Chapter 9: P.E time part 1

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Boyfriend washed his face in preparation for a session of P.E. he hated it, having to break his fucking legs in order to do so. 

however, no one was there. he was out of P.E due to being challenged to some rap battles, so that excused him.

''okay....'' he was dumbfounded at this revelation.

then, the challengers appeared. first, there was A.G.O.T.I. then, there was John, who was a red bean who had a white captain hat and white suit with a black tie. [yes, i'm letting my friend John and his brother Nixon in this, they're the adopted sons of red and green from vs impostor], alongside his brother Nixon, who was a green bean with a wizard hat. finally, there was Whitty. 

[just to let you know, i'm not gonna do every good FNF song. they will have to stop eventually.]

''alrighty then. who's up first?'' Boyfriend asked. he flipped his mic.

''i think i will'' A.G.O.T.I spoke. he flashed his tongue, then he grabbed a mic with his tentacle, before holding it. ''bring it!''

then, Boyfriend recognized him. A.G.O.T.I was one of the Starmen.

Boyfriend won, with A.G.O.T.I simply shaking his hand. 

then, next up was John. he flipped his mic as he stepped on.

''alright. let's see what you can do'' John smirked.

Boyfriend had once again won. John simply sighed, then walked off.

''my turn!'' Nixon took place, spinning his own mic.

Nixon walked off after his round, then Boyfriend noticed there was only Whitty.

''alright, one more, then i'm heading out to P.E with the rest of my class'' he spoke.

''you got it, dude'' Whitty challenged

after Whitty's round, they headed to their own classes.

Boyfriend arrived just a few seconds on time before anyone could notice he was gone.

''there you are man! i had to cover up by saying you had to piss'' Pico whispered.

''thanks bud. so what are we doing this time? dodging tennis balls?'' Boyfriend asked.

''trust me, i had to deal with a rumbling stomach, someone's itchy ass and another guy complaining about it not being hot.'' Pico spoke.

''alright. so what are we doing now?'' Boyfriend asked.

''well, you see, we're gonna play a little game of dodgeball this time. yeah, i know, fucking awkward. i ain't gettin' ma face slammed into by a ball'' Pico spoke in front line.

''unfortunately we've grown used to this hellhole known as shool'' Boyfriend mumbled. ''besides, i let my sister borrow one of my jackets, so that's something i suppose, and this is my favorite one anyway'' 

''it's pronounced school, jackass' Pico facepalmed.

''what?! i'm so sick of this place, i might as well call it shool'' Boyfriend kicked a nerby rock, and it landed with five others right near the tennis court's gates.

''i feel you, dude. but unfortunately, if we're gonna make it out in life, this is our one option'' Pico put his hand on Boyfriend's shoulder.

Girlfriend's POV

i ran across the field, doing laps for P.E. 

i thought of Tabi, and how i wanted to be with him again. but then again, i heard, my sister got over her crush on Pico because they decided to just be friends. [they talked, yes].

i thought to myself. then i overheard Tabi and A.G.O.T.I talking about Boyfriend. i snuck behind them.

''you actually rap battled him? you lost? i thought you'd easily beat his ass'' Tabi was amazed.

''i know! you gotta try him, Tabro!'' A.G.O.T.I responded. 

''yeah, i should. he refused to be a part of the football team, so he should regret this!'' Tabi responded.

''good luck man. if he still won't... just fuck it, he ain't gonna change his mind.'' A.G.O.T.I encouraged. they fist bumped and continued their football practise, then i went back to running.

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