Chapter 14: being a bad boy isn't so bad, isn't it?

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Boyfriend kept walking with Girlfriend across various corners of the city, the corners that he knew best. 

''so how's the showcase?'' Boyfriend asked as he held onto her so she wouldn't fall off a long wall of cans.

''um, it's very eventful and everything, but it's not really my style'' Girlfriend said. ''i need to get home soon, mom and dad may be wondering where i am''

''just tell them you had to see Carol'' Boyfriend responded.


Boyfriend then dragged Girlfriend over to a good amount of tabletops. 

''bet you can't dance.'' he teased, then he jumped on one of them, and tap-danced all over the table, his steps being so graceful like he was dancing to Gerudo valley. 

''come on, show me your moves, girl. i bet they're even better'' he said as he hopped down.

''are you sure about this? this might be someone's table, for god's sake'' Girlfriend was massively reluctant to do so.

''it's okay, you CAN do it. i have faith'' Boyfriend encouraged her.

''i'm gonna get in a lot of trouble for this...'' Girlfriend was nervous. she then hopped on the table, and started doing tap-dancing, maybe even better then Boyfriend's. Boyfriend looked at her feet, blushing at her overall. he was amazed at how stunning she did it.

''how did you do that?'' he asked her.

''i took a few dancing lessons in primary school'' Girlfriend explained as she hopped down.

''see? no one's around, so this is totally a-okay.'' Boyfriend thumbed up.

''still, i don't want anyone fining us or some shiz like that'' Girlfriend discussed how nervous she was.

''don't worry about it. besides, we can just run as fast as we can from the authorities before they find us out'' Boyfriend spoke. then he and Girlfriend walked off to a bench.

''it's not so bad, isn't it? i've showed you my routine after school'' Boyfriend said. ''or, most of it anyway.''

''um, thanks.... you know thanks for saving me from Nate back there'' Girlfriend said. she then, without thought, hugged him. he simply hugged her back.

''it was nothing. well, i mean in all honesty it would be nothing if it wasn't the worst thing that can happen to a human being. i'm happy i cheered you up.'' Boyfriend smiled as he said that. he was about to touch her shoulder, but she pulled it away.

''sorry, i just don't think i'm gonna be comfortable with shoulder touching for a long time'' Girlfriend said.

''no problem. besides, who needs shoulder touching when i can do you safer?'' Boyfriend calmly spoke.

''you know, i'll admit it... i had fun'' Girlfriend smiled. 

''i'm glad you did. after all, it is fun.'' Boyfriend also smiled.

Girlfriend then felt her hand move closer to Boyfriend, before she eventually snapped it back to her. 

''so now that that's all sorted, you can head back now.'' Boyfriend said.

Girlfriend nodded, and waved goodbye. 

''we should do this again sometime!'' Girlfriend spoke up. Boyfriend nodded.

when everyone was out of sight, Girlfriend spread demon wings, and made it home to her room before anyone could notice she was gone.

she sat there, on top of her bed, before her mom came in.

''um, dear? you don't seem too well. we didn't see you at school'' Mommy Mearest asked.

''i was at Carol's house. had a pretty bad accident'' Girlfriend lied. she felt bad for doing so, but she knew this was the best she could come up with. Double M simply nodded, hugged her, and let her know that dinner was almost ready.

as her mother left, Girlfriend looked out a bit.

''do i like him....?'' was all she spoke.

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