. She was a sweet child who's will of choice was snached away by some demons in human form.

Seiran wordlessly helped out at the butterfly estate while they were grieving for Shinobu will be taking over the estate.

'The arrival of Tanjiro and the others still has a few more years.... I'll make sure to save everyone as much as I can... '


Thank you for reading<3

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