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Jazzlyn's POV
Another day at work in the office and I have a few design requests from some of the male and female wrestlers. I love my job and everything I do and I love that I can to do my dream of being a designer.

This is literally the best job I could ask for.

But I wish I didn't have to share it with the bloodline. Especially Jey Uso.

I hate that man with the bottom of my heart and I wish him and his whole bloodline could stop acting like the run this company. Which they don't because Paul Leveque does but they hold all the gold here, which is why they feel so damn entitled.

They walk around here in a bloodline pack with their chins up high, expensive J's and their championship dripped across their shoulders. They got their own private locker, specifically for Bloodline members only and their very own wiseman.

The thought of sneaking inside and trashing the entire locker room cross my mind but I have to remain professional here in order to keep my damn job. I only been working here for about six years and I'm going into my seventh.

I'll soon get a bonus and then move out of my apartment and live in a house and start a family with my boyfriend, Tony. We've been together for about two years and he's such a sweet guy.

"Hey Jazzlyn, just the girl I was looking for. This is Bella Nemeth, one of our newest NXT superstars and I was wondering if you could design a gear for her. Her debut is next month and you're the best at gear." Shawn Michaels, the Head of NXT said to me.

"I would be more than happy to." I excepted as we shake hands out of respect.

"Thank you Jazzlyn." Shawn says and leaves me with Bella, the new NXT superstar.

"I'm Jazzlyn, nice to meet you Bella. How old are you? You seem a bit young." I asked her.

"I'm eighteen and I've been wrestling since about three years. I can't wait for my debut and to wear my gear and preform." She said to me as she was super excited.

"Don't worry. I will make sure your gear is perfect. I actually have some rough drafts for you to pick. Pick your style and color and I will get I can get started." I said showing Bella all my designs.

She love them all but she ended up picking the one she wanted.

"Excellent Taste." I complimented her. "So Nemeth? I feel like I heard that last name before." I mentioned to Bella.

"I'm Dolph Zigglers little sister." She admitted and my mouth opened wide open.

"No fucking way! For real!? I mean....you kinda look like him." I said and Bella laughed.

"Thank god we're not twins." Bella joked and we giggled.

"Hehehe!" We heard another laugh chiming in.

All of a sudden, Jey comes interrupting us as she holds a black gym bag in around his shoulder. Bella and I were no longer smiling as his presence killed the entire mood.

I was now frowning and overly annoyed of his presence that Jey is even here right now.

"We need to talk-"Jey deep bass voice spoke to me. "Alone." He finishes as she looks directly at Bella.

She look a bit intimidated by Jey since she had no idea what she did wrong and why she has to leave. I give her a nod and she eventually did leave, leaving me and Jey alone in my work office.

"What the hell do you want? I was busy working with someone else." I questioned him annoyed.

"I don't give a fuck who you were working with. I need you now." Jey stated as he dropped his gym bag all over my rough drafts. "I got a hole in my gear. I need you to fix that before tonight." He demands.

"And what makes you think I would fix it for you?"

"You don't have a choice. It's literally your job to fix and make gear." He reminds me.

I roll my eyes at him. "I help people when they are respectful and nice to me. Not that I ever want your respect because I fucking hate everything about you."

"I'm sure you do hate everything about me. You've always been hatting on me Princess. Since we were teens but since we talking about hating, lemme tell me how much I hate yo ass. I don't like yo hair, your face, your attitude, and especially how you act like you all big and better than me." He goes off telling me and every word he told me boil my blood.

"I feel the same way. You're a narcissist, a bully and you and your whole family think ya'll the shit around here all because ya'll hold all the titles. I don't give a fuck about ya'll!" I practically raised my voice at him.

Jey stare me down, anger at my outburst of what I said about him and his family.

"Aye, you better pipe down bout my family. You can hate me but I'm not bout to let you disrespect my family and their hard work."

"You think I give a fuck?"

"You better, I'm not playing wit you and you better fix my gear or I'll go to management and tell them you don't wanna do it." He threatens me.

See! This is what I mean. He feels so damn entitled to use Management against me. This damn boy!

I roll my eyes and stubbornly sat down on my desk and grabbed my sewing kit and began to work on and fix the stupid hole on his damn gear.

"Yeah that's what I thought. I'll be back before the show once you're done with my gear." He said lastly and left me alone finally in my office.

God, I wish I can slap that stupid grin off his face. I really wish I could be I can't. I can't loose my job because of him. This job is my dream and I would be damned if Jey took that away from me.

A/N: This the first chapter of my book! I will release multiple chapters but I just want yall to have an idea on how this story gonna go.

Special thanks to Bellanemeth23  for being apart of this book!

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